Strange story player

Chapter 327 The Moment of Death

"how is he?"

Li Xi quickly asked Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Qinghuan quickly checked Qin Manjiang's breathing, and she breathed a sigh of relief: "He's still alive!"

"Work separately. His last request before he fainted was to go to the locust tree. You can go there alone, okay?"

Li Xi asked.

What Qin Manjiang said just now was obviously that he had discovered something, but he only had time to tell the location. No one knew what to do next when he went to the old locust tree.

But it was impossible for Li Xi to leave Qin Manjiang in such a state and drag him directly to Huaian Community. The best way was to divide his troops into two groups and let Yu Qinghuan go to Huaian Community while he took Qin Manjiang to find Yan Yan. Xiao.

Yu Qinghuan also almost escaped death. Although her physical condition was better than Qin Manjiang's, it was not much better. It was very risky for her to be alone in the past, but she did not refuse: "Okay!"

"Then I'll put you on the side of the road and you take a taxi there." Li Xi glanced at the rearview mirror and stepped on the brakes after seeing nothing unusual.

Yu Qinghuan forced herself to get out of the car. She took one last look at Qin Manjiang and said to "Xia Nan": "Please, no matter how his subsequent surgery goes, don't let him come here again."


Li Xi nodded. He looked at Yu Qinghuan, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Yu Qinghuan's body was severely damaged by the curse, but she did not dare to rest for a moment.

She clearly realized a problem. If the wedding dress only has the consciousness of "eating", and for it, the vitality of the "player" is the best flowing food, then after it loses control, it will no longer be affected by No restrictions!

It will attack the players who are still alive crazily. Speaking of which... the ghost appeared frequently in the beginning and did not take the player's life even when the player was close. Now that I think about it, it is not the ghost's doing, it is just the need of "Mr. Yan".

This wedding dress only wants to "eat", and it does not require any rituals to eat people. It is human beings who need rituals, and it is Mr. Yan. In order to allow more of the life force swallowed by the wedding dress to be transmitted to him, he has such a ceremony.

That is both a harm to players and a short-term protection for players.

Now that all restrictions have been lifted, the wedding dress is out of control. After it finishes digesting Mr. Yan, it will immediately start attacking the other players. Time is running out...


"Yan Xiao!"

Before the car stopped, Li Xi saw Yan Xiao waiting on the roadside.

Although Yan Xiao has resigned from his workplace because of Tongjie, he still runs a clinic of his own.

After the car stopped, Li Xi quickly got out of the car and carried Qin Manjiang into the clinic with Yan Xiao.

"how is he?"

After placing Qin Manjiang on the hospital bed, Li Xi asked nervously.

Yan Xiao carefully examined Qin Manjiang's throat and said, "The thyroid and trachea were bitten through, and there was a wound next to the carotid artery."

" it dangerous?" Li Xi asked quickly.

Yan Xiao suddenly turned his head and looked at him deeply.

"You go out."

Li Xi was startled. He didn't understand what Yan Xiao's look meant, so he hurriedly asked, "Do you need my help?"

Yan Xiao was pushing Qin Manjiang to the operating room. He paused and said without looking back, "If you were that forensic doctor Xia Nan, you might be able to help me."

After speaking, Yan Xiao didn't wait for Li Xi to answer and pushed Qin Manjiang away.

Li Xi looked helpless. He was too focused on Qin Manjiang's situation just now and completely forgot that Xia Nan was Yan Xiao's junior and a capable forensic doctor. How could he not know the common medical knowledge? What he just asked Those questions should not come from the mouth of "Xia Nan" at all.


Forget it, it's not a big deal. Although the fewer people who know about my current situation, the better, but Dr. Yan Xiao doesn't seem to be a talkative person. What's more, it won't take too much time for this little brother Xia Nan. long time……


Old house No. 39, Wenshui District, basement.

The power that resided in Liu Junyan's body was disappearing. The strange ability that suppressed Fan Cheng's pain and prevented him from fainting was gone... He could move.

And...the knife is not far away.

Fan Cheng's upper body had been completely skinned, and now that he had no strange power to suppress the pain in his body, he almost fainted from the pain.

But soon, the pain in his body became numb.

Fan Cheng knew that this was not because he was used to the severe pain, nor was his body condition improving. On the contrary, he knew that... he was about to die.

In this situation, even if someone could clear the level in advance, he would not survive. Unless Yan Xiao suddenly appeared nearby, there would be a chance of saving his life.

But Fan Cheng himself knew very well that even if Yan Xiao could temporarily save his life, he would most likely die next.

Skin is the first important barrier for human beings. After the barrier protection is lost, bacteria will multiply on the exposed flesh and blood, causing wound infections, sepsis, and septic shock.

In short...he no longer has his own future in his mind, he just thinks about how to drag this person...this Liu Junyan who caused him so much misery, into hell!

His hand slowly reached for the knife. Liu Junyan was still howling like crazy. As long as he got the knife, he would use the last bit of strength in his body to pierce it into the pervert's heart.

A little bit...just a little bit...

Fan Cheng's vision became increasingly blurry, and he could no longer hold on.

He wants revenge...

However, something truly desperate happened.

Liu Junyan, who was roaring crazily, suddenly stopped. He turned his head strangely and saw Fan Cheng who stretched out his bloody arm and was about to get the knife.

"It's all you! It's all you!"

Liu Junyan grabbed the knife stuck on the bed board and kicked the bloody Fan Cheng to the ground.

Then he grabbed Fan Cheng's feet with one hand and dragged him towards the stairs step by step.

Fan Cheng was thrown so hard that his vision went dark and he almost lost consciousness.

He had no strength to struggle at all, one leg was dragged, and the blood from his upper body dragged a ferocious red trace on the ground.

Where does he want to... drag me...

Fan Cheng's head hit the stairs and he took his last breath. Although he knew he couldn't survive, he didn't want to die so unwillingly.

Liu Junyan dragged him back to the lobby on the first floor. He had been here to explore before. There were two rows of clothes and a full-length mirror.

"Wait a minute... Ah Hong, I'm bringing food to you... Don't worry... wait for me."

Liu Junyan's strange murmur echoed in the darkness, and at this moment, Fan Cheng suddenly felt something hit his body!


As Liu Junyan dragged him, the thing that hit him rolled from his lower abdomen to the bottom of his head. Fan Cheng glanced vaguely, and a bright light appeared in his dull pupils!

This is...a doll?

This is Qin Manjiang’s doll!

It really fell here...

Although it could not show any effect at this time, when he was about to die, Fan Cheng felt a little better when he saw a prop that represented the goodwill of his fellow players.

He held it with difficulty with his bloody hands.

(One update tonight, I’m too tired, so I’ll finish it tomorrow.)

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