Strange story player

Chapter 262: Clearing the game (uncomfortable, I’m about to be quarantined)

It shattered Liu Jingqing's shadow in the window glass, and then she cleared the level...


Su Yu pulled Xia Nan, who was hanging outside the window, back into the room. Xia Nan untied the rope and said:

"The more light, the number of people, and these two factors around us, the easier it is for our status to be determined to be dead. This is one of the dead ends."

"The second dead end is that if no player dies due to the light and the number of people, then the companion creatures of the curse will come to us in order of the number of people around and the intensity of the light. They will first induce and then attack."

Su Yu nodded and continued Xia Nan's words:

"The solution to the first dead end lies in controlling the light and the number of people around you. As long as you can reduce the number of people around you or dim the lights, at least you won't die directly and you will have room to escape."

"As for the second one...if the curse fails to confirm our status as dead through light and the number of people, they will use hallucinations, induction, or intimidation to make us go to places with many people and light. If we are not fooled , their induced behavior will turn into an attack, and at this time, there will be room for maneuver."

Su Yu and Xia Nan have completely understood the logic of this strange talk. Fundamentally speaking, this strange talk has two dead ends. One is permanent. You must always pay attention to the light and the number of people. If you don't pay attention, the curse will be triggered. .

The second one is sequential. The derivatives of the curse will induce the player in turn, leading the player to death through various emotional means. If the player sees through its inducement behavior and is not fooled, it will give up the inducement, directly clean up the player, and change the player's status to death, so as to achieve the state of death as scheduled. At its hands-on stage, a way out appears.

"As long as they think they have killed something that looks like 'us', this curse will be over."

The two came to the conclusion that letting the ghost smash themselves in the mirror was indeed the easiest way.

As for other methods, there are many.

For example, you can take a photo of yourself, stick it on the face of a plastic model, and guide it to attack the plastic model.

Another example is that you can go to a wax museum, create a wax figure of yourself, and have it destroy the wax figure, but this is too slow.

You can also go to the water, leave your own reflection in the water, and let it attack the reflection in the water, but this method is also difficult to control. After all, it will not listen to the player and will attack whoever it attacks.

Therefore, an angled mirror can not only block the player's body from being discovered by ghosts, but also reflect the player's shadow, which is the safest and most reliable method.

Liu Jingqing was hanging outside the window sill, and her shadow was reflected on the window glass. Although it was a coincidence, it almost perfectly met the requirements for a way out.

I see……

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and Su Yu said, "I know a place that is very suitable for clearing this strange story."

"The mirror maze in the amusement park in the north of the city?" Xia Nan suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Do you know where it is?" Su Yu was a little surprised. Xia Nan didn't look like someone who would go to an amusement park.

"Of course!" Xia Nan said cheerfully: "I've been there to play!"

His sudden change of mood made Su Yu stunned, unable to react for a while. After a while, he nodded: "Then let's go there now."


Xia Nan nodded. He looked left and touched, as if he was extremely curious about everything.


Su Yu didn't understand, but looking at Xia Nan's current condition, he probably forgot to inform Yue Qiuchi.

I'd better do it...

Su Yu picked up the phone, but stopped when he was about to make a call.

The second path to death is for the cursed companion creature to attack the player in sequence. The path to survival is also here. You need to guide it to attack the fake "self" in order to pass the level.

Once something goes wrong, it is very likely that I will be killed by it.

That thing should still be with Yue Qiuchi now. Calling her rashly might expose her location, and she may not be able to speak freely, so he might as well send a message to tell her.

After thinking about this, Su Yu edited a message and sent all the inferences and ways of survival to Yue Qiuchi.

As for him and Xia Nan, who was in a strange state, they used their mobile phones to call a car and rushed to the amusement park in the north of the city.

After all...the mirror maze in the amusement park is almost the most perfect prop to pass the level.



Yue Qiuchi was startled by the slight vibration of her cell phone. She was sitting in Xinyue's online car-hailing car and was heading into the city.

After jumping out of the car, the hallucination caused by the ghost disappeared, but she felt chills all over and felt a more terrifying malice!

She was vaguely aware of this malice... If she bumped into a ghost again this time, maybe it would stop acting and take her life directly...

But after seeing the content sent on his mobile phone, Yue Qiuchi was overjoyed and said to the driver quickly: "Master driver! Go to the amusement park in the north of the city!"

"Amusement park? The amusement park is not open at the moment, girl." the driver said.

"It's okay, please drive faster!"

"Okay! You have the final say. You change the arrival location on your phone and I'll redirect you. But girl, we are going from one end of the city to the other. No matter how fast it is, it will take about two hours..."


How could Yue Qiuchi still have the time to listen to him? While she was changing the destination on the taxi app, she was thinking about the text message Su Yu had just sent.

The message from Su Yu confirmed her hunch that if the ghost failed to be induced, he would really take action directly!

But taking action is also the way to survive. As long as it can create another "self" and let it kill it, it will be successful.

In fact, although Su Yu told her about the mirror maze in the amusement park, the purpose was not to ask her to come across the city. After more than two hours' drive... the "ghost" was still in the order of killing her. There are too many opportunities for accidents along the way.

He wanted her to stop where she was and find a mirror to make a simple device. Although it was very dangerous, it was still much safer than spending two hours walking across the city.

But Yue Qiuchi didn't understand this at all. She was chased by ghosts almost all night, and lived in fear almost all the time. After the previous experience of not knowing whether it was a dream or an illusion, she was already suffering from a nervous breakdown. How could she still be there? Do you have time to figure it out on your own?

Now that her companion had sent the answer, her only thought at the moment was to copy it.

After Yue Qiuchi finished modifying the destination, he breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked towards the road ahead. After passing the tunnel in front, she could enter the city.

But she didn't dare to completely let down her guard. Through Su Yu's text message, she also knew that she was being stared at by the ghost, and the death sequence of the second dead end was now stuck in her.

But... the car is speeding, it shouldn't be able to get out, right?


Yue Qiuchi prayed in his heart.

However, at this moment, a red car quietly appeared in the rearview mirror.

Yue Qiuchi accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror and was suddenly shocked!

Is it that car? !

"Master! Drive faster, don't let that car catch up, drive faster!"

Yue Qiuchi screamed.

The driver, who was in his forties, thought he was in for a chase scene like in a movie, or a couple trying to steal a bride.

However, when he looked in the rearview mirror, he saw nothing at all. The road behind was empty. Where was the car?

"Sister, are you teasing me in the middle of the night?"

He was a little dissatisfied. Not only did he not speed up, he also stopped driving and slowed down.

"What are you doing! Drive faster! Don't slow down, please... I'll give you an extra hundred yuan, don't slow down!"

Yue Qiuchi shouted.

This sentence of "I'll give you an extra hundred yuan" made the driver frown. He stopped talking and just replied lazily: "We are about to enter the tunnel. It's time to slow down. Let's talk later."

At this time, from Yue Qiuchi's perspective, a red car quickly approached the car like a ghost under the moonlight, and... walked alongside her at the tunnel entrance!

The window of the red car was not closed, and Yue Qiuchi was horrified to see that the monster driving the car... turned out to be herself!

She quickly reached out to raise the window glass, but at this moment, a pale arm instantly pressed on the window frame of the car door, holding down the window glass tightly.

The intense fear made her mind go blank and her face turned ugly!

She saw that "ghost" leaning half of its body out of the car window and crawling towards her!

No...I don't want to die...

I don’t want to die…

I do not want!

Yue Qiuchi's whole body was numb. She stretched out her hand to press the door on her side and locked her fingers on the door buckle.

And the pale face of "Yue Qiuchi" had already stretched out from the car window. That face that she was very familiar with, that mouth... slowly opened, revealing the deep darkness, "she" said slowly:

"You deserve to die..."

Intense fear instantly climbed up from her spine to the top of her head. Yue Qiuchi trembled all over. She instantly opened the car door and jumped out!


The driver turned pale with fear and quickly stopped the car. Although he slowed down a bit, the speed was still over 90 yards! If you jump down if you open the door, someone will die!

However...he only saw a blood-stained body constantly rubbing and rolling against the ground. It came into contact with the road at high speed. Her limbs and head were all bent in an unimaginable way.

Yue Qiuchi... is dead.


North of the city, mirror maze.

The two waited for a long time, but did not wait for Yue Qiuchi's response, nor did they wait for Yue Qiuchi's customs clearance information in their minds.

But here comes... a terrifying twisted figure.

They knew that Yue Qiuchi had stayed in this game forever.

Now, it's their turn, the last two.

However, this mirror maze is almost inherently capable of restraining this evil ghost that is accompanied by a curse.

As soon as they entered, countless images of themselves were reflected.

And it...can't tell the difference at all.

When the sky turns white.

All players heard a voice——

[Strange story: Death as scheduled]

【Customs cleared. 】

My uncle is positive and has been quarantined. My family has been in contact with my uncle and he is expected to be positive soon... He will probably be taken away tonight. I will try my best to keep updated. It is too chaotic tonight.

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