Strange story player

Chapter 247 Ripples

Everyone put Qin Manjiang on the sofa.

Shen Kui didn't believe Xie and went forward to check Qin Manjiang's condition and found that he was indeed unconscious.

It seems... the cost of using [Tongjie] is higher than he expected.

It was still raining outside, and Yan Xiao and Xia Nan judged that Qin Manjiang wouldn't wake up for a while.

"Let's put the [Tongjie] matter aside for now and wait until he wakes up," Xu Yi said. He looked at Liu Jingqing and Xia Nan, "I think now we should talk about the strange story that is about to begin."



The clouds dropped fine raindrops, and occasionally there was a muffled thunder.

In such a season, the sound of thunder is extremely abnormal. However, what is even more abnormal is that the shadow of a person appears strangely in the hazy raindrops.

It's like a piece of transparent glass twisting into shape in the rain.

"This is...where..."

A confused female voice appeared in the drizzle. She looked around. Wearing outdated clothes, she was dazzled by the tall buildings.

What on earth is this place?

who I am?

Where am I?

Questions suddenly emerged in her mind. She covered her head in pain and huddled on the side of the road.

So hungry...

So hungry...

She looked around blankly, struggling to stand up and find something to eat.

A man passing by holding an umbrella stopped and looked at her: "Madam, do you need help?"

The thin clothes soaked by the rain clung to her body. She had a beautiful face and a weak temperament. When she raised her eyes, she was at a loss, which made her even more pitiful.

The man's eyes swept over her body, and his smile became more and more strange: "Don't you have anywhere to go? Come to my house for now..."

She nodded and handed her hand to the man.

The man quickly caught her hand, but the moment their hands touched, he suddenly got goosebumps all over his body!

He shook his head vigorously, thinking that the rain had made him a little cold, and pulled the woman up from the ground.

The woman leaned against him softly and softly, and her cold and sweet breath penetrated his nose, making him even more fanciful.

"What's your name?" the man asked.

"I..." The woman let the man hug her, as if she had no idea what he wanted to do. She tried hard to recall her name. After thinking about it for a long time, she still could only shake her head, "I don't remember..."

"I am so hungry……"

She turned her head to look at the man, and her clean and clear eyes made him stunned.

His evil thoughts disappeared for a moment, and then surged out again: "Okay...I'll take you to eat, hehe...come..."

However, the woman who had always behaved blankly and submissively stopped in place this time and did not move.

He pulled her, but found that he couldn't pull this weak-looking woman at all!

"Let's go, don't you want to eat? I'll take you there." He said, for fear that the woman would not follow him.

The woman's clear and pure eyes reflected his figure: "You seem... delicious..."

Her head was tilted, and her innocent and weak face made the man lose his mind for a moment.



"Eat me..."

His eyes were blank, with a silly smile on his face.

At this moment... the woman's chest suddenly opened, revealing densely packed bloody teeth!

Slender scarlet tentacles popped out instantly, tied the man's body, and pulled her suddenly!

The two of them clung to each other, and under the fine raindrops, the terrifying sound of chewing slowly echoed in the deserted street.

The blurry figures of the two people gradually turned into one...

A trace of bright red blood mixed with the rainwater and flowed into the drain beside the sidewalk.

She picked up the umbrella on the ground, slowly held it up, put it on her shoulders, looked up at the sky, and step by step... walked into the depths of the drizzle.

At the same time, some strange people appeared all over Fucheng.

They are ignorant, but...extremely dangerous.


"I feel like dying on schedule is a foretelling of death."

In Qingtong Bar, Qin Manjiang was still unconscious, and others had already started another round of discussion.

The person speaking at this moment is Zhong Xueran.

Although things about [Pupillary Realm] are indeed very important, we can't just wait for Qin Manjiang to wake up. The strange conversation that Liu Jingqing and Xia Nan are about to have is also very important.

Zhong Xueran seems to like Liu Jingqing very much, and has been helping her analyze, and his words are very comforting.

"Seven days later, at midnight, each of you will receive your destiny and die as scheduled... The key point still lies in what the so-called 'fate' you received at midnight six days later is going to be."

"Everyone," Mei Sijun stood up and looked at everyone, "This strange story has no place or time limit, so it is inevitably weird. Could this be the key to finding a way out?"

[Death on schedule] does not give a time limit, nor does it give a location for the game. In other words, this game is extremely rare and can be played anytime and anywhere in the real world.

In fact, rather than saying that it is rare, it is better to say that no one has ever encountered such a strange story.

I have encountered one with no time limit, but this is indeed the first time there is no designated location.

"The last time Qin Manjiang and I went to [Ping An Hospital], we didn't specify the location. We were sent directly to the movie world by [Tongjie], so we were deceived from the beginning," Chen Zhiyuan continued Mei Sijun's thoughts and said Referring to his previous experience, “If you don’t specify the location directly, it may be a trap.”

"Yes," Xu Yiliang held his arms and sat casually on the armrest of Qin Manjiang's sofa, "I have been playing for so long, but I have never heard of a ghost story that can fully cover the real world. Isn't that too scary? What's in this Eighty percent of it is fishy."

"Can you have a seated statue?" Zhong Xueran looked at him dissatisfied. Qin Manjiang was lying on the sofa. This man had to sit on the armrest of the sofa with his butt facing Qin Manjiang's face. How impolite.

"Hey, you can't," Xu Yi tilted his head and glanced at her, which made Zhong Xue very angry, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Shen Su, "You're not leaving anyway, let's go out together. Any idea?"

Shen Ku stood aside with unusual indifference and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not a participant in this game. Why should I waste my time on this matter?"

When Zhong Xueran heard this, he couldn't help but wanted to send him away, but Xu Yi said with a serious face: "Look, Qin Manjiang's permanent prop is [Pupillary Realm], and he has been selected every time, which shows that What? It means he is extraordinary."

"You have seen his attitude towards his friends. Liu Jingqing and Xia Nan are both his friends. If you help his friends now, it is equivalent to selling him a personal favor. Will it not be easy to manipulate him in the future?"

"When the time comes and there are good things like backup, you don't have to exchange any big secrets. You can just call him for friendship and love. Tsk, you're always on target!"

Xu Yiyi raised his eyebrows, inciting Shen Mu both inside and outside his words, "Look, after all, this is a transaction, isn't it reasonable?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xu Yi is out of tune, but Shen Kui is really thinking about something seriously.

After a while, he looked at Xia Nan and Liu Jingqing and said:


Update is coming!

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