Strange story player

Chapter 242 Rainy Day Invitation

It's raining……

Liu Jingqing looked out the window.

There is a layer of water droplets on the window glass, making the scenery outside the house hazy, but hazy also has hazy beauty.

Liu Jingqing put down her pen, lay down by the window, and let out a breath facing the glass.

Looking at the water droplets attached to the glass, she stretched out her fingers and gently fiddled with the top one.

The drop of water began to slide down, and then met other water droplets, fused together, became larger and larger, and slid faster and faster until it rolled to the window edge.

Liu Jingqing tilted her head and looked at the blurry window and the clear trace of water droplets falling...

You can touch the rain outside the window with your hand, and the cool breath hits your face.

The wind that has just entered winter is not bone-chilling, it only makes people more awake.

Liu Jingqing was lying in front of the desk by the window, looking up at the rain falling in the sky, her vision gradually blurred.

Downstairs, the doorman shouted anxiously: "Whose dog! He ate someone else's takeout!"

Then there was a cry of "woof, woof, woof".

Amidst the patter of rain, the dogs barked louder and louder.

Liu Jingqing looked down from the window curiously. She saw a husky with a broken chain around its neck running farther and farther in the rain. There was a takeout paper bag on the dog's head, and it shook its head as it ran, as if it wanted to get it off.

The guard didn't even have an umbrella and chased him with his bare hands. But how could an old man in his sixties be able to outrun a sled dog in its prime?

The dog would stop every two steps and shake its head, trying to get the takeout paper bag off, but as soon as it stopped two steps, the old man would catch up with him again, panting heavily, and the husky would immediately run away again, occasionally "woofing" from time to time. "The ground screamed twice.

One person and one dog, chasing each other in the rain, actually maintained a delicate balance.

The few seconds the husky stopped to shake the bag were just enough for the old man to catch up, but as soon as he caught up, he ran away again until he stopped again.

Liu Jingqing looked at it and suddenly laughed.

It wasn't because of the guard, or the dog that stole someone's takeout, but... everything was vividly happening before her eyes.

This world, although sometimes very tiring and a headache.

But, it's still beautiful.

It's just that such beauty has little to do with her.

Liu Jingqing picked up the pen and looked at the words on the manuscript paper. The new novel was still being conceived. She really couldn't write intrigues, nor could she write too profound content.

She just followed her eyes and used the pen in her hand to record everything she felt.

She wrote about the falling rain, the moist smell of earth in the air, the splashing sound of dog paws in puddles, and the breathless curses of the old guard...

With her eyes closed, Liu Jingqing raised her head slightly.

She felt better than anyone else that she was not suitable to survive in the world of ghost stories.

But this time, she realized more clearly that maybe... her death was coming soon.


Of course there are regrets.

But from the day she was selected by the Kaitan World, she knew that one day she would eventually be like this.

Just like when she was a child and saw an old woman suddenly die on TV, she suddenly realized at just a few years old that she would also have that day.

Then she burst into tears, and no one in the family could stop her.

But later, she stopped crying.

There are so many people in this world, and no one is special in the face of death.

Whether they are geniuses or beauties, they will all reach the same end point.

She is not afraid anymore...

She just couldn't bear it.

The rain is still falling, and it seems that today's rain is only falling in this area.

Liu Jingqing looked at the dark sky. She regarded the seven days before the game as the last seven days of her life.

And then...her cell phone rang.

Who would call at this moment?

It's the chief lady!

She quickly answered the phone.

"Hello? Miss Nie..."

"Miss Liu Jingqing, right? I'm at the Cat Face Cafe. Most of the players are already here. Come here quickly."

"We are ready to help you find a way out. Don't worry, if we pool our wisdom, we will definitely find a way..."

She couldn't quite hear what she said later, so she just listened blankly. It was Miss Nie... She is really a responsible chief. With her help, things will be much better...

Nie Yunzhen urged her to come quickly, and she did hear the conversations of other players on the phone. They were arguing over the mutated pupil world.

However, while she was talking to Nie Yunzhen, another call came in.

Liu Jingqing glanced at the number that was called, her eyes widened in disbelief, and then said to Nie Yunzhen: "I'm sorry, Miss Nie, I have another phone call, I will get back to you soon!"

After saying that, she hung up Nie Yunzhen's phone temporarily and pressed answer on another number.

"Hey! Writer Liu, come and play!"

Qin Manjiang's voice was quite cheerful, making it impossible to hear that he had just experienced a separation from his only relative.

"Ah... Mr. Qin? You are looking for me..."

"I just got a new haircut!"

"So, Mr. want it?"

"Tsk, my boss is gone, I'm in charge of the store! I've got enough drinks and drinks, come and have some fun!"

Qin Manjiang invited again.

"I also invited Zhong Xueran, Chen Zhiyuan, Mei Sijun, Yan Xiao, Xu Yi..."

"Yu Ruoli is here too. She said she would draw me a picture after I get a new hairstyle. Come and get one too. It's free!"

"Oh...and Xia Nan, and Qiao Ziru! Come on, I'll introduce you to two new friends."

"There is one more important thing..."

"Very important."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Jingqing sat blankly for a while.

She looked up at the rainy sky, and the voice of the old man scolding the dog echoed in her ears.

It seems...even more reluctant to die.

When she subconsciously picked up her phone, she realized that she had already called Nie Yunchen:

"Hey, are you here? Miss Liu..."

"I'm sorry, I have more important things to do today..."

"Is there anything more important than the game you're about to play?"

Nie Yunzhen's voice seemed a little angry.


Liu Jingqing hung up the phone and stared blankly at the scattered words on the manuscript paper on her desk.


She suddenly laughed out loud, just wanting to see what kind of strange haircut he had.

She stretched out her finger, lightly drew a heart on the steamy window glass, turned around briskly, and left the room.

Just when she went downstairs with an umbrella and was about to drive there, she suddenly realized that Qin Manjiang didn't seem to tell her the address?

At this time, the phone screen lit up.

Liu Jingqing lowered her head and saw that it was from Qin Manjiang.

"Central Block, Qingtong Bar."

(I am suffering from a literary problem in this chapter, please leave me alone...)

Thanks to 20220715, Xun Weimo, Kong Wuyu, and 20221101 for the reward!

Good night everyone~

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