Strange story player

Chapter 343 Involved in the mystery

"Sora, something happened."

Among the panicked crowd, Hua walked in the opposite direction while making phone calls.


"There was a suspected strange phenomenon on the riverside. A girl broke into ice cubes and died."

Hua searched for traces of Qin Manjiang, but there were too many people here and it was too chaotic, so she couldn't find him for a while.

On the other side, Sora tapped his fingers on the table and closed his eyes: "The opportunity has come, you should know what to do."

Hua was startled, then smiled.

Twenty years have passed, and I need an opportunity to return to the game in Yuecheng.

No one knows what stage Moon City's [Pupillary Realm] has reached now. What's more, people with spiritual pupils are not necessarily bound to become players. They need some "means."

For example... take the initiative to intervene in supernatural events.


Moon City, December 23, 9:31 pm.

"Hello, Yuecheng Police Department?" A calm male voice called the police.

"Yes, what help do you need?"

"A murder occurred at the Moon Bay viewing stairs. I should be the first person to discover it. I hope you will come soon."

The responding officer was stunned for a moment.

The other party's tone was simply too calm, as if he was saying that his hand had accidentally been cut, but what he said was extremely shocking.


"I will notify the nearby police officers to come over immediately. What is your name?"

"Qin Manjiang."

"Mr. Qin, if you can, please protect the scene."

"no problem."

The communication was very efficient. The police officer asked a few more questions, and Qin Manjiang answered them clearly and logically.

After hanging up the phone, the receiving officer immediately notified the patrol police near Moon Bay and then notified the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

The Criminal Investigation Brigade also quickly organized police officers after receiving the police information.

But after briefly asking about the situation, captain Wang Pingchang couldn't help but ask: "Did it break into ice cubes when touched?

All the police officers looked over at the same time.

Among them, a young police officer raised his eyebrows and said, "Captain, I'll go too!"

Wang Pingchang took a look and found that the person who spoke out was Fang Xiu, a top student at the police academy who had just arrived.

It's time to let him out of the scene.

Wang Pingchang raised his chin: "Let's go!"


At 9:44, the Criminal Investigation Team arrived at the scene.

The police officers on duty near Moon Bay arrived early and set up a cordon. When Wang Pingchang, Fang Xiu and his party arrived, there was only one person on the sightseeing stairs who was not a police officer.

It was a young man wearing a khaki trench coat and a scarf, standing outside the cordon with his hands in his pockets. He didn't look panicked.

After Wang Pingchang and Fang Xiu looked at the scene carefully, their expressions changed.

This is a very obvious homicide!

The death condition of the deceased was extremely miserable. The corpse had been scattered into a pile of frozen meat pieces. The veneers of the meat pieces were very smooth and the cuts were very consistent in size.

Wang Pingchang almost immediately came to the conclusion that this was not cut manually by the murderer, but some kind of instrument should have been used.

However, Fang Xiu's expression was a little strange, especially after seeing a piece of facial meat.

"Hello, are you Mr. Qin Manjiang, the person who reported the crime?"

Wang Pingchang walked towards Qin Manjiang.

Although his attitude was very friendly, his heart was not the same as his expression. He believed that the reporter in front of him had many doubts.

The most obvious one is Qin Manjiang's attitude.

Such a brutal scene made many police officers look ugly, but Mr. Qin Manjiang's face showed no abnormality. Moreover, not only was there no abnormality, there was even a hint of interest in his eyes.

This person is either engaged in a related profession and has seen a lot of similar scenes, or... his mental state is very different from ordinary people.

No matter which one it is, it is worthy of Wang Pingchang's suspicion.

"Yes, my name is Qin Manjiang."

Qin Manjiang nodded slightly to Wang Pingchang, and before Wang Pingchang could ask questions, he smiled and said in a familiar manner: "Let me explain the situation at that time."

"Tonight at nine o'clock tonight, I took the city-circuit train to Moon Bay. I got off the train at nine twenty and arrived at the square. There were many people at that time. There were people sitting on the stairs nearby. I saw only the deceased next to him. It wasn't that crowded, so I approached her and asked if anyone around me had taken a seat, but she didn't answer, so I tapped her on the shoulder, like this."

Having said this, Qin Manjiang suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the young police officer Guan Xiu's shoulder lightly.

"With just such force, the body of the deceased suddenly shattered into pieces of frozen meat." Qin Manjiang pointed downwards. "The body parts rolled to the bottom of the stairs. The sound of fragmentation made everyone panic. After seeing the body, they all Ran away, and then...I called the police."

"The time to call the police is nine thirty-one."

Qin Manjiang looked outside the cordon: "Then, the police officers patrolling nearby also came and set up the cordon. As the first discoverer and reporter, I stayed here."

The narration at each point in time was very detailed and accurate... Wang Pingchang had a vague feeling that this person's problem should not be big, but his behavior was so different from ordinary people.

At this time, Qin Manjiang suddenly asked again: "Officer, why is there no surveillance near the viewing stairs?"

"It used to be there, but it was demolished later." Wang Pingchang was a little helpless when he heard him ask about this. "Many couples would come over to this viewing staircase at night, and young men and women would inevitably hug each other. Later, some people complained to the city. Li, it would be too undignified if even intimate behaviors were monitored."

"So, all the surveillance near the viewing stairs has been removed."

I see……

Qin Manjiang nodded.

"Then..." Wang Pingchang originally planned to ask Qin Manjiang to sit in the police car for a while. It was windy here, and he would ask him in detail later. Who knew, Qin Manjiang spoke again.

He looked at the young police officer Guan Xiu curiously and asked, "Does this young police officer know the deceased?"

Wang Pingchang frowned and then looked at Fang Xiu.

Fang Xiu didn't expect that Qin Manjiang would notice his subtle expression just now.

However, he did not intend to hide this matter.

So, Fang Xiu looked at Wang Pingchang and said, "I was planning to talk about this, captain. The deceased should be a student at Yuehu University, and his name is Chen Qiu."

Wang Pingchang frowned and looked at Fang Xiu: "Tell me in detail."

"Yes, Captain," Fang Xiu walked towards a staircase and pointed at a piece of frozen meat. "This piece is the right half of the deceased's face. You can see that there is a small triangular mark on the facial skin. , this is a birthmark, exactly the same as the one on the face of the Chen Qiu I know."

"Who is Chen Qiu to you?" Wang Pingchang asked.

"It's a casual friend. Because of her birthmark, I have a deeper impression of her."

Wang Pingchang glanced at Fang Xiu and did not continue to ask. Instead, he directed the people on the scene to start collecting evidence, taking photos, and collecting the body parts scattered all over the stairs.

"Mr. Qin, come here and rest first." Fang Xiu shouted while standing next to the police car.

Qin Manjiang smiled and nodded, then glanced at the crowd in the distance.

In the crowd, there was a woman holding an umbrella.

He nodded to her.

Then, Qin Manjiang walked towards the police car.

Fang Xiu opened the car door for him and asked him to sit in and wait for a while. He still had some questions to ask when he returned to the team.

But just when Fang Xiu was about to return to the scene to help, Qin Manjiang suddenly said:

"Officer Fang, there is something... I don't know if I should ask."

Fang Xiu stopped and turned to look at Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang sat in the back seat of the police car and looked up at him: "Officer Fang should also know that if the reason is not found, someone else will die in the same way."

Fang Xiu was horrified. He stared at Qin Manjiang. Who is this person?

"Don't look at me like that, I'm here to help you."

A smile appeared on Qin Manjiang's face, and he said slowly:

"You know who the murderer was, don't you?"

(Happy New Year! Happy New Year, everyone!)

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