Strange story player

Chapter 213 She’s here

What's going on? Has she started harming herself?

When Chen Zhiyuan turned around, he was still thinking about the horrific scene he had just seen.

That woman, won’t she die?

Humans can't survive this level of self-mutilation, right?

Behind him, because Chen Zhiyuan closed the door of the ward in time, the terrifying female patient could not come out!

This was far beyond Chen Zhiyuan's expectations. He originally only wanted the door to block her for a short time, but he didn't expect that this thin door actually blocked her.

Without any time to think, Chen Zhiyuan quickly rushed out of the sixth ward.

Chen Zhiyuan, who was standing at the door of the sixth building and gasping for air, was blown by the cool night breeze and suddenly realized...wait, what if the ward check comes later?

What about time?

He took out his phone, turned on the screen, and looked at the time.

Oops! It's already half past ten!

If the people who come for ward rounds see that I am not here, they will kick me out of the hospital!

Chen Zhiyuan gritted his teeth and had no choice but to go back. It should be okay to stand outside the door and not go in, right?

But what happened to the female patient? She is too weird...

But just when Chen Zhiyuan turned around and was about to enter the sixth ward again, he suddenly bumped into a cold body.

who? !

Chen Zhiyuan was shocked.

At the door of the sixth ward, the moonlight slanted towards Chen Zhiyuan and the "person".

Under the gloomy white light, Chen Zhiyuan finally saw the appearance of this "person". She was wearing a nurse's uniform. She was a bit fat, her eyes were half-opened, she seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and her expression was particularly strange.

"It''s you, Head Nurse Liu." Chen Zhiyuan said as he put his hand into his arms.

Realizing that it was Head Nurse Liu, Chen Zhiyuan did not feel safe anymore. On the contrary, a sense of terror that made his soul tremble was pouring towards him from "Head Nurse Liu"!

At this time, "Mr. Liu"'s half-closed eyes slowly opened, one...two...three...four!

One eye socket can only hold one eyeball, but at this moment... dense eyeballs grew out of her eye sockets!

Her eye sockets were instantly squeezed to the point of being extremely terrifying! It’s as if all the eyeballs are about to squeeze out of their sockets!

At this moment, Chen Zhiyuan couldn't bear it any longer, and with a thought, [Ningbihu, use it! 】

Chen Zhiyuan's figure instantly disappeared at the door of the sixth ward.


His cell phone fell to the ground, and "Mr. Liu"'s eyeball-filled eyes looked at Chen Zhiyuan's cell phone.

Weirdly, he bent down and picked it up.

At this time, within the Ningbihu space, Chen Zhiyuan was sweating profusely.

He almost died!

Fortunately, I exchanged it for the Ningbi Gourd... This small gourd is worth thirty spiritual pupils, but it is extremely cost-effective and is a rare life-saving weapon.

His permanent props are of the information-obtaining type, and the conditions for their use are relatively harsh. They need to find some clues before they can be used. If it hadn't been for the Ningbi Hu this time, I'm afraid his life would have been lost.

The duration of this strange talk days.

The Ningbihu space can last up to half of the game duration, which is three and a half days.

But the Ningbihu space also has a normal flow rate of time. In other words... even if it can last for three and a half days at most, I can only stay in it for one day at most without eating or drinking.

Otherwise, your body will become too weak after going out and you will be completely unable to continue playing the game.

One day...

It's a pity that this gourd cannot observe the outside world like Xinxin's photos.

I hope they... can find some useful clues.


Main building, second floor.

Qin Manjiang hung up the phone, his chest rising and falling.


It's a call from a ghost!

But why did Chen Zhiyuan's mobile phone fall into the hands of a ghost?

he died?

It's not that unlucky. Could it be that he ran into the door and killed him...

However, even if he is not dead, Chen Zhiyuan's current situation is probably not much better.

Forget it, why should I care about him? I can't protect myself now...

Qin Manjiang got out of the empty ward, his heart beating wildly.

"Little one, now I have good news and bad news."

Because he was too scared, Qin Manjiang couldn't help but start talking to the doll.

"The bad news is that the ghost already knows that we are not in Ward No. 3 and has sneaked out to look for clues."

"The good news is that she can't determine our specific location. In other words, she doesn't have the ability to sense and has to find it by herself."

"Now, we have to do a multiple-choice question. Either hurry back to the ward of No. 3 Dongli, or we may run into her on the road. But we may also go back safe and sound."

"Either... we fight to the death, hide and seek with her in the main building, and look for clues..."

Qin Manjiang chattered endlessly, he spoke extremely quietly, he did not need anyone's response, he just wanted to use this method to relieve his fear.

"It's okay... The main building has six floors. There are stairs at both ends of the corridor on each floor. There are so many wards... She may not be able to find us."

Although he talked about various choices, he had already made a decision in action.

He is still following the blood trail!

This blood...if it came during the day, it might be gone!

Can't let these clues go...

There is no absolutely safe option in this game. When it's time to fight, you have to fight.

Following the blood stains, Qin Manjiang went all the way to the third floor!

At this time, Qin Manjiang's heart beat hard.

There's something on the blood!

Is this... a work badge?

[Name: Lian Yan]

[Department: Psychiatry]

[Position: Head Nurse]

The name and photo on the job tag is...a man? !

An extremely handsome man, but his job is head nurse... Wait, isn't this Lian Yan a necrophiliac?

Why does he have a work card that is exactly the same as "Head Nurse Liu"?

Qin Manjiang's mind was in confusion, and strong doubts came to his mind. At this moment, the doll suddenly pulled his hair hard!

somebody is coming?

Qin Manjiang immediately leaned against the wall and prepared to escape.

But where to run now?

Will that "person" come up from the front stairs or the rear stairs?

Standing in the middle of the corridor on the third floor, Qin Manjiang was caught in a dilemma.

If you open a ward at random and hide in, that "person" may come searching from room to room to find him.

But if you bet your luck like this and choose between the stairs on the left and the stairs on the right of the corridor, the mortality rate is too high, 50%...

Thinking about it this way, it is safer to hide in the room on this floor. After all, some of "her" may not open the room to check. After all, there are so many rooms in this building, and "she" can't be found even if he checks each one.

After thinking this, Qin Manjiang gently pushed open the door behind him, then slowly closed the door and hid inside.

In the dim ward, Qin Manjiang was sweating profusely, and he was still holding the work badge tightly in his hand.



Qin Manjiang had goosebumps all over his body!

what happened? Where does the feeling of being watched come from?

"She" discovered me?

But where is she?

I had obviously hid in the ward, but there were no footsteps in the corridor, and "she" obviously hadn't come over yet...

At this moment, Qin Manjiang was shocked to discover... that there was a twisted shadow in the pale white light shining from the moon on the ground.

Could it be...

He looked up suddenly, and saw a scary female nurse with eyeballs in her sockets lying outside the window, staring at him!

Thanks to Wan Liangtian, Book Friends 2022, Book Friends 1607, Piqiu who loves listening to music, and friends in the group, Kamen Rider Jihu, Zishu for the red envelopes!

I didn’t update Chapter 3 today, so I’ll definitely make it up~

Good night!

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