Strange story player

Chapter 329 Continuous Death

We have already reached the old city, and in ten minutes we will arrive at Huaian Community.

Yu Qinghuan, who was holding herself up in the taxi, was extremely depressed. Even if there was no physical injury, her body could hardly bear the high concentration for such a long time.

Along the way, she was still on tenterhooks. She knew that the out-of-control wedding dress would break out of its true nature and frantically look for "food" after losing Mr. Yan's ritual restraint.

And the best food is these "spiritual" players.

She was very scared.

Because that wedding dress had all kinds of incredible abilities before it was restrained by Mr. Yan.

It can appear in clothes and quilts, it can create a shadow of itself to follow a lone player, it can cause male players in a team to lose flesh and blood, and female players gradually turn into ghosts... It can also sense the specific location of the player. .

The reason why I could always see it before, but nothing serious happened, was entirely because of Mr. Yan's restriction. He had to harvest the lives of players according to the ritual, so that he could maximize the vitality from the wedding dress.

But now, Mr. Yan is dead, and there is no one left who knows how to control the wedding dress.

Nothing can restrain will kill everyone...

Also, its abilities are so elusive that as long as it has digested them, it will be easy to find the player.

In fact, who comes first and who comes last may just depend on its "mood".

The more Yu Qinghuan thought about it, the more frightened she became.

She pinched her thighs tightly to prevent herself from fainting.

In fact, her mind was no longer clear.

Although she went to Huaian Community and Huaishu Cave after listening to Qin Manjiang's words, she didn't understand Qin Manjiang's meaning at all.

He fainted before he finished speaking, and only mentioned a locust tree cave.

What to do after passing...

Yu Qinghuan had a severe headache. She concentrated on thinking about the answer. Qin Manjiang must have noticed something.

What did he notice?

While Yu Qinghuan was concentrating on it, she didn't notice at all that the car seat cover next to her slowly changed color...

The fabric of the seat cover was originally made of linen, but now it is gradually turning into a texture like flesh and blood, and the color is slowly changing from yellow-white to white, light red, pink... until it is a dazzling scarlet!

Bloody tentacles replaced the fabric on the car seat. They were densely intertwined and slowly woven into a sleeve.

After the sleeve appeared, a complete, bony, pale hand stretched out.

However, neither the driver nor Yu Qinghuan, who was thinking hard, were completely unaware at this moment!

There are more and more bloody red lines and they are getting denser and denser! They are still intertwined crazily, and a strange big red wedding dress is gradually taking shape...

And as the wedding dress took shape, the underside of the dress slowly bulged, with one palm, the other palm, a pale face...

The red tentacles intertwined faster and faster, and soon the outline of "Mr. Yan" was woven!

But Yu Qinghuan still didn't notice.

The driver even glanced at the rearview mirror and didn't seem to see anything unusual!

The wedding completely formed.

Just when his hands were about to pinch Yu Qinghuan's neck, the driver suddenly stepped on the brakes!

"Can you drive?"

The driver's curse made Yu Qinghuan raise his head.

But this one suddenly woke up, and her peripheral vision immediately noticed the scarlet color next to her!

Yu Qinghuan's eyes widened in horror. She opened the car door and jumped out of the car!

"Hey! Miss, we're not here yet. This is the middle of the road. It's dangerous!"

the driver shouted.

Yu Qinghuan didn't look back. She had just figured out something. This ghost... this wedding dress was the first one to come to her.

Will I die?

Such a question suddenly appeared in her heart.

The driver was right, we were in the middle of the road, but we had already entered the old city, and we could even see the crown of the old locust tree in the distance.


She looked back and saw a large red wedding dress flying out of the back seat of the taxi. It quickly twisted and expanded, growing into a terrifying monster over two meters tall!

Yu Qinghuan vaguely saw the shadow of Mr. Yan on the monster's face, but at this moment its eyes were full of terrifying malice, and the squirming red filaments all over its body made people's scalp numb.

It was looking at her...and looking at her like it was looking at food.

Yu Qinghuan gritted her teeth tightly and ran forward.

Classmate Qin...

What did you think of before you fainted?

She picked up the phone, the fear on her face uncontrollable.

When she was thinking just now, she didn't think of many things, but there were a few things...

While running, she struggled to send a message to Nie Yunzhen.

"Restore supply, it's out of control..."

She only had time to send these.

That's all I thought about.

Qin Manjiang received the message from Nie Yunzhen, and Yu Qinghuan also knew that the fundamental reason why the wedding dress was out of control was that Nie Yunzhen cut off the continuous supply of supplies from "Shen Hong".

Under the old locust tree, there were a large number of corpses that had been sucked dry. The old locust tree and Shen Hong were the "vitality conversion center" of this wedding dress.

Nie Yunzhen also thought of that before cutting off those red tentacles.

However, after cutting off the red tentacles, according to Nie Yunzhen's assumption, Wedding Dress should stop moving. After all, there is no source of "energy".

But what people didn't expect was that the wedding dress not only did not stop moving, but also lifted the restrictions, backlashing its "owner" Mr. Yan.

Therefore, the only conclusion Yu Qinghuan came to was... to restore the supply again, that is... to put Shen Hong back again.

Although this cannot solve the fundamental problem, it at least maintains the normal progress of the ceremony and prevents it from going on a killing spree.

These... are all Yu Qinghuan can think of.

She condensed these words into eight words and sent them to Nie Yunzhen.

Yu Qinghuan stumbled and ran on the road. The taxi driver angrily stuck his head out of the window and cursed: "You haven't paid me yet!"

The next moment, the driver's head felt like he had been hit by a truck! He turned in a strange circle, his neck twisted into a twist, and he died.

A terrifying tall red figure stared at Yu Qinghuan's running back, motionless.

However, Yu Qinghuan suddenly covered her neck, her eyes almost bulged out, and the clothes on her body... were becoming cold!

Moreover, it was gradually tightening, squeezing her torso crazily!

Her throat was also tightly constricted, and the strong sense of suffocation made her stumble to a stop.


Can't stop...

Classmate Qin... finally... saved me...

I agreed...

I want to go to the old locust tree...

Yu Qinghuan's bones crackled under the squeeze of the shrunken clothes, and blood foam kept coming out of his mouth.

She staggered forward, her body no longer had the strength to go on, but she didn't want to stop.

Her vision gradually blurred, and her body was distorting... deforming.

Yu Qinghuan's footsteps stopped in place.

Sudden! An oncoming car coming out of the old city seemed to have no idea that there was a person standing in this lane. The driver had no time to brake and hit him violently!

Yu Qinghuan's body was like a broken doll, flying high into the air. Her mouth and nose were filled with blood. As she flew in mid-air, she looked at the sky in a daze...

It's too late...

The next moment, Yu Qinghuan's body hit the ground hard. His lower body lay prone on the ground, but his upper body was completely twisted around. His eyes stared at the sky without any sound.

Thanks to Li Faka, Book Friends 2023, Book Friends 2021, for the reward that I forgot about in the past. I will finish this volume tomorrow, good night.

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