Strange story player

Chapter 359 Weird Public Toilet (Second Update)

Public restroom.

Taking a deep breath, Du Bian suddenly stopped when he was about to rush in!


No, think again.

The rules mention that public toilet areas cannot be disinfected and are extremely dangerous!

Why can't it be disinfected?

What does disinfection mean?

If disinfection can be linked to subsequent dangers, that means it is extremely dangerous because it cannot be disinfected?

No... think again.

Du Bi'an stopped abruptly at the door of the public toilet. He was really anxious just now.

He was anxious to leave here and find Xu Tingfang.

But the moment he was about to step into the public toilet, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the rules!

[If you hear strange noises, you need to go and check immediately] and [When using the toilet, pay attention to the footsteps outside the door. If the footsteps are soft, open the door immediately and leave with him. The footsteps are heavy, keep quiet, don't be discovered by him] These two rules are contrary to each other.

The latter requires him to distinguish the severity of footsteps, regardless of the standards of lightness and heavyness for the time being, but the decision-making regarding the severity of footsteps contradicts the first point!

If he is in the toilet and hears heavier footsteps, he needs to keep quiet so as not to be discovered by "him", but the previous rule requires him to [If he hears a strange noise, he needs to go forward and check it out immediately].

Both rules are written on the sign, which one should you follow?

Also, why are the words "extremely dangerous" highlighted in red?

Du Bi'an was suddenly startled, and he looked at the sign full of rules again.

No, that's not right!

The text marked in red is full of malice! This shocking color has no other effect at all except making players more panicked. "Something" has tampered with this sign!

The black text is a rule statement without any emotional color, but when the four words "extreme danger" are colored, it obviously has a stronger "emotional color".

Those four words "extremely dangerous" are not the original text! In other words, one of the two contradictory rules is false!

[If you hear strange noises, you need to go and check immediately] and [When using the toilet, pay attention to the footsteps outside the door. If the footsteps are light, open the door immediately and leave with him. The footsteps are heavy, keep quiet, don't be discovered by him], these two rules are only taken from the surface, the first one is really weird.

What does "If you hear a strange noise, you need to go check it out immediately"?

This makes no sense at all. Whether in reality or in a horror movie, the logic of this behavior does not make sense. It is completely a way to die.

There is another point. Du Bi'an thought about it carefully. Among the rules about public toilet areas, only this one mentions "if".

All the other rules don't use this ambiguous word, right...

This rule is a trap!

The more Du Bi'an thought about it, the more he felt it was right. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone. Although there was no signal, he couldn't help but send a message to others.

In the prompt of [Opening Statement], the only thing players can believe are the rules written everywhere. But now, the "weird" people in the sick village can actually tamper with the signs written with the rules, so the problem becomes troublesome. .

Although from the current point of view, that "thing" cannot change the original rules, it can only add one more to it, or change the color, but it is still dangerous enough.

We must remind everyone that not all rules can be fully trusted.

However, even if the message is sent, no one can receive it.

We still need to meet up as quickly as possible.

Thinking of this, Du Bi'an didn't waste any time. After taking a few deep breaths, he held it in and rushed into the toilet.


He can hold his breath longer than ordinary people. After all, players in [Tongjie] will work hard to train their bodies in the real world.

Most people can hold it for forty seconds to one minute, but he can hold it for nearly two minutes, which is already considered a very good level.

But time is still very tight.

He has to complete a series of actions within two minutes.

The first action...

[Make sure you are alone in the toilet. 】

This is a requirement in the rules.

Du Bi'an rushed into the toilet and opened the single rooms one by one. In this case, it was impossible for him to make his movements slight, so he moved very loudly and ran very fast.

But there's nothing in the rules about keeping quiet.

Adhering to the principle that if you don't say no, it's okay, Du Bi'an can no longer control so much.




He opened the public toilet stall doors one after another and inspected them quickly.

Be quick...quick!

Du Bi'an was holding his breath, and he didn't even have time to see the details of the public toilet, only a general look.

The only good news is that the public toilets in the sick village are not divided into men and women and are universal, which saves Du Bi'an a lot of time.

However... when he pushed the toilet cubicle door to the second to last one, the door didn't move.


There's something in this compartment!

Du Bi'an's scalp feels numb, what should he do now?

The rules only say "make sure you are alone in the toilet", but now you are not the only one in the toilet!

At this moment, the sound of flushing water suddenly came from the single room with the door closed.

The sound of flushing water made Du Bi'an tremble, but then he calmed down, immediately turned around, opened the door of the opposite compartment, and hurried in.

No...I can't hold it in anymore, I need to use the toilet quickly!

Checking the toilet took close to thirty seconds.

This was much faster than Du Bian imagined, but there was one thing he didn't think of in advance.

That is, in the state of exercise, his holding time is greatly reduced!

I could hold it in for two minutes originally, but now it might be too much to hold it in for one minute and thirty seconds.

be quick……

He has to go to the toilet, and the last rule is [you can leave the public toilet after using the toilet], and there can be no further delay.

He quickly closed the door, unbuckled his pants, and started peeing.

Du Bi'an's heart was pounding. Who was in that door that couldn't be opened?

Is it a ghost?

He must have heard the noise I made...

what to do……

Just then, suddenly!

He heard rapid footsteps!


Something's coming in!

Du Bi'an held his breath.

Damn it, why did you come when I was going to the toilet?

It will definitely be heard by "it".

Du Bi'an was terrified, but at this moment...

He suddenly saw five words written on the toilet door.

[Open the door and go out! 】

These five words made Du Bi'an startled. He suddenly felt that these words looked familiar! ?

This font is...

Before he could think about it, suddenly, something terrible happened!




That "thing" is opening the door...

It is opening the doors one by one to check!

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