Strange story player

Chapter 205 Strange Hospital

"Patient No. 4," the head nurse continued without pause: "Female, thirty-three years old, multiple personality disorder."

"She has three personalities. Currently, all three personalities are stable and fully developed. They have independent thinking patterns and memories, and they are unaware of each other's existence."

"But recently a fourth personality was born, with unknown characteristics."

Unknown female patient with split personality...

In Kaitan games, the unknown means danger. This is nothing new.

Still no one took the initiative to apply to be in charge of Patient No. 4.

Nurse Liu's expression did not change at all, and she continued:

"Patient No. 5, male, 20 years old..."

Nurse Liu couldn't help but pause for a moment, and this moment of pause made everyone's hearts lift.

"He...whether he is a man or a woman, it is best not to let him think you are beautiful. He will kill you. He is one of the most dangerous patients in Ping An Hospital."

At this time, Xinxin suddenly smiled.

She raised her hands and said, "It's okay, me too."

Nurse Liu gave her a strange look and handed her the medical record of Patient No. 5.

Xinxin took it and looked at it. The medical record was horribly detailed. There was even a photo of him on the left side at the top.

Qin Manjiang also took a curious look. The man was very young, with fair skin, and half-length short hair. The collar of his white shirt was slightly open. He lowered his head slightly, looked up at the camera, and had a slightly upward curve at the corner of his mouth. , with a high nose and deep eyes. Even though he was the same sex as him, Qin Manjiang couldn't help but admire that this man was indeed very good-looking.

In the name column, there are two words written - Lian Yan.

Necrophilia... Qin Manjiang stared at the photo of the person named Lian Yan for a long time. With this person's conditions, he would probably seduce quite a few little girls to take the initiative to become his "corpse".

"So handsome..." Xinxin stared at his photo with bright eyes, as if she had completely forgotten that she was in a horror game.

"You'd better wake up." Nurse Liu actually reminded her aloud.

Then he looked at the last medical record and said, "Patient No. 6, female, thirty-nine years old, body integrity disorder."

"She thinks her limbs are twisted and horrifying. She wants to cut off her hands and feet all the time. She has an extremely serious tendency to self-mutilate."

"Okay, you three people who didn't choose, come over and draw lots."

The head nurse looked at Chen Zhiyuan, Wen Liangsheng, and Jian Cunxin, and said in a commanding tone.

She put the three cases behind her back, shuffled them, and then spread them out from behind: "Choose, whichever one is selected is the one."

Wen Liangsheng looked at the three cases helplessly. If he could, he wouldn't choose any of them.

Finally, he took the case on the far left.

Jian Cunxin still wore a mask. She took the case on the far right, leaving the only remaining middle portion for Chen Zhiyuan, who seemed to be still distracted.

"You are responsible for the multiple personality No. 4, Jian Cunxin."

"You are responsible for No. 6 who mutilated his limbs." The head nurse looked at Chen Zhiyuan and glared at him, "Just leave if you don't want to do anything!"

"Walking Corpse Syndrome No. 2, here you go."

She said to Wen Liangsheng.

Wen Liangsheng didn't expect that he would pick the weirdest-looking patient. Is this luck...

"It is now ten o'clock in the evening. I will give you an hour to adapt. The shift will change at eleven o'clock on time. You will take care of them. Your lounge is at the end of the corridor and turn left. Don't wander around. I will come to you in an hour."

After speaking, the head nurse Liu turned around and left without giving anyone a chance to ask questions.

"Papa..." Chen Zhiyuan suddenly slapped his face twice, forcibly cheered up, and looked at everyone: "Everyone, let's go to the lounge first. She specifically mentioned the lounge. Maybe there is the only A safe place."

Seeing that Chen Zhiyuan was adjusting his emotions, Qin Manjiang was not ready to say anything, otherwise he might have helped slap those two slaps.

"Mr. Chen... we... seem to have been deliberately separated by this game." Li Daiping's voice was trembling. Although he picked the patient who seemed to be the least dangerous, there was no absolutely safe choice in this game. ?

"Well, the game lasts for seven days. From this moment on, we have to pay attention to every detail, otherwise it will be irreversible in the end."

"I said……"

Qin Manjiang stood there and turned to look around: "Do you feel that the structure of this safe hospital is different from that of ordinary mental hospitals?"

His words shocked everyone.

"Have you seen other mental hospitals?" Chen Zhiyuan asked.

"Yeah," Qin Yiyi had stayed there. Because of this, Qin Manjiang found it strange, "Mental hospitals are very special. Because of the emotional instability of the patients, the doors and windows in the hospital are usually reinforced and sealed with safety materials. , but you see, these doors are so fragile that they can be kicked open, and the windows at the end of the corridor have no safety protection."

After Qin Manjiang said this, everyone began to look around.

At this glance, there are more and more strange places.

On the wall of the corridor next to me, there were scratches left for unknown reasons, like they were made with a knife or scratched with hands.

Moreover, the weirdest thing is that the floor of this hospital is actually gray.

"You are right, the decoration of the mental hospital should be mainly white. White will make the mood more stable and give people a bright feeling, but you see..." Chen Zhiyuan looked at the door of the ward beside him, "The door and The walls are all gray, and gray is a depressing color. The lights in the entire hospital are not pure white, but rather yellow. Yellow is an emotionally agitating color..."

Chen Zhiyuan paused for a moment and expressed his reasoning: "The decoration of this hospital does not seem to be to calm the patients' emotions, but to constantly stimulate them."

At this time, Wen Liangsheng touched the wall of the corridor and smelled his fingers.

"This is a wall that was recently repainted."

he said with conviction.

"It smells of blood..." After Wen Liangsheng finished speaking, Jian Cunxin, who had been wearing a mask, spoke for the first time.

Her voice made everyone turn to look at her.

Without him, this voice is so penetrating!

Cold to the bone, more like a ghost than a ghost...

After finishing speaking, Jian Xin stretched out his hand without saying a word and scratched a trace from left to right on the gray wall.

Everyone’s pupils shrank——

Under the plaster of the wall she scraped away, there was blood!

All the coagulated blood was hidden under the newly painted gray wall paint. Wen Liangsheng's heartbeat accelerated. He also tried to use his nails to pick off some wall paint like Jian Cunxin.

However, as he pressed the button, he suddenly felt something wrong? !

A faint strange smell floated in the air, and other outlines gradually appeared where Wen Liangsheng had buckled down the wall plaster, and the outlines clearly looked like -

A human face!

A woman's face!

Wen Liangsheng was so frightened that he immediately backed away. There was someone... no... a body in the wall!

Human corpses are embedded in the walls of the hospital.

Thank you to book friends 2019, book friends 2022, book friends 2022, and a bunch of book friends 2022 whose IDs are not visible but whose numbers are different. Thank you haha.

Good night~

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