Strange story player

Chapter 316 Horrible Torture

A word that wakes up the dreamer!

Yes...Liu Junyan is a human being! In other words, he had always been an ordinary craftsman before the birth of this strange story.

How could he know about the so-called resurrection ritual, and even be able to "order" those weird things to a certain extent?

Qin Manjiang subconsciously regarded all this as a matter of course. Now when Nie Yunzhen asked him this question, he realized that there were doubts everywhere!

"The wedding dress is in Liu Junyan's hands!" Qin Manjiang said firmly.

The heavy rain outside the window gradually subsided. Nie Yunzhen looked at Qin Manjiang and asked, "Where is Liu Junyan?"

"In Fancheng, he went to find Fan..." Qin Manjiang's voice paused.


Why did Liu Junyan go to Fan Cheng?

The message Fan Cheng sent before said that his clone died in his old house in Wenshui District. After his consciousness returned home, he was targeted by ghosts.

A down jacket was blown down by the strong wind and fluttered everywhere. That piece of clothing was looking for him.

Then...a thin man helped him.

Logically speaking, Liu Junyan saved Fan Cheng because he didn't want Fan Cheng to die at this time, but if he had the ability to "order" Li Gui, he wouldn't have to go there himself.

In other words, at least one ghost that moves with the help of clothes is not under his control. He can know the ghost's location, but he cannot make the other party stop attacking.

Or maybe Liu Junyan made a special trip to find Fan Cheng because Fan Cheng had another purpose?

What did Fan Cheng do that had another effect on him?

Originally, Fan Cheng's experience was the same as everyone else's. The only difference was that he went to the old house alone. Fan Cheng said that he saw the body of a suspected "Shen Yi" in the old house.

The body was blocking the entrance to the stairs. He didn't know if there was a basement, and he was attacked before he could go up to the second floor to check. His clone was crushed to death by his own clothes.

What exactly is Liu Junyan going to do to Fan Cheng?

Qin Manjiang was full of doubts, but he also vaguely found the direction.

All Liu Junyan's actions are controlled by the "wedding dress", and only the "wedding dress" can "tell" him how to resurrect Shen Hong.


Qin Manjiang's pupils shrank. The "wedding dress" told him how to resurrect him. In that ceremony... would it be Shen Hong who was resurrected?


This is...where?

My whole body was weak, cold and painful.

Fan Cheng slowly opened his eyes and found that he was lying in a gloomy basement.

The cold white light was directly above him, like an operating table.

He subconsciously raised his right hand to block the dazzling white light, but was shocked to find that all that was left in his right hand was bloody white bones!

He looked at his hands in horror, his eyes splitting with fear and powerlessness, but he couldn't speak or scream, and he didn't even have much strength left to struggle.

My hand...what happened to my hand?

Fan Cheng looked around desperately.

At this time, a shimmering scalpel suddenly stretched out from the darkness. A thin man stood behind the cold white light and whispered like a ghost: "Wait a minute, Ah Hong, hurry up." alright……"

Then, Fan Cheng saw his left hand being pinned to the bed by him. The cold scalpel was pressed against his skin, and he carefully... carefully cut open his flesh. Like the most exquisite tailor, he moved smoothly and slowly. Using the knife, a complete piece of hand skin was cut off.

Fan Cheng's tears of fear flowed from the corners of his eyes. He couldn't move at all and couldn't feel any pain. this a nightmare?

If so...why can't I wake up yet?

He was biting his tongue desperately, but he still couldn't feel the pain.

But what was frightening was that he could clearly feel every touch of the knife on his skin, even though he couldn't feel the pain.

This unbearable horrific torture caused him to become mentally disturbed...

He watched helplessly as his hand was cut open, and the skin was cut off layer by layer, peeling off the complete layer of skin like a sleeve.

Fan Cheng is going crazy.

He would rather feel the pain, then maybe he could faint from the pain.

But this thin and terrifying man, this Liu Junyan, this devil... gave Fan Cheng no chance to faint.

Liu Junyan seemed to be determined to peel off Fan Cheng's skin while he was awake.

The unprecedented horror made Fan Cheng's eyes lose focus. After his arm was cut open, there was only a little blood. This perverted Liu Junyan, who was no longer human, did not damage his main blood vessels.

"This is new, Ah Hong...if you bear with it a little longer, there won't be many places he can use it."

The corners of Liu Junyan's mouth were torn apart like a beast, his eyes were wide open, and his pupils were covered with terrifying bloodshot eyes. The flesh on his neck was also squirming, and the appearance of a woman appeared from time to time.

"Make new clothes... put them on and you will come to life."



"We will get married..."

"we will be together forever……"

A horrifying murmur penetrated into Fan Cheng's ears. He wanted to completely faint and get rid of this mental torture, but he simply couldn't.

Liu Junyan, who had no idea whether he was a human or a ghost, took a scalpel, and after removing the skin from both arms, he actually extended the knife to Fan Cheng's chest!

Fan Cheng watched helplessly as his chest was cut open by him, and blood spurted out instantly and splashed onto Liu Junyan's face, but Liu Junyan completely ignored it.

The unbearable horrific torture was destroying his spirit. He didn't know what Liu Junyan had done, but Fan Cheng couldn't faint. He could only close his eyes and not look at himself who was being disemboweled.

However, the physical feeling was extremely real. He could clearly and clearly feel the blade cutting through the skin, and the touch of Liu Junyan's fingers touching the flesh...

This extreme pain had nothing to do with physical feelings at all. Fan Cheng couldn't even scream.

He had experienced the feeling of death in the [Delusional Clone], but this kind of continuous pain and torture was far beyond death.

If he could commit suicide now, Fan Cheng would never hesitate.

His spirit is on the verge of collapse...


"By the way...scalpel! Your scalpel!"

A glimmer of light appeared in Zhong Xueran's eyes, and he said to Yan Xiao who was driving furiously.

"Just stick a scalpel into his heart...Thirty minutes, and I'm going to find a way to win this game in thirty minutes."

"Please, Yan Xiao..."

“Yan Xiao!!!”

Zhong Xueran kept talking, but Yan Xiao kept silent.

"Don't you want to see death? He is about to die, Yan Xiao..."

Zhong Xueran's face was filled with tears. She leaned weakly against the car window and her voice became smaller and smaller.

She knew that all her current actions and words were unreasonable, and she fully knew...

Yan Xiao glanced at her in the rearview mirror and finally said a word.

"He is dead."

Thanks to Book Friends 2022, Los Santos Poet, and Book Friends 20221024 for their rewards. This volume is coming to an end, almost over.

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