Strange story player

Chapter 351 Strange stories are coming

how so?

Qin Manjiang pressed his heart, suppressed the feeling of being summoned, and dialed the phone.


"What's wrong?"

Kong, who answered the phone, also heard something wrong in Qin Manjiang's tone.

"Why do I still feel panicked about being summoned by [Tongjie]? Haven't you already sent someone to take my place in Fucheng?" Qin Manjiang asked in an extremely uncomfortable tone.

"Can you still feel the call of the pupil world?" Sora's expression also changed.


There is already a "Qin Manjiang" on the other side of Fucheng Tongjie.

And he knew very well that "Qin Manjiang" would never make any mistakes, it was absolutely impossible...

But, why can this Qin Manjiang still feel the call of Fucheng Tongjie?

"Can you resist the summons?" Sora asked.

Qin Manjiang pressed his heart, stumbled into the elevator, and went downstairs.

"It's okay for the time being, won't last long." He answered with difficulty.

What's going on? We've already arrived at Moon City, why can we still receive Fucheng's pupil summons?

Kong frowned, remained silent for a moment, and said to Qin Manjiang: "The dog will come to you in three minutes."

"What's the point of him coming to me?" Qin Manjiang gritted his teeth. He could hardly resist this call of panic.

"If I am dragged back to Fucheng and see those people again, my appetite will be out of control. If you don't stop me..." Veins popped out on Qin Manjiang's neck, and it became very difficult for him to even speak, "I will destroy everything. ,"

"So, hold on for three minutes and wait for the dog." Sora's voice was also extremely serious.

"It's so simple..." Qin Manjiang gritted his teeth desperately, his face was red, his head was sweating profusely, and his muscles were tense. He even had to hit the elevator car crazily and stimulate himself with pain to feel a little better.

But he still didn't understand the use of letting the dog come over. Could the dog help him resist the call of the pupil world?

three minutes……

The elevator door opened, and Qin Manjiang rushed to the bathroom in the lobby on the first floor, turned on the cold water, and kept rinsing his face.

If this happens suddenly tonight, it's obvious that something happened in Fucheng.

Fucheng [Pupillary Realm] is summoning players.

The new ultimate game is coming.

Moreover, the Summoning from the Eye Realm actually wanted to force him back when he was far away in Moon City and had a "substitute"!

No... As long as you see them, you will lose control. You must not go back...

The water in the faucet made a gurgling sound, and Qin Manjiang frantically rinsed his face with ice water.

But at this time, he was unable to notice that there was a stream of water in the sink, and the direction of the flow was very unusual.

It's almost like the water has a life of its own...



It was already late at night when everyone returned to the city from Qiaojiacun.

The bodies of Mei Sijun and Qiao Ziru were temporarily stored in the coffins in [Tongjie] by "Qin Manjiang".

But only Shi Xi knew about this.

Externally, Nie Yunzhen said that these bodies were temporarily stored at Yan Xiao's place.

Even if someone has questions about her words, they will not raise them in person.

This woman knows how to "tame" other players.

However, just when everyone went home and went to bed to rest, a strong feeling of heart palpitations and panic came over.

Then, the world began to spin, and in the boundless darkness, dense pupils filled all directions.

Pupil world.

A new round of games has begun.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the ten dark spots under the huge spiral pupil.

[Death as scheduled] and [Wedding Dress] have both been cleared. Five of them have been lit up, and they are halfway done...

Under the gaze of everyone, the dark spot of the sixth spiritual pupil has outlined a bloody edge of light.


Not knowing which player's voice it was, the remaining players all raised their heads and looked at the dome.

A cluster of scarlet light spread out from the dark spot of the sixth spiritual pupil, twisting and squirming in the dark void, and soon... four lines of blood-red text were densely arranged.

[Strange story: Sick Village. 】

[In the southwest of Fucheng, among the miasma, diseased bones are soaked in blood, and the intestines are rotten by mad poison. 】

[Limited time: three days. 】

This is? !

A strange story that has never been heard before, and a... village that everyone has never heard of.

Sick village?

Is there such a village in the southwest of Fucheng?

Everyone looked at each other.

Soon, all the eyes in the entire space moved.

Under the dense gaze, the first player appeared.

Male, Du Bi'an.

I once cleared the ghost story "Close Your Eyes".

No one was surprised that he was selected, because Du Bian had not been selected for a long time.

Du Bi'an himself also breathed a sigh of relief. He had expected it.

But he still subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

There... was the person he most wanted to get close to after escaping from death, but also the person he least dared to get close to.

Xu Tingfang.

That woman read all his thoughts at the last moment and even predicted his thoughts, thus retaining the final hope of passing the level.

After that time, he could no longer erase her presence from his heart.

But both of them knew very well that they had no future. On days like this, they were not qualified to talk about unnecessary feelings.

So, since that time, the two of them have been avoiding each other.

But this time, whether it was a coincidence or the malice of "God", when Du Bi'an was selected, the second selected person soon appeared.

A layer of red light appeared outside Xu Tingfang's body.

She is the second one.

She...was also chosen.

Xu Tingfang didn't react at all, standing there with a calm face, and... didn't even look at Du Bian.

Then, the third person appeared.

Yu Ruoli.

She, who was not a member of the Ten Seats, lost her code name of Youyu, and her real name appeared above her head.

Yu Ruoli took a look at "Qin Manjiang" and found that Qin Manjiang was staring at the largest pupil on the dome with great interest and did not notice her at all.

On the other hand, Chen Zhiyuan nodded to her, as if to cheer up.

And Liu Jingqing was looking at her worriedly...

The fourth person soon appeared.

A middle-aged man with a sallow complexion stared at the other three selected players, his lips moving back and forth as if talking to himself.

Everyone was talking about it.

Many people know this person.

His name is Luo Chengyou, and he is already in a semi-crazy state.

Before long, this middle-aged man may become completely insane.

At this time, some people inevitably turned their attention to the "abyss", which was Qin Manjiang.

If nothing else happens, he will still be selected.

However, the person chosen this time was... Shen Ku.

When his pupils were staring at Shen Su, his expression remained unchanged, but his eyes kept focusing on the words in blood.

Especially the words "sick village".

Code name - player.


Selected again by the ultimate game.

Just when everyone thought that this time the player choice had ended.

All the small pupils, and the largest pupil, suddenly looked at the same position!

But it was dark and deserted there!

However, under the gaze of everyone, the space suddenly became shadowy, and a blurry figure was gradually outlined in the darkness.

Alone, man!

The man wearing the white mask!

Appeared out of thin air...

"Who is that?"

"never seen it?"

"Do you know each other?"

"new player?"

"Aren't there no more new players?"


There was a lot of discussion in the pupil world.

What's even weirder is that the man wearing a white mask has the words above his head flashing rapidly like garbled characters, and everyone can't see his codename or name clearly!

what happened?

This abnormality attracted the attention of everyone present. This... was so unusual.

Until, the fluctuating garbled "text" suddenly stopped, and the blood strokes began to arrange and combine. Finally, above his head, two words slowly formed -


(New copy is coming!)

Thanks for drinking milk tea when I'm sleepy, Baoqing, Sick Thirteen, and Meizi for the rewards.

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