Strange story player

Chapter 331 The end begins

Zhong Xueran could not find any evidence, but if Qin Manjiang's ideas were to be followed, the only possibility of reversal was here.

This is not a random murder, but a planned horror game.

From the hint of the name Wedding Dress, to Shen Hong appearing in the tree trunk, and Liu Junyan being used, he has been killing people.

Everything exists for a reason. Why is Shen Hong the one in the tree trunk?

Why was it Shen Hong’s father Shen Yi who died completely, and not Liu Junyan?

Now it seems... Shen Yi's death is more like a hint, suggesting that Liu Junyan's life was not simply a way out.

But he has his own place in this ceremony.

So, to reverse this ceremony, the only way is to change the positions of Shen Hong and Liu Junyan.

However, Liu Junyan is dead!

His body was in Wenshui District. Just transporting the person there would take at least half an hour, even if he was driving all the way without any traffic jams or traffic lights.

She now sets off from the old city, and it takes an hour to go back and forth.

For a whole hour, although Nie Yun really said that she would not die, the wedding dress might change its target after realizing that she would not die.

What if that really happened?

What's more, Qin Manjiang's idea is not 100% effective. After all, the real way to survive is to subdue "Mr. Yan" who is still a human being.

However, by mistake, Mr. Yan died.

The real way out of this strange story has been cut off by themselves.

The way out that Qin Manjiang speculated is only theoretically feasible. How to operate it specifically and what the probability of success are are not guaranteed at all. If this is a case, now they are just doing some mental reasoning. , the real evidence has disappeared with the death of the murderer.

In this game, all we can do now is do our best and obey fate.

Zhong Xueran decided to believe Nie Yunzhen, so she turned around and ran out of Huaian Community. There was still a slight possibility of doing it. If she didn't go, she would definitely be killed by the group.

After all, this ghost's ability leaves almost no room for human countermeasures.

At this moment, Nie Yunzhen, who had escaped to the backyard, found that the backyard was a deserted corner with no way out.

The footsteps have come.

She gasped, blood foam was squeezed out of the corners of her mouth due to the strong pressure, and when she looked at the entrance to the backyard, it appeared.

A wedding dress that is so red that it dazzles the eyes, and that is so big that it is exaggerated.

It was like a living thing, and every red thread on it was swimming, like a dense mass of squirming insects.

And she... was trapped in this narrow backyard.

Suddenly, Nie Yunzhen's eyes flashed.

Why did I suddenly collapse?

Her perspective was falling, and she was dizzy.

Wait, whose body is this?

She saw a headless body that was almost squeezed and twisted out of shape, standing in the yard.

No...that's not right!

Nie Yunzhen opened his eyes wide in shock.

This is my body!


Her head fell into the backyard.

That wedding dress, what did it do?

Nie Yunzhen originally wanted to deal with the other party, but what she never expected was that she didn't even know how her head was removed.

The blood from his neck spurted out wildly, splattering a large area with blood.

Although she has used [Same Life Lock] more than once, she can't get used to this feeling of "death".

Many people have envied her permanent item. After all, as long as it is used properly, this item can almost make the player invincible.

But... the more powerful the item, the more expensive it is to use.

This is not a power that human beings should have. It is a strange thing that is transcended from the human world and created by the God of the [Eye Realm], who has always watched all human beings, based on the unique soul of each person. .

[Same Life Lock], which has extremely powerful survivability, naturally comes at a very heavy price for its use.

This is also a permanent prop that she will never use unless absolutely necessary.

She was not sure about the wedding dress this time.

The annihilation of players in the last round put too much pressure on her, so she used [Same Life Lock] on Qin Manjiang from the beginning.

She knew the origin of Qin Manjiang. Although she didn't know how Jiang Du created Qin Manjiang's body, she had heard Jiang Du mention it before. "Qin Manjiang" itself, and even "Jiang Du" itself, were also weird things created by the power of [Tongjie] .

His attraction to ghosts should be far lower than that of humans.

If Li Gui is a pack of wolves and humans are prey, then Qin Manjiang... is probably a dog wandering outside the pack of wolves.

Although he has been domesticated and wild, he still has wolf genes in his heart.

But this time... Qin Manjiang also fell.

Is the group going to be destroyed this time?

[Same Life Lock], as long as you don't encounter group destruction, you have a chance to survive.

But its side effect is... deducting multiple life spans.

The first time she uses it, one year will be deducted from her life, the second time it will be two years, the third time four years, the fourth time eight years, the fifth time sixteen years, the sixth time... thirty-two Year.

This time, it is the fifth time it has been used.

Thirty-one years.

So far, she has dedicated thirty-one years of her life.

Unless her original lifespan is more than ninety years old, otherwise, she will have no chance to use it next time.

Because the next requirement is thirty-two years...

At this moment, Nie Yunzhen felt like the world was spinning.

After her head was taken off by a ghost, although it was very scary to look at her own body, there was one good thing: she couldn't feel the pain.

However, a situation that frightened her the most happened.

The scarlet wedding dress flew to the body, and the dense red tentacles spread out like disintegration, and penetrated into her body, just like ants gnawing at their prey. Although it was very small, it added up to a large amount, and quickly "eat" "Her flesh and blood were stripped away, and she watched helplessly as she was disemboweled and eaten.

The terrifying power of [Same Life Lock] is unimaginable, but it can only protect her from death.



Even though his body was being "eaten" by this wedding dress and only his head was left, Nie Yun really couldn't die.

Although she couldn't get used to "death", her spirit wasn't that fragile. She just didn't know...whether Zhong Xueran succeeded.

Yes, there is also Qin Manjiang on Yan Xiao's side.

He said he would perform surgery on Qin Manjiang.

Thinking of that Yan Xiao...

Nie Yunzhen actually looked a little dazed.

There is a secret that the players of this generation don’t know.

For each batch of Kaitan games, only one permanent "life-locking" prop will be born among the players.

Twenty years ago in Yuecheng Tongjie, she was the one who had the "life-locking" prop.

And now, twenty years later, a more incredible item than the [Same Life Lock] has appeared - a scalpel.

Based on the information Nie Yunzhen knows so far, the life-locking prop owned by the person named Yan Xiao should be the strongest "life-locking" prop among all known [Pupillary Realm].

There are too many people who want to escape from this game, or... want to transcend this world, or even the real world.

The power Yan Xiao holds in his hands is a target they will never let go of.

It's just... the side effect of [Same Life Lock] is that it limits the number of uses due to its lifespan. How much price will the doctor bear for a scalpel that can "lock lives" for other players...

At this time, Nie Yunzhen's body had been chewed into a bloody skeleton.

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