Strange story player

Chapter 192 Death of Bai Yang

The Bai family's manor burned down.

The sirens of ambulances, police cars, and fire engines were heard, but the villa was still in flames.

The Bai family is an old and famous family in Fucheng.

The manor is located in the northernmost part of Fucheng City, where land is extremely valuable. The people who live there are all celebrities. This kind of place... has not had a large-scale accident for many years.

Outside the carved iron door, heat waves rushed out along with the wind, making people's faces turn red even though they were a long distance away.

The flames were still dancing in everyone's eyes. The scene was chaotic, low, and filled with an atmosphere of depression and a hint of terror.

"Has everyone come out?"

Fire Chief Yan Lie was wearing a fire-proof suit. When he lifted up his mask and spoke, you could see the sweat on his face.

"The second young master never came out." The person who spoke was a gardener in his fifties. He had burn marks on his body. The doctor who came with the ambulance was treating him.

"Second Young Master? What's his name?" Yan Lie asked in a deep voice.

"Boyang, you used to be our police officer." Next to the police car, a criminal policeman in civilian clothes said calmly while looking at the blazing flames.

Baiyang? Yan Lie frowned when he heard the name. He had heard of this name before...but he couldn't remember who mentioned it in front of him.

"Besides Bai Yang, is there anyone else?" Yan Lie continued to ask.

"No, the young lady returned to China today. Starting from noon, a barbecue party was being prepared in the manor. At half past one, everyone went to the garden. Only the second young master stayed in the villa."

The air was scalding hot, and it was particularly scorching when breathed into the nasal cavity. The old gardener paused for a moment, covering his mouth and nose: "Then there was a fire... When the fire was discovered, the fire was already very strong."

Yan Lie lowered his head and remained silent, raised his hand to stop him and said, "That's enough, you can go and get treatment."

"All medical staff! Move the temporary rescue location further back, it's not safe here!" he shouted.

Soon, the medical staff and the Bai family members all moved back, leaving only Yan Lie and the criminal policeman.

"It is impossible for a manor of this size to burn to such an extent in a short period of time..." The firelight reflected in Yan Yan's pupils, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"Either it's man-made, and a large amount of combustibles have been arranged long ago, or..." The detective held his arms, like Yan Lie, looked at the blazing fire, and said lightly: "There is something inhuman."

Yan Lie frowned and turned to look at him: "Zhou Fan, don't say such words again."

He put his fire helmet back on and stopped talking.

The fire showed no sign of being extinguished. More and more manpower was deployed, but the surrounding temperature was still rising. Thick water jets sprayed into the flames and soon disappeared, as if the building was not destroyed. The villa burned down and the fire would not stop.


Suddenly, there was a faint vibration on the ground. The medical staff who had retreated a certain distance hurriedly squatted down, and the glass of the vehicle also clanked.

There was a violent explosion in the villa.

"Boyang..." Interpol Captain Zhou Fan looked at the fire with a myriad of thoughts.

If Bai Yang was still in the villa, it would be impossible to survive now.

Although the fire brigade obtained the structural diagram of the Bai family's villa, the interior of the villa has been renovated countless times over the years, and the initial structural diagram no longer matches the actual situation.

Coupled with the continuous explosions, search and rescue operations were completely unable to be carried out in this kind of fire.

Yan Lie also knew that Zhou Fan was right, a fire of this magnitude could only have been started deliberately.

But there were so many people in the entire manor, and when they discovered the fire, it was already burned to the point of no return.

Even if it was deliberately set off, it was impossible for the fire to quickly burn such a large villa and estate to the point where half the sky turned red in just a few minutes.

Is it really...

No, not possible.

There is no supernatural power in this world.

"Continue to apply for support!"

Yan Lie shouted.


3:40 p.m.

Outside Fucheng Theater, in the square.

The agreed time was four o'clock, and Qin Manjiang arrived twenty minutes early.

However, what he didn't expect was that there were already many people in the square, even Mei Sijun, who was supposed to be preparing for an opera performance.

And... none of them look quite right.

Did I misjudge the time and am late?

Even if you are late, everyone's face will not be so ugly...

Qin Manjiang suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart.

"Hello everyone?"

Qin Manjiang said hello.

There was a strong wind in the square. After hearing his voice, everyone turned to look at him.

so much?

Chen Zhiyuan, Yan Xiao, Shen Su, Xu Yi, Zhong Xueran, Mei Sijun, Xinxin, except Qin Yiyi and Nie Yunzhen, all ten seats were present.

And... Liu Jingqing and Yu Ruoli were also there. In addition to them, there were three men Qin Manjiang didn't know.

Was this invited by Yang or Mei Sijun? So many friends?

"Mr. Qin, something happened to Yang."

Chen Zhiyuan's face was pale and his eyes were red. His voice was normal when he spoke, but the flesh on his face was trembling. It was obvious that his heart was not as calm as his tone.

"What's wrong with Yang?" Qin Manjiang's heart skipped a beat. Qin Manjiang was also particularly concerned about Yang.

Not only because Yang is the chief, but also because he saved his own life in the "Underworld Opera" by using the permanent time-reversing prop "Reverse Time Hourglass".

Chen Zhiyuan came over and handed his mobile phone to Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang took the phone and there was a video on it. He pressed the play button without hesitation.

"There was a fire in Yang's house and he never came out."

Chen Zhiyuan took a breath and finally couldn't restrain his nervousness.

His palms and forehead were sweating. Chen Zhiyuan himself never thought that one day he would be afraid of something other than ghosts... He was afraid that Yang Zhen was dead.

"How do you know it's him?" Qin Manjiang asked, "The report didn't mention his name, maybe..."

Qin Manjiang didn't want to believe it, but at this time, Yan Xiao said, "I confirmed it."

He looked at Qin Manjiang: "The fire captain at the scene is my brother."

"Then what are you waiting for me for? Go directly to Yang's house!" Qin Manjiang turned around and left.

But he was caught by Chen Zhiyuan.

"This is... what Yang said."

Qin Manjiang looked down at Chen Zhiyuan's hand holding his arm. He could feel Chen Zhiyuan shaking violently.

"Let me tell you," Zhong Xueran pulled Chen Zhiyuan away and looked at Qin Manjiang, "Chen Zhiyuan told us once before he came here."

"Yang recently chose to play a special game." Zhong Xueran said.

Special game?

Qin Manjiang suddenly thought of the night when Squad Leader Qiao was accidentally dragged into the ghost story game.

In the square outside Baihong Building, I felt something was wrong with Yang's state, and then asked him if he was going to die.

"Permanently offline?"

Qin Manjiang's heart skipped a beat and he asked aloud.

"You really know!" Chen Zhiyuan walked over again excitedly, "What did he tell you? Tell me!"

Qin Manjiang's heart was beating wildly, and his brain quickly went back to the conversation with Yang that night.

"He said that after his spiritual pupils exceeded 500, he saw a new opportunity, and he might be able to get out of the game completely."

Qin Manjiang said.

"What else?" Chen Zhiyuan grabbed Qin Manjiang's arm and asked nervously.

"He is going to try to escape from the game, saying that he wants to find a way for everyone to completely leave the Kaitan Game." Qin Manjiang's voice became lower and lower.

"And...he said..."

"What did he say?" Chen Zhiyuan's eyes were red and he could not control his emotions.

"he tells me……"

"If I die... you have to help everyone find a new path." Qin Manjiang raised his head and looked at the lost Chen Zhiyuan.

Chen Zhiyuan slowly let go of his hand, his eyes were blank, and he stumbled back, but was supported by Mei Sijun.

By now, everyone could already tell that Yang was already prepared to die... only to say such words to Qin Manjiang.

"I'm curious, why is it you?" Shen Zu leaned against the railing. He was not wearing a suit today, but a gray casual jacket. The wind in the square made his always meticulous hair slightly messy.

Yes... why is it Qin Manjiang? Why does Yang look at Qin Manjiang differently?

Everyone looked at him.

why me……

Qin Manjiang's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

Especially when it comes to ten-seat players, it stays longer.

"I ask you..."

When Qin Manjiang opened his mouth, his voice was a little low, and he said word by word:

"Has the world in your eyes changed?"

The expressions of Yan Xiao, Shen Su, Xu Yi, Chen Zhiyuan, Zhong Xueran, Xinxin, and Mei Sijun suddenly changed.

Zhong Xueran's heart was beating wildly as she remembered what happened that morning.

Not a dream.

That sudden color flip is real!

"What else did he say?"

Seven of the ten people at the table had their eyes fixed on Qin Manjiang.

Especially Yan Xiao...

He is the second person under Yang, and the number of spiritual pupils he possesses at this moment has almost reached three hundred.

And as he got closer to the number three hundred, he felt in his daily life that everyone's faces... were getting stranger and stranger.

Although there are no changes on the face, in Yan Xiao's eyes, everyone seems to be——

It became uncoordinated.

"I don't know if I should talk about this, but you should all be aware of it. The more people have spiritual pupils, the more obvious their feelings will be." Qin Manjiang recalled what Wanyang said that night.

The number of Yang's spiritual pupils has exceeded five hundred. In his eyes, the whole world has become beyond recognition, and even his relatives and friends have all become more terrifying than ghosts.

Looking at their pale faces, Yang's voice appeared in Qin Manjiang's mind: "Are the ghosts we met in the ghost story game also human beings? It's just that their rules are different from ours..."

Yang's conjecture was so terrifying that Qin Manjiang had been unwilling to think deeply about it for a while.

But today...

"Since you can be invited by Yang, then... I am willing to believe you," Qin Manjiang made up his mind. He looked at everyone and said slowly: "As the number of spiritual pupils increases, the whole world will be under our control." In his eyes, everything changed beyond recognition, whether it was the sky, the earth, the water, the buildings... or the humans."

"Yang said that the world in his eyes has become more terrifying than hell, and everyone's bodies and faces have become distorted and weird."

"But..." Qin Manjiang glanced at everyone, "I haven't changed."

There is a chapter tonight. This chapter is very important. I am writing very slowly with deletions and revisions.

Thanks to Congressman Jess, I like Xiao Ai, Book Friends 2022 for the reward, thank you boss!

Good night everyone~

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