Strange story player

Chapter 281 The female ghost comes to the door

At the same moment, Fan Cheng heard the weird laughter of the female ghost at the door at home, and was immediately frightened to death!

He ran back to the bedroom, turned on all the lights, and huddled in the corner. Now, only leaning against the wall could give him a little sense of security.

how so……

Fan Cheng was in a state of confusion. Wouldn’t the game start in three days?

Why does the wedding ghost appear now...and this is the real world! It's not in the place specified by the game at all, this is his home!

The fear of a female ghost coming to his door, coupled with the changes that went against the past common sense of ghost stories, left Fancheng's mind almost blank.

Although he knew that praying to gods and Buddhas was useless, all he could do now was pray.

Don't come in...

It shouldn't be able to come in, right?

Fan Cheng's heart was beating wildly.

His sensitive nerves amplified all the movements around him, including the click of the second hand on the bedside table... the rustle of the curtains being moved by the wind, and... the sound of his own heartbeat.


Fan Cheng suddenly looked at his bed.

He has the habit of folding quilts, but now, why are the quilts piled up in a long and messy shape?


The quilt seemed to be moving!

Fan Cheng's eyes widened in horror!

The outline of the quilt is wrong! It was slowly rising, and something was about to come out from under the quilt!

Fan Cheng's breath froze, and at this moment...

He finally couldn't bear the fear anymore. People usually have two behaviors when they are extremely scared.

The first is that the mind is blank, the hands and feet are weak, and the body is dominated by fear, completely unable to move.

The second is that fear leads to anger. Intense panic makes anger surge, and the behavior becomes impulsive and violent, full of destructive desire.

Fan Cheng was the second type. His eyes were blood red. Seeing that the quilt on his bed was still slowly rising, he stood up from the corner like crazy and rushed over!

He knelt on the quilt, strangled the quilt's neck as if strangling someone, and roared hysterically: "Go to hell, go to hell! Go to hell!"

Extreme fear turned into an uncontrollable and crazy desire for destruction, but in this state, Fan Cheng didn't feel scared anymore. However, as he pinched and pinched, he felt... there was nothing in the quilt at all.

Fan Cheng gasped and lifted the quilt.

Sure enough... there was nothing in the quilt.

Fan Cheng's anger finally dissipated, and he leaned against the wall weakly, feeling weak.

The female ghost's terrifying laughter has long since disappeared.


My initial judgment was right. It couldn't get into the house and could only play some scary tricks.

at this time!


The sudden vibration of his phone made him tremble in fright.

When he looked down, he realized that the person calling was Nie Yunzhen.

Fan Cheng raised his hand to cover his forehead. In just a moment, he broke out in cold sweat and almost went crazy.

Leaning against the bedside, he pressed the answer button with his other hand: "Hello, Chief Nie..."

Nie Yunzhen's expression on the other end of the phone changed slightly: "What's wrong with you? Your voice is so weak?"

"I've already met the wedding ghost."

Fan Cheng's voice was a little bitter: "I don't know why, it's blocking the door of my house. From just now, I can feel strange things happening around me."

Nie Yunzhen thought for a moment: "Send me your address and I will come near your home."

Fan Cheng's eyes widened slightly in surprise: "Chief Nie, it's very dangerous here in my house. Just come here..."

"It doesn't matter," Nie Yunzhen interrupted him, "I just called Xu Yi and asked him. He and Zhong Xueran should be the first people to encounter the ghost of the married woman. The one you met was also carried by an eight-carriage sedan. She’s a ghost, right?”

she asked suddenly.

"Yes..." Fan Cheng felt a glimmer of hope in his heart, "Are Xu Yi and the others the same? How did they get rid of the female ghost?"

"They didn't get rid of the female ghost," Nie Yunzhen paused. "The wedding ghost just passed by them in a sedan, but after passing by, strange changes appeared on Zhong Xueran's body."

"Coupled with the instruction of a piece of favorable information that I used [Fouer's Pendulum] to divine, this strange story requires a man and a woman to work together."

"So I think that when you encounter the Wedding Dress Ghost, two players of the opposite sex, one male and one female, should be present so that it won't get close."

I see... So it's because I'm alone now that it's lingering outside the door?

Just when Fan Cheng was on the phone, what he didn't see was...under the down jacket he put on the coat rack by the wall...a pale foot slowly stretched out.

"I'm in the DC area, please... Chief Nie." Fan Cheng reported his detailed address while paying attention to the movements outside.

And at this time...the down jacket on the coat rack was completely bulging!

A slender pale arm slowly stretched out from behind his side.

The sharp nails are painted with a scarlet color...

"Well, you should be careful. No one knows what this female ghost is capable of. She may try her best to kill you." Nie Yunzhen said.

"I understand." Just when the slender, red finger claws were about to grab the back of Fan Cheng's head, which was leaning on the bed, he suddenly stood up! He said to Nie Yunzhen: "I'm going to close all the windows outside! It's only a little bit of danger that can be avoided."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a strong sense of malice and nausea, and the hairs on his body stood up uncontrollably.

How could Fan Cheng, who had experienced many ghost stories games, not know what this situation was about?

Sweat broke out on his forehead, and he turned his head suddenly and looked around the bedroom.

But what shocked him was that the bedroom was empty, there was nothing...

Fan Cheng's face suddenly turned pale, and sweat began to fall uncontrollably from his forehead.

He felt something was obviously wrong. have to leave the bedroom.

He immediately ran towards the door, but as soon as he took a step, he immediately discovered something was wrong!

It's a coat rack!

When I move, it moves too!

"It...came in!"

Fan Cheng said into the phone.

On the other side, Nie Yunzhen's expression changed drastically, and Fan Cheng hung up the phone immediately after saying this.

I don’t know whether it was hung up actively or passively!

She immediately stopped the car and went to the address given by Fan Cheng.

What happened...

He must not die!

Nie Yunzhen now has a very bizarre conjecture, but it fits this strange story very well.

According to Yang, the players who were eliminated last time also witnessed various wedding scenes in the real time between being selected by the game and before the game started.

Nie Yunzhen now suspects...the reason why they were wiped out within thirty minutes may be because the personnel configuration was wrong from the beginning!

All players cannot form opposite-sex pairs, and they lose from the start...

Therefore, Fancheng cannot die...

At least, you can't die now!

Update is coming!

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