Strange story player

Chapter 296 Follow me like a shadow

Late at night, when it was supposed to be time to sleep, several people were still walking through the city.

The weirdest thing is that this time the ghosts seem to be everywhere, which makes it difficult for everyone to find a suitable time to rest.

The only one who feels better now is Fan Cheng.

His true body was hidden in his apartment, and his [delusional clone] was walking on the street late at night without any pressure.

From the moment he received the message from Qin Manjiang, he set off.

Now he has arrived in Wenshui District, but Qin Manjiang and the others have not arrived yet. He just sent another message to confirm, and the reply he received was that it would take about ten minutes for Qin Manjiang and the others to arrive here.

And this place is the relevant place to find the true identity of Li Gui.

According to Qin Manjiang, this strange story only took shape recently, so there must be something abnormal about its birth.

That is to say, there must have been something extraordinary in November compared to what happened in the past.

Wenshui District...

Fan Cheng looked at this place with only street lights on. The people in this area were not rich or wealthy. In other words, this place was just an area in Fucheng that was in urgent need of development. Its commercial atmosphere was not strong yet, and it had not been fully included. in urban planning.

You can see quite a few traces of demolition and reconstruction, but the work has been suspended and the reason has not yet been found.

Fan Cheng was walking alone on the largest avenue in Wenshui District.

He is not afraid. The [Delusional Clone] is here to do this. He can burrow wherever there is danger without considering his own safety.

No matter whether the [delusional clone] is discovered by a powerful ghost with a physical body or killed by an illusory curse, it will not have an impact on Fancheng's body.

This is his greatest reliance.

But...then again, even if he didn't feel scared, after looking around and taking a few steps under the light, he felt something was obviously wrong.

The yin energy in this place is too strong...



Only the sound of his footsteps echoed in the night.

But as he walked, he stopped.

As he went deeper into the Wenshui area, he felt a certain feeling of being watched, like a basin of cold water in winter, which instantly sent chills all over his body.

That's right...

Qin Manjiang did not find the wrong place. This Wenshui District did indeed hide huge secrets.

But it seems...that we shouldn't come at night.

He is not worried about his life being in danger, but he is not willing to throw away this [delusional identity] easily.

It's better to wait for them where they are, and then go in when everyone has arrived.

Fancheng's [Delusional Clone] stopped on the avenue.

At this moment, a strange strand of long hair suddenly appeared on his back, slowly reaching towards his fingers like a tentacle...



Fan Cheng felt his finger was touched by something!

Generally, players cannot turn back when strange things appear behind them. If they do, they will die!

But Fan Cheng is not afraid. He came here just to see clearly the origin of this ghost and to find out what it is.

Then when he turned around, he only saw a blur of red!

Something big red is standing behind him!

However, when he turned around, the big red thing also turned around...

Is it it?

That female ghost? !

Fan Cheng was not afraid, and he was even a little excited in his heart, as if he had found this ghost's lair!

He had participated in a Kaitan game before. The evil ghost in that Kaitan game seemed to be everywhere and omnipotent, but after the jar containing its ashes was discovered by the player and smashed, it disappeared.

That experience of clearing the level made Fan Cheng subconsciously form a certain kind of "path dependence", as if he could clear the level by discovering the hiding place of the ghost's "body" and destroying it.

In addition, the elusive female ghost in this game was so similar to his experience that time, which made him have to think this way.

What does this ghost want to do?

Fan Cheng kept turning around, trying to get a clear look at the big red thing behind him, but every time he turned around, he could only see a sliver of red at the edge of his perspective, as if the ghost was always just a little slower than him and always behind him. , making it impossible for him to see it with his own eyes!

Won't you let me see it with my own eyes...

Fan Cheng turned around first, then turned his head. He clearly knew that there was something behind him, something covered in red, but he still could not see the other person.

For ordinary players, this weird situation can definitely drive them crazy.

But for Fan Cheng, the absolute safety of his body gave him more confidence and the ability to calmly think about why.

For example, at this moment, an incredible idea came to his mind.

Could it be that... in this strange story about [Wedding Dress], the reason why the female ghost is everywhere is because she has indeed been hiding in the player's blind spot?

She is always around everyone, and only under certain circumstances can everyone see her...

Will it be so?

Fan Cheng lowered his head and looked at the ground.

But look at this! His whole body immediately stiffened.

There are shadows on the ground due to the illumination of street lights.

But there should have been only one shadow on the ground, but now there were two shadows!

The slanted, elongated one is his.

And there was another one, weirdly, the shadow of a woman wearing bulky clothes could be seen, right behind him!

is her!

That bride!

She is indeed always by our side!

An invisible force prevents players from seeing her. She is obviously beside every player, but no one can see her!


No, there must be some reason.

Fan Cheng's real body suddenly shuddered while he was far away in the apartment.

Although Fan Cheng's body was now invisible, he suddenly realized something.

Will there be a female ghost following my body? Just hiding in the blind spot of my vision so that I can never see her?

As soon as this thought came up, the fear in Fan Cheng's heart immediately surged up like a tide.

Let’s give up [delusional clone] first, return consciousness to the original body, and find out if there are any evil ghosts following the original body nearby, right?

Thoughts kept surging in his mind, and beads of sweat appeared on Fan Cheng's forehead with his eyes closed.

He felt more and more that this ghost was indeed always around every player, and she would only be discovered under certain circumstances...

The fearful emotion was projected onto the [Delusional Clone], and cold sweat continued to secrete from his forehead. Fan Cheng clenched his hands, and the sense of security and confidence he felt at the beginning was quickly disappearing.

At this moment, the sound of a car driving suddenly entered his ears.

A private car is driving outside.

That's... Qin Manjiang and the others!

The car stopped.

Qin Manjiang, Nie Yunzhen... and one more... who is that woman?

The moment he saw "Yu Qinghuan", Fan Cheng's heart skipped a beat and his breathing almost stopped. That strange woman made his whole body covered with goosebumps.

After the three people got off the car, the private car drove away on its own, and Qin Manjiang seemed to have noticed him standing under the streetlight in the middle of the road.

This is Wenshui District.

The residence of Shen Hong and Liu Junyan is also the starting point of this strange story.

Wenshui District - old locust tree.

These two places must have some kind of secret connection...

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