Strange story player

Chapter 344 The Third Way

"Xiao Fang?"

"Xiao Fang!"

Wang Pingchang glanced doubtfully in the direction of the police car and shouted loudly.

"Here we come, captain!" Fang Xiu finally reacted. He reluctantly turned around and responded, then looked at Qin Manjiang and asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

"Qin Manjiang." Qin Manjiang did not hide his name. He smiled and said, "If you don't go over, the criminal police captain will come to find you."

"Don't worry," Qin Manjiang leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes comfortably, "I won't leave. See you soon."

Fang Xiu then left doubtfully.

This person has a similar smell to those people...

However, he had never heard of or seen such a person.

No...that's not right.

Those madmen in [Tongjie] have already started hunting. They will never reveal their true colors. In previous games, they also insisted on using only code names. Maybe this "Qin Manjiang" is one of those people.

The more Fang Xiu thought about it, the colder his heart became.

Has his identity in reality been discovered?

Chen Qiu died. There was such a strange man at the scene of Chen Qiu's death. It was difficult for him not to suspect that it was this "Qin Manjiang" who was responsible.

After all, judging from the circumstances of Chen Qiu's death, this was by no means a simple homicide. There must be strange forces involved.

[Tongkai] has entered the final stage and will no longer release the game, so... there is only one answer...

It was their hands!

Chen Qiu's real identity was exposed, and he was targeted by those madmen and then killed.

However, only a few people, including him, knew Chen Qiu's true identity.

These few of them insisted on the final bottom line and did not participate in the fight. Could it be that... there was a traitor?

In short, no matter what the situation is, the man named Qin Manjiang is definitely not simple.

Fang Xiu looked back at Qin Manjiang.

His absent-minded look had long been noticed by captain Wang Pingchang. Seeing that he was distracted again, Wang Pingchang bumped his back with his elbow and frowned: "At the scene of the murder, pay attention."

Fang Xiu quickly turned his head and said, "Yes, I'm sorry...captain."

Just when Fang Xiu was about to do something, Wang Pingchang Zhuangruo asked unintentionally: "You have been looking at the reporter. Is there anything wrong with him?"

Fang Xiu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head sheepishly: "No, no, I just think he looks familiar, not that I found anything suspicious."

"Do you feel this way too?" Wang Pingchang said in surprise.

"Ah?" Xiu Xiu was stunned. He was just looking for a random excuse, but he didn't expect Wang Pingchang to follow his words.

He could only laugh and scratch his head: "Yes... yes, it looks familiar, but I can't remember it."

Wang Pingchang frowned and turned to look in the direction of the police car, then shook his head and said, "I must have seen him, but not recently, forget it... We'll talk about this later, just clean up the scene."

On the other side, Qin Manjiang in the police car received a call.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Qin Manjiang asked lazily.

"I asked the flowers to withdraw." The speaker was Kong.

"Really?" Qin Manjiang glanced at the crowd of onlookers outside the cordon, and sure enough, Hua was nowhere to be seen.

He smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will run away?"

"You can try," Kong said calmly, and then he added: "You should also evacuate as soon as possible."

"Why?" Qin Manjiang asked curiously.

"There is danger." The words were concise and concise.

"Let me be clear. I don't like to guess what is already known." Qin Manjiang twisted his neck and sat in the police car for a while, his body almost stiff.

Kong was silent for a while, and when Qin Manjiang lost patience and was about to hang up, Kong spoke:

"We're late."

"Huh?" Qin Manjiang heard something was wrong in Kong's tone.

"Moon City [Tongjie] has locked forty-nine players, and we cannot join."


Qin Manjiang's tone was a bit mocking.

"This problem shouldn't be difficult to deal with. You have ways to replace the players, just like you sent someone to replace me in Fucheng [Tongjie]."

"I don't understand what you mean," Sora avoided this sentence and continued: "I do have a way to replace players who have been locked in, but... it is difficult to use this method in Moon City."

This aroused Qin Manjiang's curiosity. He fiddled with the doll on his shoulder and asked, "Why?"

"They... took another path." Sora's tone was not good, as if some kind of memory had been evoked.

This time, before Qin Manjiang could ask, Kong took the initiative and said: "After [Tongjie] has locked forty-nine players, it will enter the final stage. At this time, the player group has two choices."

"The first type is similar to your Fucheng. You follow the arrangements of [Pupillary Realm]. All players participate in the ghost story, light up ten spiritual pupils, and select the last ten seats."

"The second type..." Kong paused for a moment, "Collect all 999 Spirit Pupils. As long as one person collects all 999 Spirit Pupils, the game will be suspended immediately, and all current players' Spirit Pupil points will be calculated. , the one with the most points gets ten seats.”

Qin Manjiang raised his eyebrows. He had heard of the term "nine hundred and ninety-nine" spiritual pupils, but he didn't expect this to be the function?


"What's the difference? When the first choice is made, it doesn't prevent the second choice from being made at the same time, right?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Ha." Although Kong's face could not be seen, the sarcasm in his sneer was self-evident, "If you choose to light up ten spiritual pupils, except for the ten seats, the remaining players can permanently leave the pupils world and return to reality."

"Choose one person to collect 999 Spirit Pupils. Except for the ten seats with the most Spirit Pupil points, everyone else will be wiped out."

When Sora mentioned the second option, his tone was filled with hatred that chilled the bottom of his heart.

Qin Manjiang vaguely understood what might have happened that year, but he still didn't quite understand the need for the second option.

"Then why choose the second option, which harms others but does not benefit oneself?" Although his tone was doubtful, his face was very calm. He probably guessed that the second option must have some hidden benefits, otherwise, the "nine hundred and ninety-nine" "One" spiritual pupil is just like a joke.

Sure enough, Kong seemed to be unable to suppress his resentment and anger, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and he said hoarsely: "That person, if he can get an extra life, he will also have an extra chance to be a dog. "

As a dog?

Qin Manjiang tapped his cheek lightly with his fingers, and then figured out this statement.

Is he the dog of that "god"?

Now it seems that Jiang Du must have chosen the second path back then... He killed a large number of Yuecheng's "teammates", which made "Nie Yunzhen" hate and fear him.

I just don’t know what the relationship between Jiang Du and Kong was back then.

"So, Yue Cheng has chosen the second path now?"

Qin Manjiang looked in Fang Xiu's direction and asked.

This time, Sora was silent again.

After a while, he said in a strange tone: "I don't know, Hua felt the presence of a 'ghost'. The scene you are in is very dangerous. I suspect that there have been unknown changes in Yuecheng this time."

"Oh? Is this why you can't easily replace Yuecheng players?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Well, Moon City now... is very dangerous. They may have taken a third path."

Sora said.

"What is it?"

Qin Manjiang asked while sweeping towards the crowd lightly.

Just now, dense goose bumps appeared on his arms!

Someone is watching him!

"Fusing permanent props, turning myself into a monster, and hunting down the remaining forty-eight players except myself until...only ten are left."

As the empty words fell, Qin Manjiang's gaze also stopped at the far left end of the crowd.

A tall, thin figure turned and left the crowd.

"Blood! Blood!" The doll on the shoulder suddenly shook its head and shouted.

"Really?" Qin Manjiang touched the doll's head and laughed softly: "That would be more interesting..."

(The scholar will return to the main city tomorrow and normal updates will resume)

Thanks to Xiao Koujiang, Book Friends 2023, Oh My God, Assassin 200, Sword Point Plum Room, Book Friends 2020, Book Friends 1616, Vanilla Mousse Oreo, Book Friends 2019 for the reward, thank you all.

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