Strange story player

Chapter 226 The first clues appear

Follow his lead...

Jian Cunxin didn't fully understand what Qin Manjiang meant, but she knew that now was not the time to ask.

But when Qin Manjiang stepped forward, Jian Cunxin was dumbfounded.

Why is he walking in a "Z" pattern?

etc! Could it be?

Jian Cunxin immediately turned back to look at the corpse. It was coming towards them step by step, and its steps were also in a "Z" shape!

Only then did she realize what Qin Manjiang was doing just now while staring at the corpse!

If this space just stayed in place no matter how much it moved, it would be impossible for the ghosts to catch up with them.

But if the ghost can get close, then... you can learn how to move from it!

In such an emergency situation just now, he could actually think of this method...

Jian Cunxin looked at Qin Manjiang's back with an incredulous expression. What kind of person was this man?

He seems unreliable, but at certain moments he is unexpectedly reliable.

Jian Cunxin hurriedly followed. She stepped on the place where Qin Manjiang stepped as she was told, without stepping out of her "Z" shape. Although she didn't know why, since Qin Manjiang said so, she did so.

In fact, Qin Manjiang had no time to distract her now, all his energy was concentrated on his feet.

Jian Cunxin's guess was correct. He was indeed staring at the steps of the corpse and imitating them.

But is it enough to just get out of the "Z" shape?

He didn't know, but he couldn't try and make mistakes now. He could only perfectly copy all the steps of the mutilated corpse.

The direction, stride length, and frequency are all as consistent as possible, and this requires a huge amount of energy and concentration to do.

Qin Manjiang only had time to tell Jian Cunxin and walked forward in his footsteps.

If one step goes wrong, I'm afraid I'll end up back at the starting point just like before.

Qin Manjiang didn't realize it himself. When he was completely focused, his expression gradually became unlike himself.


Run away!

Chen Zhiyuan only had one thought in his mind.

But...where is the safest place to escape now?

He desperately thought about the answer, but his mind was blurry. He couldn't think of...

Chen Zhiyuan clearly felt the decline in his thinking ability, but he did not want to give up.

After paying such a high price, the future was written from the "key clues". Even if you die, you must pass on this information!

At this moment, his brain could no longer accommodate too much thinking.

Although he could no longer think deeply about the problem, on some issues, his thoughts became simpler and purer.

Chen Zhiyuan only knows that he cannot be caught up by this ghost, and cannot die in vain. Even if he dies, he must, like Yang, find a way out for everyone trapped in this desperate game before dying...

I can't die...

I can't die...

Chen Zhiyuan's expression was already a little numb, and he rushed towards the main building. This was a subconscious choice and a helpless choice.

"Wen Liangsheng" behind him had already gotten up from the ground.

Its body gradually rotted and turned into a pool of dirty blood, extending towards Chen Zhiyuan along the dotted line on the cement floor.

Chen Zhiyuan rushed into the main building and immediately saw "Head Nurse Liu" sitting in the nurse's station.

He was horrified, but saw "Mr. Liu" looking at him in horror and yelling: "Don't come here! Don't come near me! You can't come near me, what are you going to do?"

Is she afraid?

Chen Zhiyuan's head suddenly hurt. In the ending just written by the permanent props, "Head Nurse Liu" was a key role. In one of the dialogues, there was a description of "Head Nurse Liu" attacking the director.

And last night, I also saw the fierce attitude of "Head Nurse Liu".

But during the day, why did she completely lose the sense of oppression, but instead...sweat broke out on her forehead?

Chen Zhiyuan's head hurt badly. He tried hard to think about the answer to this question, but he couldn't figure it out.

He only roughly knew that Nurse Liu at this moment was indeed a human being.

"What did you bring in?!"

Nurse Liu shouted almost hysterically.

She looked in horror at the blood that had gathered on the ground at the door of the main building, and her whole body was shaking violently.

Nurse Liu seemed to not care about scolding Chen Zhiyuan anymore. She left the nurse station and ran upstairs!

It was getting harder and harder for Chen Zhiyuan to think about the problem, but he knew that following this woman was the best choice at the moment, so he followed her immediately.

Nurse Liu turned to look at the door. When she saw blood flowing into the main building from the crack in the door, the woman felt a strong sense of despair.

After the pool of dirty blood completely flowed into the main building, a bloody head emerged from the blood. From that face, Wen Liangsheng's shadow could be vaguely seen.

Then came the neck, shoulders, arms, body... Just when the blood was about to emerge from his waist, "Wen Liangsheng's" face suddenly squirmed crazily!



The flesh and blood on its face fell off piece by piece, and it kept grabbing the fallen flesh and blood in an attempt to reattach it to its face.

But...the flesh and blood can't stick at all.

In the end, even its upper body, which was exposed to blood, seemed to fall apart, and fell limply to the ground, smashed into the blood.

Chen Zhiyuan and Nurse Liu stood at the stairs leading to the second floor. Looking at the terrifying scene at the entrance of the hall, Nurse Liu suddenly laughed in surprise: "Hahahahaha!!! Its body has been injured!"

"It has to be replaced, it's too late!"

Flesh and blood kept falling off "Wen Liangsheng"'s body, and in the end, all that was left was a white skull.

However, the eye sockets of the skull were crowded with dense eyeballs, which looked particularly eye-catching.

In the end, the pale skull slowly sank into the dirty blood and disappeared.

Nurse Liu turned to look at Chen Zhiyuan, her eyes full of viciousness.


"Don't break the balance of the seven days, you must die!"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Chen Zhiyuan thrust his left hand forward and strangled her neck. When Nurse Liu struggled to grab it back, he pinned her hand behind her back with his right hand and pressed it violently. On the wall at the top of the stairs!

"Let me go! Do you know what you are doing?" Nurse Liu struggled confidently, "I am the only one who can save your lives tonight! If you dare to touch me, I guarantee you will not survive tonight!"

"Shut up..." Chen Zhiyuan shook his head slightly and tried to open his eyes without speaking loudly.

He was always serious, but now his clothes were messy, his head was sweating profusely, and his brain was throbbing with pain.

"I'm not very clear-headed right now..."

"So... don't talk to me about interests..."

He gasped and pressed the back of Nurse Liu's head, saying weakly: "I will really kill you..."

(Updated tonight, please read the author’s words for details)

I am a scholar from Chongqing...I received three consecutive text messages this afternoon notifying me to do nucleic acid testing, and then I code was yellow, and I went out and queued up. There were so many people...with yellow code, I could only go to a fixed point for nucleic acid testing. , I was delayed for a long time, and after rushing home to have a simple meal, I could only write one chapter in a hurry.

Tomorrow I have to continue doing nucleic acid tests for three consecutive days. I did it early during the day and tried my best to make up for the third update for everyone. Feel sorry……

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