Strange story player

Chapter 260 The Near-Death Inference and Li Xijiu (4,000 words, one chapter.)

We are already dead...

This idea was so bold that Su Yu was completely stunned.

He thought of a person, Xu Tingfang.

Xu Tingfang is one of the few friends he has in the world of ghost stories. Once upon a time, Xu Tingfang experienced a ghost story called "Close Your Eyes." That ghost story was almost unsolvable, but in the end she and Du Bi'an survived to the end.

Now Xu Tingfang and Du Bi'an are still among the surviving players. Su Yu also heard Xu Tingfang talk about it. That strange talk was a trap from the beginning of the name, but in the end what was needed was to open his eyes.

And this time, if this strange story called [Death on Schedule] also has a trap hidden in its name, then it might really be what Xia Nan said!

"If we are already dead, what is the significance of the light and the number of people?" Su Yu asked.

Xia Nan paused for a moment and said: "I haven't thought about it clearly yet, but...if we are already dead, then the way this curse proceeds can be explained."

"All changes that occur can only be witnessed by us, because we are not living people."

"Assuming that we are dead, what conclusion can be drawn and where is the way to survive?" Su Yu still found this idea a bit unbelievable. "Could it be that what we have to do now is to revive ourselves?"

Su Yu's words made Xia Nan stunned. He thought of Liu Jingqing who had just cleared the level. Could it be that something made her come alive?

Or was it something she did that made herself "alive"?

"I don't know either. I'll contact Yue Qiuchi. Miss Liu's house has clues to clear the customs. See you later." Xia Nan said.

"Okay." Su Yu hung up the phone and looked at Cao Xiangrong's cell phone.

He opened the call record and took a closer look. Sure enough, Cao Xiangrong received a call before he died...


Su Yu's heart suddenly jumped. He seemed to have caught something. Looking at the unknown number, his heart was pounding...


Time returns to the present.

Xia Nan first called Su Yu and then contacted Yue Qiuchi.

However, at this time, Yue Qiuchi was already cursed.

But the ghost didn't kill her. Yes... it was precisely because the ghost didn't kill her that it strengthened Xia Nan's theory.

We are already dead. Simply killing, it cannot kill us.

But why did Cao Xiangrong die?

The light...the number of people, both were captured by them.

"Miss Yue, how many people are around you when you are waiting for the strange story to come?" Xia Nan asked.

"Three..." Yue Qiuchi glanced at Li Gui who was driving, and replied with some confidence, "I'm in the mahjong room..."

"Have you been attacked once?"


Yue Qiuchi was frightened and could only answer Xia Nan's questions subconsciously, but the ghost still ignored her.

After getting the answer, Xia Nan immediately connected all the known information.

There are five players in total this time.

Liu Jingqing, Cao Xiangrong, Xia Nan Zi, Yue Qiuchi, and Su Yu.

Arrange them based on the lighting conditions around each person and the number of people.

First, Cao Xiangrong, when the ghost story comes, he is in a nightclub. There are many people, and the light is not only abundant but also mixed. After the ghost story comes, there are still many people around him, and so is the light.

Second, Yue Qiuchi stayed in the mahjong parlor when the ghost story came, and there were three people around him. The light was bright and single. After the ghost story came, the people around him were still there, and the light was still there.

Third, Liu Jingqing stayed at home when the strange story came, and she was alone and the light was bright. After the strange story came, she was also alone, but the light was still bright, and she turned on all the lights in the house.

Fourth, Su Yu, when the strange story came, he was on the rooftop, alone, and the surrounding light was dim, only the moonlight. After the strange story came, he was still alone, and the light was still dim.

Fifth, himself, Xia Nan thought about his situation. He was basically the same as Liu Jingqing. The only difference was that after the strange stories came, he chose to turn off all the lights in his home. Therefore, he is the only player with no one around and no light.

He is also the only player who has not encountered any abnormalities so far.

Strictly speaking, if Su Yu didn't take the initiative to find Cao Xiangrong, he probably wouldn't encounter any weird phenomena for the time being.

If you look at it this way...the order and reasons for being cursed are obvious.

But the strange thing is, why did Cao Xiangrong die, but Yue Qiuchi escaped when he was attacked for the first time?

Wait... If the light represents whether the player is cursed, then does the number of people represent the intensity of the curse?

Because there were too many people around Cao Xiangrong, there was nothing he could do, but Yue Qiuchi still had room to struggle.

Will it be so?

"Sir... I'm a little tired. Where should I go to rest?" Yue Qiuchi said tremblingly on the phone.

Xia Nan heard clearly on the other end of the phone that Yue Qiuchi was held hostage in the car by a ghost pretending to be him. The question Yue Qiuchi asked now was actually asking her what to do now and how to escape.

However, Xia Nan didn't know... Suddenly, he thought of the way Cao Xiangrong died.

Could it be that the ghost wanted to take Yue Qiuchi to a crowded place?

In fact, this moment is an excellent opportunity. This curse is killing people in sequence. It is currently with Yue Qiuchi. It would be best if Xia Nan hangs up the phone and quickly joins Su Yu to go to Liu Jingqing's house to look for clues. method.

But he can't just ignore death. After all, he is a forensic doctor. Although he sounds like a doctor, he belongs to the police system and is indeed a policeman.

By the way, there was a siren just now!

He did hear the siren sound on the phone just now. Was Yue Qiuchi arrested?

"Miss Yue, were you in a police car before?"



"I...killed someone..."

When Yue Qiuchi said this, she was still trembling. She was already in despair. No matter whether she could get out of this strange game alive or not, her life was over.

"Can you tell me more specifically?" Xia Nan continued to ask.

"But..." Yue Qiuchi glanced at "Xia Nan" who was driving. She was very scared, fearing that the ghost would turn its head and eat her.

"Don't worry about it, just say it boldly, trust me." Xia Nan's voice gave Yue Qiuchi a lot of confidence.

But Yue Qiuchi was still hesitant. She was completely unfamiliar with Xia Nan, and she couldn't tell whether Xia Nan's move was to regain her confidence or just to get information from her.

But thinking that Xia Nan had been on the phone all the time, and that there was really nothing she could do now, she made up her mind and believed Xia Nan.

She sat in the back seat and completely ignored "it" according to Xia Nan's words, saying: "When the strange story came, the lights went dark, and then I saw the words "Destined". When the lights came on again, my friend's face... …became mine…”

"I was scared... I picked up the glass and stabbed her face with the shards and she died..."

"Then I didn't dare to stay in a place with people anymore, so I wanted to go out of town. I booked a ride-hailing service online. When the driver came to pick me up, he seemed to have called the police..."

"I received a call in the online car-hailing service. It was my own voice. She asked me not to leave the city. I listened to her and got off the car at the service area..."

"But... when the driver was about to leave, he suddenly became very strange and asked me not to walk around..."

"I was very scared. After he left, the clerk in the service area found me, and then I went in to have dinner..."

Yue Qiuchi told everything he encountered in detail!

After hearing the whole story, Xia Nan suddenly asked: "Why did your friend's glass break when you smashed it?"


"When did it break?"

"I have no idea……"

"Did you meet anyone else along the way?"

"No...only online ride-hailing drivers and shop assistants at the service area..."

"Did the clerk ask you any weird questions?"


After Xia Nan asked, she finally let out a long breath.

"Okay, Miss Yue..."

Xia Nan closed his eyes and held his forehead tiredly, his golden hair exposed to the moonlight, and he whispered:

"Everything was just to scare you and make you flee to a crowded place. But it miscalculated. You went in the opposite direction and chose to go to the deserted city. So... that phone call stopped you and allowed you to stay temporarily. In the service area.”

"The evidence is that the service area is a real-life scene, but the store clerk ignored the blood stains on your body after the 'assault' because there was no blood stains on your body at all."

"The only people who saw the blood were you and the driver."

"You didn't kill anyone, you just fell into the cursed illusion."

"In the eyes of your three friends, maybe you just suddenly lost your mind and rushed out of the mahjong house."

"After that, it was all under control. It was the driver, it was the phone caller, it was the police officer who came to arrest you, it was the car driver that hit the police officer."

When Xia Nan said this, Yue Qiuchi felt a little dizzy, but she understood and confirmed one thing for herself! hands were full of blood before. Why didn't the clerk at the service area ask me a question?

Because they are normal humans, they can't see the blood on my hands at all! That said, in the real world, there is no blood on my hands! I didn't kill anyone!

A burst of ecstasy surged into Yue Qiuchi's heart. She now completely believed Xia Nan's words: "But why does it go to such trouble to put on this show for me?"

"Because... it can't kill you at all. It can only guide you and cannot change your will. Think about it, is the reason why it can come here because you actively told it... that you want it to come and pick you up? "

Yue Qiuchi was shocked! Just like Xia Nan's speculation, she did say something similar!

"The factors that kill you are not complete...the light, the number of people, although I don't know the specific reason why the curse requires these two to kill, but everything it does is indeed to pull you in this direction."

"So now..." Xia Nan said softly, "Jump out of the car."

Xia Nan's last three words seemed to give Yue Qiuchi great power!

Without hesitation, she opened the door and jumped out of the red car!

Intense pain instantly spread from all parts of the body, but the next moment, Yue Qiuchi's eyes suddenly opened...

She was actually still sitting in the service area, no...she fell asleep on the table in the service area!

How can it be? !

I was obviously still on the phone with Xia Nan just now...

She turned around and saw that her phone was indeed in call mode, and she was indeed talking to Xia Nan!

However, what happened just now seemed like a real nightmare. If she couldn't wake up, she would really be taken away by ghosts!

"I see……"

At this moment, Xia Nan had left home. On the way to Liu Jingqing's home, he seemed to be crazy, with a fanatical emotion on his face:

"We are not dead, we are... both alive and dead."

"Light...human wants us to be recognized by humans as the identity of the deceased. As long as there is enough light and enough people...our appearance and our status can be confirmed, and our status will be reflected in the real world of human beings." Collapse into death upon observation.”

"And if you want to counter this and find a real way to survive, there is only one way..."

As soon as Xia Nan finished speaking, she suddenly stopped.

"Mr. Xia Nan? Mr. Xia?"

Yue Qiuchi asked anxiously. Although she didn't fully understand what Xia Nan meant, judging from his last words just now, Xia Nan had obviously found a way out!

But he seems to be in trouble?

At this time...the phone was hung up.


On the other side, Xia Nan, who had just left home and was on her way to Liu Jingqing's home, put her phone back in her pocket.

He stood on a sidewalk, helpless.

The bright street lamp drew a long shadow belonging to him on the ground.

When he left home just now, he thought about taking an umbrella with him.

But firstly, it may not be useful to bring an umbrella to block the light. Secondly, in such a late night, you should not encounter large crowds.

Just like Yue Qiuchi, if he encounters three or two people, he still has a chance to escape.

However, reality seemed to be playing a joke on him.

Seven or eight drunk college students staggered onto the sidewalk, holding each other up.

If he had stayed vigilant, he would have been able to avoid them in time, but just now, he was in the mood for analysis, and his attention was entirely on the way out.

When Xia Nan discovered them, it was already too late...

"Hey, man!"


"Have a cigarette!"

Zilaishu's shout made Xia Nan helpless, and sure enough... he was still seen.

The lights, the number of people... were all satisfied, and the next moment was.

The moonlight suddenly dimmed a lot, and Xia Nan felt a little shuddering.

The bunch of drunk college students all stopped and lowered their heads.



The crisp sound of bones was particularly eerie in the night.

Xia Nan saw their skins crawling and their bones changing.

Soon...faces exactly like his appeared...

"You deserve to die."

As if they were evil spirits emerging from a human shell, eight college students had arrived in front of Xia Nan, their faces looking ferocious.

He triggered all the conditions of the curse.

Moreover, he does not have any props on him, either permanent or one-time.

As for a way out?

He did have some ideas, but... he couldn't be completely sure until he confirmed the scene at Liu Jingqing's home.

As for now... eight "Xia Nan" who looked exactly like him surrounded him, and pairs of twisted pale arms stretched out towards him, cold and dead... this breath was like hell!

Am I going to die?

Xia Nan didn't expect that his luck would be so bad.

This seems to be the first ghost story after the novice level, right?

I can only blame myself for not being careful...

Xia Nan didn't struggle, he just regretted that it was too short... too short to see the truth of [Tongjie].

He was too curious and too sorry...

Terrifying malice came from all directions, and his soul was about to be swallowed up by this curse and die completely.

Cold, terrifying, huge and boundless... It, that curse, is eating my soul...

Xia Nan could clearly feel that part of her soul had disappeared permanently.

But at this moment...

A tall dark figure suddenly appeared under the streetlight!

It's so weird that even the light from the street lights can't illuminate it clearly.

However, Xia Nan, who was dying, heard a voice, a... young man's voice:

"Do you mind letting me share this body?"

What a young voice!

It seems that he is still a college student like Qin Manjiang.

Who is that?

It doesn't look like a human being, but it can say such things, and it doesn't look like a ghost either.

At this moment, Xia Nan had no other choice. He vaguely confirmed:


"If we can survive... we share this body..."

After receiving the confirmation, the next moment, the terrifying shadows as black as ink scrambled to get into Xia Nan's body!

Then...his figure disappeared without a trace amid the crowd of ghosts.

But Xia Nan, whose consciousness was blurred and part of his soul was swallowed up, suddenly had another group of memories squeezed into his consciousness...

He was dizzy and completely passed out.

Only in the last moment of clarity, I saw clearly the three most obvious words in the memory——

Li Xijiu.

The update is a little late, I went to watch the World Cup... I'm sorry for the delay.

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