Strange story player

Chapter 25 Blood Repayment (1)

Someone died.

Qin Manjiang squeezed through the crowd and came closer to see that the deceased was a young man he had never seen before.

Listening to the comments from people around him, this man is the son of the Zhang family, and the lady crying next to him is his mother.

Liu Jingqing couldn't squeeze in, so she could only worry outside.

Fortunately, at this time, someone went to notify the village chief, but the person who came was not the village chief, but the head of the Wang family, Wang Ju.

"Everyone give way, don't crowd together! Get out of the way!" The young people around Wang Ju dispersed the surrounding villagers. Only Qin Manjiang remained unmoved, squatting on the ground and looking at the corpse in trance.

Wang Ju frowned and glanced at Qin Manjiang, then looked at the corpse and said: "Everyone, continue to prepare. You all know the importance of the Sheep Festival. You cannot be interrupted by this kind of thing. As for the publicity, we will wait until the Sheep Festival is over." Call the police and deal with it, let it go, let it go."

The deceased’s name was Zhang Yang?

Qin Manjiang turned his head and glanced around. Surprisingly, this kind of rhetoric actually convinced the villagers. It seemed that a human life was really not as important as the smooth progress of the Sheep Festival. Except for the mother of the deceased, everyone else walked away as usual. .

Liu Jingqing took the opportunity to trot up to Qin Manjiang. After taking a look at the body lying on the ground, her face immediately turned pale.

The corpse's death appearance was terrifying. The dead man's exposed fingernails were full of scraps of his own skin and flesh, and most of his face had been peeled off by himself. The bloody mess was extremely horrifying.

But the real cause of death lies in his head.

A chopstick pierced his left temple, and a small section was exposed from his right temple. At this level, Zhang Yang was afraid that he would die on the spot.

Moreover, although Zhang Yang's pupils were dilated, it was not difficult to see the panic he felt before his death. He saw something extremely terrifying at that moment.

Wang Ju also shuddered after seeing Zhang Yang's body.

He couldn't help but said: "Carry him down first, and move the body to the ancestral hall."

"Wang Ju! What are you doing! My son is dead, where are you going to take him?" Seeing Wang Ju wink, someone went up to take away the body of Zhang's son. The mother stopped and pointed He pointed at Wang Ju's nose and cursed loudly.

Wang Ju was not a good person. After hearing this, he immediately glared at Zhang Yang's mother and said, "What should I do? The village chief has entrusted me with the task of maintaining the normal progress of the Huayang Festival. What do you think I should do?"

"No! If you don't find out how my son died, I will never let you move him away!" The mother said while crying, with a very firm attitude.

"Can you tell me what happened before he died?" Qin Manjiang suddenly asked.

Wang Ju and Zhang Yang's mother looked over at the same time. The former frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm a student who came here to travel after hearing about a festival held here. I'm currently staying in a hotel."

Qin Manjiang looked at Wang Ju and said.

"Yesterday someone said that five outsiders came to the village, are you?" Wang Ju looked at Qin Manjiang, his tone full of threats, "Listen, college students, just have fun, these things are none of your business."

"Carry it away!" Wang Ju ordered without explanation. It was useless for Zhang Yang's mother to stop him.

He said five people? Qin Manjiang was thoughtful.

Liu Jingqing looked at this scene and was helpless. For them, this mountain village was already blocked and they could not ask for help from the outside world.

"is this okay?"

Qin Manjiang suddenly asked.

Wang Ju, who was about to turn around and leave, looked at Qin Manjiang: "What did you say?"

Qin Manjiang stood up and looked at him expressionlessly: "I said, if you move him away, you will be the next one to die."

Wang Ju was stunned by his emotionless eyes and said, "Wait a minute!"

The people who were collecting the corpses, holding back fear and nausea, quickly stopped.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Ju originally had a ghost in his heart, but when Qin Manjiang said this, he became even more flustered.

"Isn't it obvious enough?" Qin Manjiang pointed to the deceased's flamboyant face, "He used his nails to claw his face into strips and tore it off. Look carefully, what do the words look like where the face was torn off?"

Wang Ju felt a chill in his heart and immediately looked at Zhang Yang's face. There was definitely more than one scar on Zhang Yang's face. He had torn off a lot of skin with his nails, and the wounds were densely packed.

However... when Wang Ju looked over, one horizontal line... one horizontal line... one horizontal line... three horizontal lines and one vertical line, Wang!

The scar formed the character "王".

Wang Ju's legs went weak and he almost knelt on the ground. His back felt cold. Unlike others, he knew exactly what happened. In the early morning at the ancestral hall, two junior members of the Wang family had already died. He thought The Wang family was fine, but what was happening now told him that it was not that simple...

"Sister-in-law...sister-in-law, tell me, what happened before Zhang Yang died?"

As Wang Ju spoke, he looked around guiltily. Although the morning sun was right on the top of the mountain, it couldn't give him a warm feeling at all.

Zhang Yang's mother, however, ignored Wang Ju and looked directly at Qin Manjiang and said, "I don't know. It was just dawn... Xiao Yang and his father went out for a trip. When they came back, their expressions were not right. I asked him what was wrong. , he said he didn’t want to stay in the village anymore and wanted to leave.”

"It's all my fault!" Zhang Yang's mother suddenly broke down emotionally. "I said that I would eat the 100-meter banquet before leaving to seek good luck... If it hadn't been for me, Xiao Yang would have left, and this would never have happened. thing!"

"Then what?" Qin Manjiang remained unmoved and just continued to ask, "Are all these injuries caused by himself?"

Zhang Yang's mother collapsed on the ground, looking at her son who died in a miserable state, crying and nodding: "Yes... he just walked to this position, and suddenly he stood still."

She pointed with her hand, pointing to a piece of marble.

"Then, Xiao Yang seemed to have seen something that frightened him. He kept dancing and gesticulating at me. He kept opening his mouth as if he was possessed and did not speak..."

"He slapped himself hard and started crying, but I...I couldn't hear him at all!"

"Woo..." Zhang Yang's mother covered her face and cried loudly, choking, "I watched helplessly as he scratched his face and kept tearing it down. I tried to pull him, but I couldn't hold him back at all... …He is too strong…”

"Xiao's all my fault, it's all my fault..."

Qin Manjiang looked into Zhang Yang's eyes and asked, "Then he rushed to the table of the Hundred Meter Banquet, grabbed a chopstick, and inserted it through his temple, right?"

Zhang Yang's mother could no longer answer this question.

Liu Jingqing couldn't bear to see it and pulled Qin Manjiang's sleeves: "Classmate Qin... don't ask her yet..."

Qin Manjiang turned his head and glanced at Liu Jingqing, with some doubts in his eyes, but still nodded: "Well, that's about it."

"Hey, you asked so many questions, have you figured out anything?" Wang Ju had already hid among the people he brought. It seemed that only more people could give him a sufficient sense of security.

Qin Manjiang didn't answer. He just walked to the marble where Zhang Yang's mother pointed to... and stopped where Zhang Yang had walked.

He didn't know which direction Zhang Yang was facing at that time. Zhang Yang's mother couldn't answer the question now, so she could only turn her head little by little to determine the direction.

This side is the direction of the Wang family, and this side is the Sun family, Chen family, Zhang family, Li family, Xie family... There is no special reaction in every direction.

Until... he corresponded to the last location - the ancestral hall.


There was a roar in my mind!

Qin Manjiang instantly felt that the world had fallen into darkness, and a pair of long black pupils flashed before his eyes!

He lowered his head suddenly. The entire central square of the village was paved with floor tiles, but this one might have been damaged and re-paved. The marble used was clean and bright, so bright that it reflected light.

When he looked down at this moment, what should have been his own face in the shadow of the marble reflection now turned into a strange black sheep face!

Qin Manjiang immediately closed his eyes and did not look at the sheep-faced eyes in the reflection.

He stepped off the marble, without looking back, and took Liu Jingqing away.

"Hey! You..." Wang Ju called him from behind, but Qin Manjiang turned a deaf ear.

Liu Jingqing couldn't bear it and asked: "Isn't he next? If we find anything... would it be better for us to tell him..."

Qin Manjiang shook his head: "It's not him."

"Ah? But the face of the deceased... clearly had the word "王" on it..."

Qin Manjiang stopped, looked at Liu Jingqing, and said, "I lied to him."

"It is not difficult to pick out a simple-structured word "王" among the densely packed wounds."

"That person has something in his heart."

Liu Jingqing slowly opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Qin Manjiang continued to ask.

"Writer, did you see where she went?"

"What?" Liu Jingqing didn't follow Qin Manjiang's train of thought.

Qin Manjiang slowly turned his head and scanned every corner, but did not find that figure at all in the central square of the village.

"She, the one who led us...Miss Xiaoran."

Thank you all for the rewards, and thank you Su Luozhan, Xiao Zhili, Lao Zunmeng, Hua Qingli, Leopard, Book Friends 2017, Xia Qiu Don’t Cough, Don’t Disturb, Roast Duck, Book Friends 2018 for the rewards! thank you all!

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