Strange story player

Chapter 348 Ice

"I understand..." Fang Xiu was so excited that his hands were trembling. He was not timid, he just thought that players like him who did not have permanent props must be extremely weak.

But now after Qin Manjiang's reminder, he suddenly realized that he was not without countermeasures.

The hunter's strange abilities are not invincible, they can even... be used to kill the opponent!

"Thank you..." He looked at Qin Manjiang and didn't know what to say for a moment.

There is no love or hate between people for no reason, even just eye contact is one of the reasons.

But why did this man named Qin Manjiang want to help him?

And listening to all his words, the other party knows Tongjie very well, even better than himself.

Could it be...

"Are you a player who escaped from the Pupil Realm in the past?!" Fang Xiu suddenly thought of a possibility and his eyes widened in surprise.

Qin Manjiang laughed dumbly, but he did not deny it. He just said slowly: "It's right to say escape."

Fang Xiu took Qin Manjiang's words as affirmation, and he became even more excited.

With such people by your side to help you, there is really hope to escape the pupil world permanently!

This man named Qin Manjiang is just like the "grandpa" who suddenly comes to the side of the unlucky protagonist in the novel.

I won't be the protagonist, right?

Fang Xiu had a nonsensical thought in his mind.

But Qin Manjiang suddenly said: "However, I want to remind you, you said that your group has been hiding well, but this time Chen Qiu was discovered and then killed. This is different from usual, so , something must have happened."

"The other party chose the crowded square stairs just to attract people who know Chen Qiu. Not to mention your performance, even I, an outsider, can see that there is something wrong with the emotions on your face. If there are any people in the crowd of onlookers before, The murderer, he must have confirmed your identity."

Speaking of this, Qin Manjiang suddenly asked: "After seeing Chen Qiu's body, you didn't contact the other players in your group, right?"

However, when Qin Manjiang looked at Fang Xiu's expression, he found that Fang Xiu's face was stiff. He looked at Qin Manjiang in horror: "I...I called another player and asked her to move her residence. I'll prepare it first. Another place, because where she lives now is too close to Chen Qiu’s address, I’m worried, just..."

"Don't tell me that you took the opportunity to make the call while cleaning up the scene." Qin Manjiang was speechless.


"Don't tell me that you mentioned the transfer address directly during the call."


Fang Xiu's face was very ugly.

Qin Manjiang took a deep breath: "You'd better call her quickly and ask her to move her residence. The murderer is in the crowd. Even if he can't hear it, it's not difficult to distinguish your lip language."


Fang Xiu was already confused. He quickly picked up his cell phone and called Yan Yaoling.

She is also one of the players, and she lives very close to Chen Qiu.

However, when Fang Xiu dialed the number, he discovered that the other party had turned off his phone...

He looked at Qin Manjiang: "It's so late, she has already turned off her phone and gone to bed."

"It's a good habit to have before going to bed. Next time, ask her not to turn off her phone." Qin Manjiang turned around and got into the police car.

Then he stretched out his fingers and knocked on the car window. The other person said, "Why don't you get in the car?"

"Oh... um!" Fang Xiu quickly got into the car and drove to the residence he prepared.

Yan Yaoling...don't let anything happen to you...


In a dark room.

When she opened her eyes, Yan Yaoling thought she was still dreaming.

it's too cold.

It was so cold that she thought she wasn't covered with a quilt at all.

Glancing at the clock beside the bed, it was already past twelve o'clock.

After she received the call from Fang Xiu informing her of the transfer, she immediately moved her residence.

Fang Xiu didn't say why he wanted to move. Anyway, his tone was quite anxious. She still listened to Fang Xiu's words. After all, Yan Yaoling didn't find it strange that he suddenly asked her to change her residence before.

But she was exhausted from all the busy work at night.

Arriving at the rental apartment that Fang Xiu had prepared a long time ago, after simply washing up, he felt sleepy.

After waiting for a while, she turned off her phone and fell asleep when he still hadn't contacted her at half past ten.

Now, she almost woke up out of cold.

I glanced sideways at the air conditioner. The heater was clearly turned on. Why is it so cold tonight?


Why does the warm air from the air conditioner turn into cold air?

No wonder it's so cold.

Yan Yaoling helplessly sat up from the bed and leaned out to get the air conditioner remote control thrown on the sofa seat.

In this season, it was painful to leave the bed, and she really didn't want to get out of bed.

Stretching out her hands and leaning forward hard, she moved little by little towards the sofa chair.

And at this moment, she suddenly had a strange feeling.

There seemed to be something staring at me somewhere in the house.

Yan Yaoling paused with her extended hand and turned her head to look.

The room was dark, except for the alarm clock hands on the bedside table, which glowed green.

She didn't turn on the light, but her eyes were almost used to the darkness.

I glanced around the room and found that no one was there.



A gasp suddenly appeared in the direction of the ceiling!

Yan Yaoling trembled, and she was so frightened that she subconsciously looked up at the ceiling.

How could there be someone above your head?

Besides, there won’t be any ghosts, right? This is not in a ghost story game...

She had retracted her outstretched hand and put it into the quilt, staring straight at the ceiling...but she couldn't see clearly.

No, you have to turn on the lights...

Yan Yaoling tentatively groped around the bedside, where there was a light switch.

However, when her hand touched the wall, she felt a sting instantly!

As if a sharp blade had cut her finger, she suddenly retracted, but soon she realized that there couldn't be any sharp blade on the wall. The reason why she felt a tingling pain was because of the cold. The wall was too cold and freezing. The skin is sore.

Yan Yaoling breathed a sigh of relief. She really thought too much and was scaring herself all the time.

It's all Fang Xiu's fault. He always makes a fuss, but it's understandable because of his professional habits. Everything he looks at is suspicious, and everything he looks at feels like the person chasing them is coming.

Stretching out her hand again, enduring the cold sting, she touched the switch and pressed it hard.


The lights in the room instantly turned on, but what she saw in the room made the hairs on her body stand on end, and her eyes were split with fear!

Densely packed, all kinds of ice picks are hung all over the walls of the house!

There was still her blood on the wall she was groping just now! There was a large piece of tiny ice pick there, which indeed pricked her finger like a sharp blade. It was not entirely cold!

How is it possible... No, what's going on?

There was a brief blank in Yan Yaoling's mind, and no matter how slow she was, she realized something was wrong.

She immediately wrapped herself in a quilt and climbed up, wanting to escape from here.

However, when she was about to take off her feet, she was shocked to find that...the floor of the entire room was also covered with dense ice spikes!

She tried to move her feet, but found that these ice spikes were as hard and sharp as iron spikes.

He was simply... surrounded by solid ice.

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