Strange story player

Chapter 228 Concave and Convex Vision

Ward No. 2.

Qin Manjiang and Jian Cunxin, who was in a daze, finally rushed out of the basement!


When Jian Cunxin realized that Qin Manjiang was pulling her to escape under the sun, she realized that she had succeeded!

However, at this moment, it was getting very late, and the sun was hanging slanting on the top of the mountain, coating the entire Ping An Hospital in orange.

The mutilated corpse did not catch up. Qin Manjiang and Jian Cunxin were sweating profusely and sat slumped on the ground, breathing heavily.

Finally escaped that hellish place.

However, before Qin Manjiang could rest, his scalp went numb.

Because he suddenly realized that this hospital... seemed to have gotten bigger?

No... am I getting smaller? !


Three words popped into my mind.

Qin Manjiang didn't have time to remind him anything. A bloody corpse suddenly fell from the sky and landed heavily on the concrete floor in front of Qin Manjiang and Jian Cunxin!


Jian Cunxin, who had just relaxed her nerves, couldn't help but scream when a corpse suddenly fell down.

This corpse... was covered in blood, as if all the blood in the body had been drawn out and poured onto the surface.

What was even more frightening was that when Qin Manjiang and Jian Cunxin saw the face of the corpse, they couldn't help but tremble...

This corpse turned out to be... Li Daiping!

This is Li Daiping's body!

Li Daiping was in Ward No. 1. He couldn't even survive the first night. In other words... the patient he was responsible for had turned into a ghost?

The two of them turned to look at Ward No. 1...

However, this time they saw...

A weird child with eyeballs in his eye sockets!

He was obviously still a child... eight or nine years old, but his extremely bulging eyeballs were extremely frightening, staring at them!

"Patient No. 1, male, nine years old, microscopic vision."

Nurse Liu's voice last night appeared in their minds.

This little boy... is the patient!

He has completely turned into a ghost!

"Let's go!"

Qin Manjiang gritted his teeth. He had just escaped from the pursuit, but now he was being targeted by another ghost. He was exhausted both physically and mentally.

However, when the two of them fled towards the main building, they discovered that the main building, which was only a few dozen meters away, was now at least several thousand meters away!

The surrounding hospital buildings also became extremely tall. The nine-year-old child just took one step and covered a distance that seemed to them to be dozens of meters!

Microscopy... is microscopy!

After being targeted by it, his body shrank? !

Qin Manjiang and Jian Cunxin fled to the main building desperately. At this moment, the only person who could possibly restrain the other "patients" was Nurse Liu.

However, how could they, who had been shrunk in proportion, outrun that fierce ghost?

The terrifying footsteps were behind me, but the main building was still a thousand meters away.

what to do……

How can I get back to my original state?

Are we really being shrunk?

Or is this also a kind of hallucination? But even if it is an illusion, what can be done to get rid of it?

Qin Manjiang's brain was running wildly. Every step that "child" took seemed to step on his heart, making it difficult for him to remain calm.

Jian Cunxin also fell into despair.

In this game, where is the way to survive?

This is only the second's not even night yet...


Nurse Liu is a ghost, and the patients are also ghosts. There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood hidden in the basement. There are also ghosts. There are even human corpses hidden everywhere in the hospital. She simply can't imagine what will happen in the last two days. Will all the corpses buried in the hospital walls and underground crawl out?

If so, what's the point of this game?

It’s all death anyway… There’s no way to survive at all… It’s impossible to survive…

Her pessimism is getting stronger and stronger. Until now, Jian Cunxin can hardly hold on any longer.

The side effects of her permanent props almost made her lose her normal life.

The sudden decomposition of her face and having to bear all kinds of strange looks is an extremely painful thing for a girl who has lived in the envious eyes of others for the past twenty years.

She has been beautiful since childhood, but since she got the permanent prop, she doesn't even dare to look in the mirror.

Falling from heaven to hell, but still living in the world.

But she still wants to live, she doesn't want to let this game manipulate her life and die in darkness.

Therefore, even though her mouth was rotten and eating became extremely painful, she still persisted.

But at this moment, she tried every means but could not find the answer.

Why am I getting smaller? Where is the chance of survival in this game?

Why is it that Nurse Liu and other patients are suspected of being able to exchange identities?

What's going on with the mountains of corpses and seas of blood underground...

From whose point of view is the opening statement made?

Is he still alive? If he is still alive, is he a human or a ghost...

Jian Cunxin ran slower and slower.

The same was true for Qin Manjiang. Jian Cunxin originally thought that Qin Manjiang had given up.

Who knew that Qin Manjiang would be so brave that he stopped completely and stood there staring at the nine-year-old "child".

There's no point running... you'll definitely be overtaken by it before you reach the main building.

If you want to survive, you must find a way to break its "microscopic syndrome"!

But what to do?

Qin Manjiang completely concentrated his attention, with veins popping out in his temples, staring at the nine-year-old "child".

There must be a secret in it, microscopic disease...

Why does it make me smaller when it looks at me?

If such an ability can be activated without restriction, then no one can escape... there must be something weird.

become smaller...

Look at me and I will become smaller...

Qin Manjiang was horrified. He turned his head and looked in all directions, seeing all the tall and deformed buildings.

Is this... a convex mirror? !

Qin Manjiang grabbed Jian Cunxin's hand and whispered: "Don't ask anything, trust me, follow me!"

Jian Cun was startled. She had no time to think about what Qin Manjiang had just said. She was already pulled by Qin Manjiang and started running.

However, where he ran to was...that terrifying "nine-year-old child"!

What does he want to do? !

He's crazy? !

Jian Cunxin subconsciously wanted to throw away her hand, but what Qin Manjiang had just said flashed through her mind:

"Don't ask anything, trust me..."

She suppressed her fear and glanced at Qin Manjiang slightly, her eyes gradually becoming firm.

Immediately, she held Qin Manjiang's hand tightly.

The two of them said nothing and rushed towards the "nine-year-old child" without saying a word.

Getting closer...

Getting closer!

The ferocious eyeballs on the child's face were almost about to shoot out, which was extremely terrifying.

However, Qin Manjiang and Jian Cunxin turned a blind eye.

Jian Cunxin had already made her decision. She believed in Qin Manjiang wholeheartedly and didn't notice the changes around her at all.

At this moment, as the two of them ran towards the "nine-year-old child", things had changed.

The surrounding buildings gradually became normal, and the two bodies were also restored, no longer so small...

What's even weirder is that after the distance between the child and the child was only half, the entire world reached balance and returned to normal size.

However, Qin Manjiang still did not stop. He continued to rush towards the child, and Jian Cunxin still followed him! There was no hesitation.

At this moment, Jian Cunxin finally realized that... everything around her... was getting smaller instead? !'s because I got bigger!

how so?

Seeing that they were only three meters away from the terrifying child, the two of them were already taller than the surrounding hospital buildings!

That terrifying "nine-year-old child" has now become smaller than a fist!

Qin Manjiang stared at it, pulled Jian Cunxin together, rushed towards the "child" without hesitation, and stepped on it!


Distorted screams of terror came from Ward No. 1, and everything around him quickly distorted and fluctuated.

The bodies of Qin Manjiang and Jian Cunxin also quickly returned to normal size.

Jian Cunxin looked at Qin Manjiang in disbelief...


And eliminate it?

Why...what did he find?

I can only do two updates today. It’s sunny here where I live. I’m in quarantine. I’m finished...

Thanks to Shen Susi, Yuanyuan Yuanyuan, Book Friends 2022, Lazy Tsui, and Xia Qiu for not coughing.

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