Strange story player

Chapter 340 Yan Xiao

"He knows a lot about you, which no one else can know except you who have experienced it yourself."

The river is as quiet as a mirror, reflecting the clear sky. Everything is vivid and beautiful.

But Qin Manjiang's heart could not be as calm as the river.

"Jiang Du" lost contact in his body, and another "Qin Manjiang" appeared in the real world. Whether it was a coincidence or a fact, it was so suggestive that Qin Manjiang doubted whether he was overthinking it.

But Yan Xiao's words forced him to accept it.

Jiang Du left this body and used a certain method to dress up like him. He was playing "Qin Manjiang".

But, how did he do it?

Isn't this the body Jiang Du wants?

Where are the other bodies available to him? Moreover, if there were really other bodies available, would Jiang Du still need to spend twenty years preparing for his "resurrection" so painstakingly?

So, Qin Manjiang shook his head: "I don't think it was Jiang Du, although all the evidence now points to him."

"Why?" Yan Xiao turned his head and asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's intuition," Qin Manjiang looked at the river and shook his head, "I won't take the initiative to announce the existence of another person in my body, but when he first appeared in front of you, there was no cover-up."

"He's so proud that he doesn't bother pretending to be me."

Qin Manjiang smiled: "How can such a proud person pretend to be someone he looks down on? What's more, he is now living under someone else's roof."

Yan Xiao nodded: "That's it."

"Can you understand?" Qin Manjiang was a little surprised.

Yan Xiao did not comment, but looked at Qin Manjiang and said, "What about you?"

His question was sudden.

Although he couldn't see Yan Xiao's face under the mask, Qin Manjiang could feel his concerned eyes.

Yan Xiao is a man of few words. He is not a maverick. If you ask him in life, he will show up on time.

This man simply doesn't like to talk, that's all.

He almost never initiates a conversation, but he doesn't appear to be mysterious when asked.

This sentence "What about you?" is obviously asking why Qin Manjiang was targeted by so many people, and why... someone suddenly appeared to replace him.

"I'm going to Moon City."

Qin Manjiang didn't hide anything from Yan Xiao.

After saying this, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

I don't know why, but Yan Xiao, a person whose presence is not as high as his medical skills and props, makes Qin Manjiang feel particularly at ease.

This was a feeling that Yangdu had never given him.

In fact, in retrospect, when I get along with Yang, although I can feel Yang's care for everyone, Yang's care is also accompanied by a sense of pressure...

It was a pressure similar to, "He treats you so well and takes care of you so much, you must not let him down."

But Yan Xiao is completely different.

He also takes care of other people, and rescues players even more often than Yang. This is determined by the characteristics of his props, but when facing Yan Xiao, everyone will not feel any pressure, and it is even difficult to feel grateful. .

Because this person, even when helping others, has a completely "it's my business to save you, what does it have to do with you" attitude.

The temperament of each city [Tongjie] has a lot to do with the top ten seats, especially the chief, because everyone does not know how to survive in such dark and boundless days, and can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

At this time, the name at the top, Chief, became the stone.

"Perhaps going out of your way to help others can secretly improve your own "luck"? Can you turn bad luck into good luck?"

Everyone blindly learns from the chief's behavior, just because the other party is the chief and the "strongest" visible to the naked eye in this game.

In [Tongjie], another city where the atmosphere is not so good, the players also follow the same example.

"So it turns out that you have to do whatever it takes to survive and become the chief?"

They would think that way, and then "learn" from the chief of their own city, just to survive.

The atmosphere in Fucheng [Tongjie] has always been pretty good, but this is not just the result of Yang alone.

Many people have forgotten that the code name doctor has always been the second position since the day it appeared.

If the sun is a bright and blazing light, then Yan Xiao is a cold and silent shadow.

He never said anything, just stood there quietly.

But when others are in need, they turn around and the shadow is right beside them.

Qin Manjiang told his story without any concealment.

Starting from accidentally releasing ten "old Moon City players" from twenty years ago, he talked about being targeted by them and asked to go to Moon City together.

Perhaps it had been too long since he had been able to talk to someone so candidly. Qin Manjiang even talked about his life experience and his confusion and confusion.

His life before the age of twenty was a template set by Jiang Du, and now after turning twenty, he has become the trend in the center of weirdness.

In fact, what Qin Manjiang wanted was to live a simple and ordinary life. Until old age, until death, live an ordinary life.

But there was always some invisible force pulling at him, pushing him in a direction that he didn't want to go at all.

Qin Manjiang said a lot. When it came to the end, he didn't even know how much he had said...

His emotions are like a flood that has opened its gates. The longer it accumulates, the greater its power becomes when it is released.

"Sometimes, I don't know who I am at all, Qin Manjiang or Jiangdu?"

"Where does my soul come from?"

"Where is my future..."

Qin Manjiang didn't stop until the wind started blowing by the river and until the river surface rippled.

Yan Xiao said nothing.

He silently thought about everything Qin Manjiang just said.

He realized that Qin Manjiang's words were more like leaving "last words" than revealing his secret to him.

Qin Manjiang has obviously realized that when those people with one-character code names want him to meet Yuecheng, it is definitely not as simple as asking him to participate in Yuecheng's ghost story game. His body is the one "made" by the man named Jiang Du twenty years ago. The body has another function.

No matter how he thought about it, Qin Manjiang would never feel better if he needed to use his "body".

Therefore, before heading to Yuecheng, he told Yan Xiao everything he knew and had doubts about.

At this time, Qin Manjiang no longer seemed afraid of being entrusted with wrongdoing.

However, what Qin Manjiang didn't expect was that what Yan Xiao said next was completely beyond his expectation, and even left Qin Manjiang stunned on the spot.

"Nie Yunzhen said, this is God's game."

"The game between humans and ghosts, like the fighting in the Colosseum, exists to entertain higher-level beings."

"Qin Manjiang..." Yan Xiao's voice was not loud, but very clear, as if he was talking about an inconspicuous thing, "I will not let the people I have met in this game die."

Yan Xiao turned his head, and the pupils on the white mask flashed with blazing light: "Your doll allows me to see another possibility. Can you do it?"

Qin Manjiang was completely shocked by his words and subconsciously asked: "What?"

"Let the ghosts you have seen never die."

"We overturn this Colosseum."

Thanks to Sleepy and Milk Tea, Book Friends 2022, Clear Mirror, Lost Host, and Los Santos Poets for their rewards, thank you!

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