Strange story player

Chapter 251 Weird phone call

No...I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill anyone!

Yue Qiuchi was going crazy. She ran wildly on the street, her emotions were on the verge of collapse. There were not many people around late at night, but she was still afraid of everyone she met.

It will come to kill me...

I can’t have contact with people, I want to be alone, alone...

She continuously saw different people transforming into her face. This bizarre and unbelievable scene made her almost certain that the ghost would use a human medium to approach her step by step and kill her.

I want to go home...and be alone.

She kept calming herself down over and over again, telling herself that panic and fear would only make it easier for ghosts to succeed, and she finally regained some of her thinking ability.


Can't go home.

They should have called the police, and the police will come to the door...I will be caught and temporarily put in a detention center. I will face endless investigations and interrogations, and countless people will come around to question... Then A ghost will use these people to get close to me and kill me!

Then...where can we go now?

Where can I go?

Yue Qiuchi shuddered. She looked around in horror. Every figure frightened her. She didn't dare to get close to anyone now.

Since there are no location restrictions, then...should we leave the city?

Yeah...get out of here!

Find a place to hide where no one is!

Yue Qiuchi tremblingly took out his mobile phone and called a ride-hailing car through the app.

Not long after, a red car drove up from the end of the dark road.

Yue Qiuchi confirmed the license plate number. It was the car she had booked. She quickly waved.

The car stopped in front of her, opened the door, and sat in the back seat. She said quickly: "Get out of the city! Take me out of the city!"

"Miss, if I leave the city at this time, I can only come back empty-handed. You need to pay more for the fare."

"Hurry up! You won't be short of money!" Yue Qiuchi said anxiously.

She kept looking outside the car to see if there was that "thing" on the street.

"Okay, just say "you"."

The driver stepped on the accelerator and the car started moving.

At this moment, Yue Qiuchi's cell phone suddenly rang! She was so frightened that she trembled all over.

I looked down and saw that the caller number was unknown?

Is it it? !

Yue Qiuchi turned pale and hung up the phone in horror.

However, just as she hung up the phone, her phone rang again!

Still the same number...

Yue Qiuchi kept hanging up, and the cell phone kept ringing. Eventually, even the driver asked: "Miss, is this your boyfriend? We had a fight in the middle of the night?"

"No... no... drive faster!" Yue Qiuchi couldn't control her emotions, her face was bloodless, and she yelled.

Not only was she immediately haunted by a ghost, but she was now completely trapped in the guilt of killing her friend.

I killed someone...

Looking at the cell phone that was constantly turned on, Yue Qiuchi sat in the back seat and gradually recalled what had just happened...

Did I really... kill someone?

She was shaking all over and looked at her hands, which still had blood and scratches bigger than the glass shards.


Yue Qiuchi buried her head on her knees and cried loudly. She was almost desperate.

For more than a year, she had tried her best to live and had made her life a mess.

And now...even if I still survive this time, what should I do with my life?

I am already a murderer... there are two witnesses, there are bodies at the scene, there are fingerprints, my life... is ruined.

She cried hysterically, full of grievances and despair and didn't know who to talk to.

At this time, the phone was still ringing with calls.

Yue Qiuchi, who was emotionally broken, didn't hang up this time, and actually pressed answer directly: "You come and kill me!"

"kill me!"


she yelled.

The driver who was driving was startled by her, glanced at her secretly through the rearview mirror, and hesitated whether to call the police.

After all...he saw the blood on Yue Qiuchi's hands and sleeves.

I had to take a taxi out of the city in the middle of the night, my hands were still covered with blood, and when I answered the phone and screamed and said such things, this woman couldn't... have committed a crime, right?

The more the driver looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong. Finally... he secretly pressed the alarm button.

And Yue Qiuchi, who answered the strange call, also heard a strange voice: "Don't leave the city, don't leave the city, please, get out of the car quickly!"

This voice is so unfamiliar, but... the way he speaks is so familiar.

Who is she?

"Who are you?"


The phone was hung up.

Yue Qiuchi was frightened, but also confused. Was this the voice of a young woman, telling her not to leave the city and get off the car?

Why...who is she?

Just as I was thinking about it, the online taxi was about to pass the service station out of the city.

As long as you pass the service station, you have left the main urban area of ​​Fucheng.

That voice...who is it?

The more Yue Qiuchi thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, until she glanced at her phone and suddenly remembered, wasn't this her own voice?


that's me? !

Is that my voice?

I made a phone call to myself?'s a ghost!

It's a ghost pretending to be me and calling me...

Otherwise, how could another me appear?


However, when she was about to drive past the service station, she could no longer suppress the inexplicable fear in her heart and shouted: "Wait! Brake! Brake quickly!"

"Are you going to get off here?"

The driver quickly braked the car. Yue Qiuchi's behavior after getting in the car was so weird that it made him panic even while driving in the middle of the night, and he didn't want to drive any further.

"Yes... I'll give you the money, don't drive, just get off here!"

After all, Yue Qiuchi got off the car at the service station and did not leave the city completely.


After getting off the car, Yue Qiuchi suddenly heard the driver calling her.

She turned around and saw that the driver was still the driver, but his expression became particularly cold, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

"Don't walk around alone at night."

Being stared at by the driver like this, Yue Qiuchi got goosebumps all over his body: "What does it have to do with you? If you don't leave, I will call the police!"

A strange smile appeared on the driver's face, then he made a U-turn and drove away.

Standing in the service area, Yue Qiuchi looked left and right. She was holding her mobile phone. The call she just made, as well as her sudden change of mind and her failure to implement her decision to leave the city, made her vaguely aware that this person named [ The strange story about death as scheduled seems not that simple...

If the caller was a ghost, its purpose was to prevent me from leaving the city. Why? Because there were so few people outside the city, it couldn't find a medium to get close to me.

But if the voice that called me was not a ghost, but really myself... would this be possible?

How could I possibly call me?

She looked at her phone in a daze.

At this time...a hand slowly reached out to her from the back and patted her shoulder.

Yue Qiuchi was so frightened that his legs weakened and he was about to scream when he heard a female voice say: "Miss, do you need a midnight snack?"

She turned her head, and a woman who was obviously a staff member of the expressway service area was smiling at her:

"We still have the last few meals here. They are very cheap. Do you want them?"

Yue Qiuchi looked at her, and then glanced at the center of Fucheng, which was far away from him. It was already close to the edge of the city. He was about to leave the city. The ghost didn't catch up with me for a while. It shouldn't be so fast. come on?

It should...go find someone else.

Yue Qiuchi relaxed his tense nerves slightly, and his fatigue suddenly came over him.

"Okay, give me one..."

Update is coming!

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