Strange story player

Chapter 279 Eight-carrying sedan chair (Part 2 of the third update)

After escaping from the old city, Xu Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just as he was about to speak to Zhong Xueran, he was so frightened that he suddenly stepped on the brakes again!

what happened?

"your face!"

Xu Yi leaned over suddenly, holding Zhong Xueran's face in his hands.

Zhong Xueran subconsciously hid back, but heard him shout: "Don't move!"

She was stunned. This was the first time she saw Xu Yi looking so anxious.

Xu Yi looked at Zhong Xueran's face in disbelief, or more specifically... his lips.

He stretched out his thumb tremblingly and tried to gently wipe Zhong Xueran's lips, but... he couldn't wipe it off at all!

Zhong Xueran's lips were painted with bright red lipstick at some point!

She usually always looks bare-faced and is not a girl who likes makeup at all. When these gorgeous red lips appeared on her face, Xu Yi felt a little strange...

"What...what happened..."

Zhong Xueran's face was hot, and she could feel the warmth of Xu Yi's palm and his subtle trembling.

But she herself felt nothing strange.

"See for yourself..."

Xu Yi reached out and released the hand holding her face, and adjusted the rearview mirror.

Zhong Xueran looked up at the rearview mirror, and suddenly... her heart was pounding!

Bright red lips... is this... me?

She subconsciously reached for her lips.

What a nice view……

Xu Yi was also puzzled, why is this happening?

The game hasn't started yet, why is Zhong Xueran getting entangled?

The way she looks now, she has obviously been affected by the evil ghost...

"I'll take you back first. There's a problem in the old city."

Xu Yi took a deep breath and started the vehicle again.


Fan Cheng stayed at home.

He was sitting on the sofa, holding his cell phone, a little lost in thought.

After learning that he had been selected for [Wedding Dress], his heart was pounding and he thought about whether to call his family.

He is a fitness coach with a strong body and good mental quality.

In addition, after experiencing so many strange stories, it is difficult for ordinary things to cause his mood swings.

From Fan Cheng's point of view, reality is reality, and ghost stories are ghost stories. When ghost stories happen, that part of the real space will be extracted into the world of ghost stories, but as long as he is still living in the real world, he will not be subject to ghosts and curses. intrusion.

But somehow, this time he felt that his body was strange. As a fitness coach, he had a high level of control over his body.

He could clearly feel that his body's functions were declining.

what happens?

Even if it is the influence of [Wedding Dress], doesn’t [Wedding Dress] start after three days?

But at this moment, he suddenly heard an extremely sudden suona sound!

He was obviously playing festive music, but it gave him goosebumps all over his body.

After all, he had just been selected for [Wedding Dress], and he was now extremely sensitive to everything related to weddings and funerals.

Is there anyone getting married in the community today?

Fan Cheng hesitated for a moment. Anyway, the game hasn't started yet. This is Beicheng District. It's not near the place where the ghost story is going to take place. It's not even in the old city.

He kept the real world and the world of ghost stories very separate, so even though he had goosebumps on his body, he just thought that the sudden "suona sound" was just a coincidence.

However, when he came to the window and looked out, he saw nothing.

But the sound of the suona did not stop. Fan Cheng looked at the door. Could it be that it was blowing in the corridor?

He walked towards the door, not intending to open it and take a look. He just wanted to take a look through the peephole and solve the doubts in his heart.

His left eye slowly aimed at the peephole on the door.

And just when the picture in the cat's eye gradually became clearer, he was so frightened that his scalp was numb!

Opposite his door was a long corridor with residents on both sides. He lived at the end of the corridor, but now what he saw through the peephole was...

Eight strange big men whose faces were unclear were carrying a bright red sedan, walking step by step in the corridor, heading straight towards the door of his house!

At this moment, he could no longer hear any festive meaning in the suona sound. Instead, it was endless weirdness.

Not fear, not fear, but weird, so weird...

Why is there a big sedan chair outside my house?

Why would someone bring a sedan to my door?

At this point, he had to believe that this was done by a ghost, and it was the ghost of [Wedding Dress]!

But he doesn't understand, can't understand...

Why can it appear in the real world before the game even starts...

No... this is not true, this is just an illusion for players. As long as you firmly believe that everything is an illusion and make correct judgments and choices, you will be fine!

This is the real world, the game hasn't started yet, it can't do anything!

Fan Cheng kept convincing himself that he had not been this scared for a long time.

Because in his long-term psychological construction, ghosts cannot act in the real world, and home is his "safe house".

But now...the weird red wedding sedan outside has appeared in the corridor!

This completely broke through the psychological safety defense line he had built for himself, and his body was already shaking violently uncontrollably.

Calm's okay. They can't come in. They brought the sedan here just to scare me. If I get scared and do something like jumping out of the window or building, I will die. Just stay at home and do nothing. , it must be okay, it will be okay!

He said this to himself over and over again.

Fan Cheng always believed that before the game started, even if he saw horrific scenes, it would not be able to cause harm to him. At most, it would be some intimidation method.

Just like the previous [death as scheduled].

Just then... the sound of the suona outside suddenly stopped!


Fan Cheng felt happy, was it really an illusion?

Did you see that I was unmoved and left knowingly?

No...wait a little longer.

He waited with extreme caution for five minutes.

During these five minutes, there was no sound at all in the corridor outside.

At this time, Fan Cheng approached the cat's eye again and took a closer look...


Fan Cheng's tall body was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly.

The eight-carriage sedan chair was indeed gone, and the sound of the suona was indeed gone, but something else appeared!

A female ghost with disheveled hair wearing a bright red wedding dress was standing at the door of his house!


how so?

Who is that? Does it want to come in?

No...if she wanted to come in, this time would be enough for it to come in.

Can't it get in?

Why is this happening... The game hasn't even started yet!

at this time……

"Hee hee hee……"

A burst of weird laughter suddenly appeared in front of his door.

It's's the female ghost!

It's laughing!

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