Strange story player

Chapter 245 The Mystery of the Eye Realm

What Shen Kui said was indeed shocking.

But Qin Manjiang soon discovered the loophole: "I couldn't see the appearance clearly, but I knew the gender, and also knew that they were the current players?"

"Yes, that's the problem..." Shen Kui seemed to be really drunk.

He leaned on the bar, holding his forehead with one hand, and said: "As a permanent prop, [Faded Memories] cannot be in a situation where I can't see clearly, so I can be sure... I have indeed seen the appearance of those two people. , knowing that they are a man and a woman, and even knowing that they are the current players, but every time I recall the specific details, everything about them is like a piece of frosted glass."

Shen Hu turned his head and looked at Qin Manjiang with hazy eyes: "There are only two situations."

"One, my memory has been disturbed. If so, maybe they have noticed that I accidentally saw their appearance using [Faded Memories]."

"Two, they didn't realize that I saw them using [Faded Memories], and my memory was not disturbed. It's the existence of those two people that cannot be observed and remembered."

Shen Ku paused and whispered:

"If that's the case... they shouldn't be in this world."

Chen Zhiyuan frowned and asked Xu Yi next to him in a low voice: "What do you mean you shouldn't be in this world?"

"To put it simply, those two people should not exist in the current time and space," Xu Yi explained, "Isn't there a movie? Time travelers and the like, people who have not been born in the future, or people who have died in the past .”

There was a moment of silence in the bar, and the information revealed by Shen Kui was too shocking. In Fucheng's Weird Tales game, are there two "players" who are not from the current time and space and have been looking for [Tongjie]?

"So, I have always known about the existence of [Pupillary Realm], and I also consciously used [Faded Memories] again and again to check the past scenes in the strange stories I encountered later, and roughly determined the role of [Pupillary Realm], but... " Shen Kui looked at Qin Manjiang, "It wasn't until this [Forensic Doctor] entered the game that I was truly sure that [The Eye Realm] was in your hands."

Xu Yi raised his eyebrows. No wonder this kid had to follow Qin Manjiang that day. He still looked unhappy when I stuck to him. So that's what happened...

Qin Manjiang looked at the [Pupillary Realm] in his hand, is this thing so important...

He could be sure that those people were only looking for [Tongjie], not him.

Because Qin Manjiang knew very well that he and [Jiang Du] looked exactly the same. Many people who had seen [Jiang Du] could recognize him at a glance. If they had come to see him, they would have been recognized long ago.

But the origin of [Tongkai] is not a ghost story game?

Why did those two people enter the ghost story game to search?

The sender of [Eye World] was a doctor, and he also asked a strange boy with heterochromatic eyes named [Lin] to come over to protect him, but Qin Manjiang refused.


In other words, although the people who are looking for [Tongkai] do not know that [Tongkai] is in my hands, nor do they know the existence of [Edo], they know very well that those who hold [Tongkai] will definitely enter the Kaidan game. All of them have been searching for the player in the Kaidan game who might possess the [Eye Realm] for many years.

"You have thought of it too, right?" Shen Mu looked at Qin Manjiang's expression and smiled, "They only know that [Pupillary Realm] is a permanent prop, so they have been paying attention to the top ten players, but they did not expect that they would enter After playing the Kaitan game for a few months, you have redeemed it for permanent props and obtained [Pupillary Realm]."

He misunderstood again.

Qin Manjiang glanced at Shen Hu and did not explain.

In fact, almost everyone at this moment thinks that Qin Manjiang's permanent prop is [Tongjie], and he has never told anyone that the permanent prop that truly belongs to him is a doll.

"Hey, if what Shen Kui said is true," Zhong Xueran suddenly looked at everyone, "will one of those two guys sneak in here?"

As soon as Zhong Xueran said these words, the atmosphere immediately became subtle.

People here say that there are too many, and those who say few are not too few.

Yan Xiao, Chen Zhiyuan, Shen Kui, Xu Yi, Mei Sijun, Zhong Xueran, Xia Nan, Qiao Ziru, Liu Jingqing, Yu Ruoli.

Not counting Qin Manjiang himself, there were exactly ten people, four women and six men.

"Who knows?" Shen Kui smiled, "I don't care who holds [Tongjie], I just want to keep my own backup."

He looked at Qin Manjiang: "Okay, I've done what I promised you. Now, it's time to fulfill your promise."

Fulfill my promise?

Qin Manjiang didn't know how to leave a backup in [Pupillary Realm] at all. The two people who left their names in [Pupillary Realm], one Qiao Ziru and the other Xia Nan, were both discovered by [Pupillary Realm] on their own initiative. It's not under his control at all.

Moreover, he did not feel the costs that Shen Kui mentioned before at all.

It stands to reason that being able to leave a backup is equivalent to an extra life. The price of such a powerful effect must be very shocking. However, whether Qiao Ziru entered the [Pupillary Realm] or Xia Nan entered the [Pupillary Realm], Qin Manjiang did not feel it. More than half of it is strange.

"Mr. Qin, you won't break your promise, right?" Shen Kui's smile gradually turned cold, "I said, I don't care who holds the [Tong Jie]. If you don't want it, I won't either." Do you mind spreading the news that you have [Tong Jie] to everyone?"

"No..." Qin Manjiang shook his head, "I haven't actively used it yet, so I don't know how to use it."

"It's very simple," Shen Kui staggered over, "Just like using an ordinary permanent prop, just read its name in your mind and then use it silently."

"Don't listen to him!" Zhong Xueran stood up with a bang, stared at Shen Hu and questioned, "For the time being, regardless of whether this guy's words are true or false, did you hear the price he just said? Let the others You bear the cost of the player’s extra life, how can such a thing happen?”

"Yes," Xu Yilai lazily raised his hand and looked at Shen Kui, "This woman is a bit stupid, but she is right. Powerful permanent props are accompanied by huge side effects. This is a consensus. You give The price he has to pay for backing up his life will definitely be staggering.”

"Mr. Qin, is this why you invited us here today?" Mei Sijun just sat there, as graceful as a painting. He frowned slightly, "The friendship between us does not need to be used. To maintain it by hurting one party and letting the other party benefit, you don’t have to do anything to harm yourself just for Mr. Shen’s one-sided words.”

"This is wrong." Chen Zhiyuan said concisely and concisely. He could no longer think of anything too complicated, but his intuition felt that this was wrong.

But Jiang Du also told him that he must tell Qin Manjiang that he wanted to enter the [Pupilla Realm].

Now that Chen Zhiyuan knew the function of [Tongjie], he hesitated.

What price will Qin Manjiang pay?

"Mr. Qin...I don't need it either..." Liu Jingqing said softly.

They all seemed to have misunderstood, but at this moment Qin Manjiang really wanted to try how effective the real use of [Tong Jie] was.


If what Shen Kui said is true, then its value is indeed worthy of the two people who do not belong to the current time and space to search for it for many years.

But... Qin Manjiang had another problem in mind.

Although backup is indeed important, is it too much to "travel through time and space" to find it?

If "traveling through time and space" is also the effect of a permanent prop, then the price it requires is unimaginable.

Qin Manjiang was willing to pay that level of price to find [Pupillary Realm], not just because of its backup capabilities.

Could it be because...

At this time, are there still the last batch of backups in [Pupillary Realm]?

Update is coming!

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