Strange story player

Chapter 289 The Dice of Destiny

The words are divided into two parts.

When Qin Manjiang and Yu Qinghuan fled the house, Xu Yizheng was standing on the balcony of his apartment, looking at the screen of his mobile phone. On the screen... was the name he had taken when he left the old locust tree and engraved on the trunk.

【Liu Junyan】

【Shen Hong】

When he saw those two names, his mind flashed back to the death scenes of the players in the previous round.

Except for Chen Zhiyuan, no one else knew about this discovery.

It wasn't that Xu Yi was hiding something, it was just that these two names made him not want to touch them from the bottom of his heart.

What I saw when I was under the old locust tree was the violent storm that night and the twisted corpses all over the ground. It was really terrifying...

He was worried that telling everyone these two names rashly would disrupt their original arrangements.

Even if he wanted to say it, he planned to check it out himself first.

Xu Yi exhaled a breath and looked back.

Zhong Xueran went to the bathroom for almost five minutes. Although he asked her just now and she was indeed staying in the bathroom well, he didn't think that place was suitable for staying for a long time.

Just as he was about to go over and ask her to come out, his phone buzzed.

[The game has started, permanent props can be used. 】

[I'm going to the old town to find two names. 】

[The names of the two people in the opening remarks. 】

The sender is Qin Manjiang.

After reading the information carefully, Xu Yi frowned slightly.

Has the game really begun...?

No wonder the ghost is already on the move.

If we think of the humans and ghosts in the Kaitan world as a turn-based game, each battle has different battle rules. It is impossible for human players to defeat the ghosts based on their strength on paper. They must discover the The hidden rules of battle can only be countered by finding the logic of Li Gui's behavior.

The starting time of the game is the same for both humans and ghosts.

But this time [Wedding Dress] means that Li Gui took action one turn ahead of the start of the game!

Strictly speaking, it has violated the rules of the Kaitan world. Logically speaking, this ghost should be wiped out, but it still exists.

In other words, for this ghost story, the round in advance is a concrete manifestation of the ghost's ability, and the logic in this game is reasonable.

Xu Yi thought about this problem, and at the same time, he sent the photo he took to Qin Manjiang.

Now that Qin Manjiang had noticed the man and the woman through the opening remarks, it was time to tell him these two names.

After sending the text message, Xu Yi glanced at the bathroom again.

Not out yet?

"Zhong Xueran? Come out quickly, I need to use the bathroom."

He yelled casually that he needed to use the bathroom or something like that, of course it was just nonsense to get her to come out quickly.


The sound of flushing suddenly sounded.

The door opened.

What caught Xu's eyes was a thin woman...

As soon as she appeared, the temperature of the entire living room dropped suddenly, and the unfamiliar face, whose shadow could be vaguely seen as Zhong Xueran's shadow, was expressionless.

Especially that mouth, those lips painted bright red... are more colorful than before. If it was the color of inferior lipstick before, then her lips now... are the freshest blood red, which sticks to the lips. The scarlet red on his face seemed to be flowing down at any time.

Even all her exposed skin has begun to turn blue...

The hair on Xu Yi's arms stood up. He knew that this woman was Zhong Xueran, but Zhong Xueran didn't look like this before entering the bathroom!

If the appearance and temperament of Zhong Xueran before entering the bathroom were about 70-80% similar to her own, then the Zhong Xueran who just walked out of the bathroom now is only about 50% similar...

From this "person", one can vaguely see the shadow of Zhong Xueran, but... the more he looks at her, the more creepy he becomes.

Qin Manjiang was indeed right... the female players may have suffered some unknown curse and are slowly becoming unlike themselves.

And Zhong Xueran was the first person to be cursed.

"What's wrong?"

Zhong Xueran seemed to have no reaction to her abnormality. She looked directly at Xu Yi without even changing her tone.

"Nothing, you're too slow." Of course Xu Yi would not ask for trouble. He glanced at Zhong Xueran and then looked away.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

It was just a casual comment at first, but now Xu Yi actually went to the bathroom.

He originally wanted to tell Zhong Xueran about Qin Manjiang and his next plan, but Zhong Xueran's strange changes made him give up that idea.

Xu Yi is no longer sure that Zhong Xueran is still the complete "Zhong Xueran", so it may not be wise to tell her his and other players' plans rashly.

Zhong Xueran, who watched Xu Yi enter the bathroom, also took steps towards the balcony inexplicably. She looked at the window glass on the balcony.

Her shadow was reflected in the darkness of the glass.

This face...

Is it me?

I don't know why, this weird scene should have frightened her, but...she still didn't show any expression as she stared at the shadow in the glass.

Her eyes searched around, and finally... landed on the refrigerator in Xu's home.


In the bathroom, Xu Yi turned on the faucet, and the sound of running water was particularly obvious in the quiet night.

He reached out and picked up a handful of water and simply washed his face.

This season was already cold, so when the cold water hit his facial skin, his mind instantly became clearer.

Is it possible to prevent Zhong Xueran's mutation?

Yes...but we have to find the reason why she became another "person".

Only by knowing the root of the problem can we talk about it and solve it.

But judging from the information currently known, neither Yu Qinghuan on Qin Manjiang's side nor Zhong Xueran beside him did anything wrong to cause themselves to be cursed.

They just "witnessed" the red sedan chair as a combination of a man and a woman.

But in both combinations, the girls had mutations, but nothing happened to the boys.

This is unreasonable...

He didn't think that Kaitan Club would treat male and female players differently. Something must have happened when a man and a woman witnessed the big red sedan chair at the same time.

It's just that the changes in girls are too obvious.

But...what exactly changes in men?

Looking at himself in the mirror, Xu Yi's pupils suddenly shrank...wait...

Who was the person I saw under that locust tree who climbed up the tree and seemed to be running away?

That man isn't a gamer... he's someone from this weird story!

Could it be that!

Xu Yi suddenly came up with an extremely incredible guess.

Could it be that the man who was finally surrounded by corpses and climbed up the old locust tree in the violent storm in that scene was the "you" in the opening remarks?

So now this weird talk... The reason why the man and the woman are paired up to do it is actually to restore the scene between "you" and the "bride" at that time?

Xu Yi glanced at his arms, and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

No...the ghost is not the bride...nor is it "伱"!

The two people in the opening remarks are experiencing the same thing as us. Everything the player encounters now is a repeat of what they encountered at that time!

If this guess is correct...if this continues, it will become——

[Put on my wedding dress. 】

【I don’t want to die too early. 】

[I ask you...where will you go after you die? 】

[You laugh and cry at the same time. 】

[Touch my rotting body. 】

[Kiss my boney arm. 】

Yes... they will wear wedding clothes...

He will gradually die, his body will rot, and his arms will turn into bones...

Xu Yi held his forehead and punched the bathroom wall.

By the way... those two names are the same. Qin Manjiang was right. The identities of those two people must be confirmed first.

It's too late, she won't die...

You still have time……

Xu Yi rolled up his sleeves and looked at the red rope on his right wrist.

On this red rope, there is a dice.

Qin Manjiang said...the game has begun.

That means it can be used.

Untie the red rope and remove the dice.

Xu Yi spread his palm, and it lay quietly in his palm, motionless.

[The dice of destiny. 】

[Once per game, used at any time, it will affect the player's luck by the number of points thrown. There is no randomness, your luck is determined by fate. 】

Xu Yi didn't know if other players' permanent props had the following explanation.

But that sentence [There is no randomness, your luck is destined] made him not like his permanent props.

If there is such a thing as destiny, what is the meaning of life?

He looked at the [Dice of Destiny] and thought.

In his palm, the six-sided dice spun out of thin air... Three seconds later, it rolled a few times in his palm... and stopped.

Looking at the number facing up, Xu Yi smiled and whispered to himself:

"Now it's interesting..."

(I'm in a bad state today. I'm really not feeling well at the first update... I'm going to bed first and will make up for everyone tomorrow. Also, I will try to update as early as possible in the future. Going to bed late has a great impact on the body... …)

Thanks to Hua Qingli, Sweet Sweets, Horson, Ten Nonsenses, Book Friends 2022, and the Los Santos poet for the reward. Good night everyone, and go to bed early.

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