Strange story player

Chapter 320 The origin of strange rumors

"Mr. Qin... isn't this residence No. 39?"

Yu Qinghuan followed Jiang Du along the way in Wenshui District. From time to time, Jiang Du asked the aborigines on the roadside for a few words, but then he took her deeper into the area. After stopping and walking like this, he finally found himself in an old house. Stopped in front.

However, this is not the last residence of Shen Hong and Liu Junyan that has been investigated before - No. 39, Wenshui District.

"We're not going to No. 39." Jiang Du responded with a smile.

"Ah... why? That's Liu Junyan's home, the second floor and basement of the house at No. 39. Don't we want to..." Yu Qinghuan couldn't understand what Jiang Du meant.

Jiang Du stood in front of this old house, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

He slowly explained to Yu Qinghuan: "In the memory screen, you saw Shen Yi, Shen Hong, and Liu Junyan. In other words, your perspective is not that of any of these three people."

"So we can know that when Shen Yi and Liu Junyan went crazy, there was another person at the scene. Who do you think that person was?" Jiang Du guided.

Yu Qinghuan thought about it carefully. She understood the reason and logic, but she had no idea what the connection was with who that person was.

She frowned. When she felt "Qin Manjiang's" gaze, she actually felt like she was being watched by a university teacher. This feeling made her a little nervous and a little scared.

"Is it...a wedding dress? That wedding dress has its own consciousness,'s watching from the side..." she said tentatively.

Jiang Du smiled and shook his head: "It makes some sense, but if you think about it carefully and combine the scenes you and Zhong Xueran saw, you can get a more complete process of the birth of the ghost story."

"Shen Yi collected a piece of cloth that can be called an antique. It is a good material for making a wedding dress."

"At this time, nothing unusual happened."

"Shen Hong and Liu Junyan are about to have a good time. As a father, Shen Yi wants to make a beautiful wedding dress for his daughter."

"As a husband and the successor of Shen Yi, Liu Junyan also participated in the independent production of wedding dresses."

"The two of them separated and designed their wedding dresses independently, and Shen Hong chose the result herself."

Jiang Du paused for a moment, looked at Yu Qinghuan, and said calmly: "It's at this stage that something went wrong, right?"

Yu Qinghuan nodded, yes... when they locked themselves at home and designed wedding dresses alone, the two of them became more and more strange. Slowly, their temperaments changed like crazy.

"Then, what are they doing at this stage?" Jiang Du asked again.

After thinking carefully, Yu Qinghuan's eyes lit up: "They were cutting fabrics in the room to make wedding dresses of their own design!"

"Sure enough, it's still a problem with the fabric!"

Yu Qinghuan came to a similar conclusion to Fan Cheng.

Jiang Du put his hands in his pockets and his attitude remained gentle. He did not refute, but just said: "But when the cloth was in the hands of the original owner, there were no strange stories. Why is that?"

"Ah?" Yu Qinghuan's face showed the joy of guessing the answer. She looked at Jiang Du blankly and shook her head: "I... I don't know..."

At this time, Yu Qinghuan was completely unaware that when facing "Qin Manjiang", he had lost the closeness he had as a "peer of the same age". Instead, he felt as nervous as facing a teacher.

"Let's put it this way, the piece of cloth has been left for many years without any strange stories happening, and Shen Yi's family has been making wedding dresses for many years without any strange stories happening. But when the piece of cloth was made into wedding dresses, strange stories happened."

"It's like a firecracker. If you don't light it, it won't explode." Jiang Du slowly raised his head, looked at the old house, and said with a smile: "And make that piece of cloth into a wedding dress, and make a piece of it." Lighting the same.”

Yu Qinghuan still didn't understand what Jiang Du meant. She asked, "But...does this have anything to do with us coming here now...?"

Jiang Du was very patient. Even if Yu Qinghuan couldn't keep up with his thinking rhythm, he was still willing to explain it to her slowly.

Just like now...

"A person who has never seen firecrackers will not know how to light them. Wenshui District and Chengnan Old District are one in the south and the other in the north, spanning most of the city. Moreover, if they just want to sell at a good price, the Shen family is not Ideal buyer.”

Jiang Du suddenly mentioned this matter, and this reminder also made Yu Qinghuan realize that there seemed to be something wrong with that transaction from the beginning.

Yes... the old city is a well-known "slum". Even if the clothing stores open there, they will not give too high prices even if they collect cloth.

If it is really an old object like the description, and the fabric can be called an antique, why would the seller go to the Shen family to sell it?

"Because... only the Shen family is still making old-style, ancient traditional wedding dresses?"

Yu Qinghuan answered.

Jiang Du nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, now you should know why we are here."

Yu Qinghuan was not stupid. If Jiang Du pointed him out to this point and still didn't understand his thoughts, then it would be unjust for him to die.

Just like Jiang Du said, a person who doesn't know that firecrackers will explode will not just hand the firecrackers to someone who is holding a fire in his hand.

He knew that the firecrackers would explode, so he let the other party light them.

In the same way, the seller knows from the beginning that there will be no problems with the piece of fabric itself, but when it is made into a wedding dress, there will be problems.

Sellers will travel across half of the city to choose a clothing store in an old city with no money at all. This is the reason why.

The Shen family is the only shop that still insists on hand-making traditional wedding dresses.

The seller's behavior was equivalent to handing the firecrackers to the person holding the lighter in the crowd of people coming and going.

Is this a coincidence?

No...this is a premeditated arrangement that has been thought out in advance!

The seller had long known that if the piece of cloth was made into a wedding dress, it would be haunted and there would be ghost stories, but what he wanted was the appearance of ghost stories!

He knew the consequences of turning antique fabric into a wedding dress, but that was exactly what he wanted.

The mysterious seller is the fourth person present!

He is also the initiator of this strange story. The real starting point of the strange story is also the root cause that Jiang Du has found out along the way.

Yu Qinghuan was completely convinced. She looked at Qin Manjiang with admiration and couldn't move her eyes away.

Jiang Du looked up at the old wooden house, which was filled with desolation and deathly silence after the heavy rain, and curled his lips: "Let's go in."

Yu Qinghuan was a little scared. If this person was the real mastermind behind this strange story, then both Liu Junyan, who could "command" ghosts, and Shen Hong, who had become a ghost, were just his pawns.

Is he a human or a ghost? What to do?

"Qin...Mr.'s dangerous for us to go in like this, right?"

" this really his home?"

Yu Qinghuan came all the way just now and saw Jiang Du occasionally asking passers-by some questions. Under the guidance of the locals, he found this place by twists and turns.

This made Yu Qinghuan a little surprised. She couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Qin... what questions did you ask before?"

Jiang Du's hand was pressed against the wet wooden door and he was about to push it open.

Hearing this, he tilted his head slightly:

"Nothing, I just asked them which elderly people in Wenshui District are in poor condition and which young people are seriously ill."

He looked at Yu Qinghuan and smiled:

"In short...I'm trying to make sure someone is dying."

I rushed back in a hurry and the update was late, but I still caught up. Good night everyone!

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