Strange story player

Chapter 294 Double Ghost

The night is very late.

Xu Yi put away the [Dice of Destiny] and just reached for the handle of the bathroom door, but paused for a moment.

My hands...have gotten a little thinner.

Unlike others, Xu Yineng could clearly feel that his wrist had become thinner.

Because there was a tight watch on his wrist.

Just a little bit thinner and the strap is a little looser.

Xu Yi stared at his wrist for a while and then looked away.

After leaving the bathroom, he originally planned to tell Zhong Xueran about his arrangements, but after looking around the living room, his brows immediately frowned.

no one.

Where is Zhong Xueran?

There was no movement outside when she was in the bathroom. It didn't look like she was attacked by a ghost.

Did she leave on her own?

"Zhong Xueran?"

Xu Yi shouted.

"Are you still there? Zhong Xueran?"

In the apartment late at night, only Xu Yi's own voice echoed.


Xu Yi looked at the camera he installed in the corner of the living room. It was originally intended to prevent thieves, but now it seems that it has another purpose.

He immediately returned to the bedroom, turned on the computer, and called up the surveillance screen.

The time now is 1:20 in the middle of the night. When the video was pulled to the moment when Zhong Xueran was in the living room, something strange happened...

Zhong Xueran, with blood-red lips, slowly walked towards the corner.

She didn't know what was attracting her, but as if her body was completely out of control, she walked slowly towards the wall with a slightly frivolous pace.

Xu Yi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he immediately rushed out of the bedroom and came to the living room!

The only picture captured was Zhong Xueran walking towards the wall. The wall was a blind spot for surveillance and nothing could be photographed, but Xu Yi knew very well that there was only a refrigerator in that place.

No way……

Zhong Xueran?

The atmosphere was so oppressive that Xu Yi could almost hear his own heartbeat.

Three meters, two meters, one meter...

Xu Yi opened the refrigerator.

A chill instantly came out of the door.

What's even weirder is that he guessed it right...

"Zhong Xueran?!"

In the refrigerator, Zhong Xueran huddled up in a ball, with white frost on his eyebrows, and his eyes were wide open and dull.

"Come out quickly!" Xu Yi quickly pulled her out.

As soon as his hand touched Zhong Xueran's body, he found that her body was as cold and stiff as a person who had been dead for a long time...

Moreover, the first time he pulled, he couldn't pull it anymore?

At this time, the lights in the living room suddenly went out!

The yellow light in the refrigerator shone on Zhong Xueran's face. Xu Yigang was about to continue pulling her out hand, but subconsciously stopped.

Because...he doesn't recognize this person or this face at all!

who is this?

Who is this woman?

A strong sense of strangeness instantly surrounded Xu Yi, and his reason told him that the person in front of him was Zhong Xueran, but she was infected by some kind of curse and gradually became less like herself.

But at the same time, many other thoughts popped up in Xu Yi's mind.

Does this woman have to be Zhong Xueran?

If she is Zhong Xueran, then where is her way out?

In other words, where is the survival path for female players in this game?

If they were cursed from the beginning and turned into female ghosts involuntarily...

At this moment, the strange woman's hand in the refrigerator had quietly grabbed Xu Yi's arm. The moment the sharp red nails touched his skin, Xu Yi woke up immediately, and he almost pulled out without hesitation. Just run!

The lights in the living room went out unnaturally, and "Zhong Xueran" curled up in a ball in the refrigerator. As soon as he took two steps, his feet suddenly softened and he fell to the ground.

No way?

Xu Yi was shocked.

Not so unlucky, right?

He just wanted to stand up, but found that he did not fall accidentally, but his legs... had shrunk and become so thin that he didn't know when!

The skinny skin sticks to the bones, a dry layer.

He tried to stand up, but his legs had already lost the power to support his body!

what happened……

My legs, why are they like this?

It was true that I lost a little weight on my wrists just now, but how could it happen that in the blink of an eye, all the flesh and blood on my legs and feet were gone... only a layer of wrinkled skin was left? !


Xu Yi turned around and glanced at the refrigerator. "Zhong Xueran" was climbing out.

No, it is completely inappropriate to call her Zhong Xueran now. This woman has no resemblance to Zhong Xueran except for her gender.

Could it be that she is Shen Hong?

The wedding dress ghost this time?

But...where is her wedding dress?

The strange woman climbed out of the refrigerator. Her eyes were like the most suffocating darkness, without any emotion. She slowly... got closer to Xu Yi.

Then, a strange hoarse voice appeared in the darkness of the living room.

"It's too late..."

"You still have time……"

In the darkness beside him, a silhouette gradually appeared.

Xu Yi couldn't tell the gender of the black silhouette. Its twisted limbs that didn't look like a human were crawling on the ground. After approaching Xu Yi, it straightened up.

A strange twisted black shadow, and a strange woman who looks like Shen Hong.

One on the left and one on the right, standing in the darkness, looking down at Xu Yi.


"Is something wrong? Mr. Qin?"

Bai Hongdan drove the car and glanced at Qin Manjiang in the rearview mirror.

"Yes, why is it you?" Qin Manjiang looked at her.

"Shouldn't it be me?" Bai Hongdan retracted his gaze and focused on the road ahead. "A relative died inexplicably. Are you willing to compromise?"

"So you are monitoring and following us?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"We can't talk about surveillance and tracking." Bai Hongdan said calmly.

"People's social circles are related to work, interests, and life. What my brother occasionally mentioned about you seems very strange to me. The ages, occupations, education levels, family backgrounds, and even personalities and hobbies of your new friends They are all completely different. According to common sense, you do not have the first condition to become friends."

"So I was wondering if there might be a hidden interactive link between you, like... something like online dating."

Bai Hongdan smiled: "Then, I discovered it, Tongjie."

She calmly told the secret that only the players knew, which neither Qin Manjiang nor Yu Qinghuan expected.

"But unfortunately, I can no longer enter the Pupil Realm. It seems to have entered a certain state of closed settlement. The group of players."

Indeed... Compared to settlement, Qin Manjiang believes that the word liquidation is more appropriate.

Fucheng Tongjie has entered the final stage of liquidation.

Bai Hongdan knew more than he thought, but at the same time, he also discovered something was wrong.

The existence of [Pupillary World] cannot and cannot be leaked to non-players. Even if Bai Hongdan can investigate the existence of [Pupillary World], he should not know the name of [Pupillary World] or even the specific rules inside it. right.

But now her words have made it clear that she already knows everything.

This is not the scope of intelligence that can be obtained through investigation at all. This is simply like catching a player and tortured him to get everything out.

But in fact, even if they are tortured, players cannot reveal information about [Pupillary Realm]. This is restricted by the rules, and players who want to do so will be immediately wiped out.

So...the real source of this woman's information about [Pupillary Realm] cannot be a player who has cleared the game in the past, right?

In Qin Manjiang's view, only past players who are not in [Pupillary Realm] but know the information about [Pupillary Realm] are most likely to reveal all this.

Moreover, it was obviously not a coincidence that she would pick up Nie Yunchen. She was following or protecting Nie Yunchen.

Either way, it shows that Nie Yunzhen has a close relationship with the person who told Bai Hongdan the truth.

But now this Nie Yunzhen, she...

Qin Manjiang patted the co-pilot Nie Yunzhen's shoulder.

Nie Yunzhen turned around, his blank eyes reflected Qin Manjiang's figure, as if he was asking what was wrong.

At this moment, Yu Qinghuan, who was also sitting in the back seat and had been silent, suddenly curled up his legs and began to tremble...

(Looking for the writing rhythm, I will give you three updates tomorrow!)

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