Strange story player

Chapter 184 A lot of weirdness

Blue Bay villa area.

The rainstorm was particularly heavy in this area, and the strong wind blew weeds and garbage into the sky. Normal people would not go out in this kind of weather.

In the living room of the villa, Shen Hu "watched" the two ghosts walking away without any contact, one went to the second floor, and the other went to the kitchen.

Not found yet...

He also breathed a sigh of relief.

But he knew clearly that this would not work.

Looking back, this strange story has given two options from the beginning, one is to solve the strange story, and the other is to win the game and become the final winner.

But looking at it now, it’s really weird to be given two choices!

Because the first choice is the first choice for all Kaitan games.

There is no need to bring this up at all.

Unraveling the strange stories, breaking the curse, and making it disappear from the source are not game requirements at all...

Some games require a time limit, such as how many days you have to survive in a certain place.

Another example is the ultimate game that I cleared before. Its game requirement is... to keep the number of players in the same space to an odd number.

The same goes for the [Candy Game] this time. Its game requirements are obviously more inclined to the second one - winning the game.

After all, winning the game is much easier than erasing the ghost story from its source.

Then why does it have to include [unraveling ghost stories] in the game requirements?

This gave Shen Kui a feeling... that he wanted to hide something.

What he didn't know was that there was a saying among old players - there might be clues of vitality in the opening remarks, but there must be a wrong direction.

Therefore, players generally only regard it as a simple game background and dare not delve into it.

After all, the human mind is a very magical thing. If you accidentally fall into the inertia of thinking and are directly and subtly led in the wrong direction by the opening remarks, it will be difficult to realize your own problems.

However, Shen Ku still used to start with the [Opening Speech].

Although he has never heard that sentence, even if he has, he will still start from the opening statement. With his character, even if he analyzes the way out, he will think about it again and form two completely different sets. Thinking, two sets of plans.

Then... leave the trial and error to other players.

This is a very reasonable thing in Shen Kui's opinion. People who can't think of a way must always make some contributions in other aspects, right?

Those with insufficient abilities only have one life, so using their lives to try out escape plans is their value.

Regardless of the real world or the ghost world, everything is fair...


Second floor, wardrobe.

Xu Youqing kept counting the time silently in his heart.

How long will this "hide and seek" game last?

That scary [girl] didn’t give the end time of this round of the game at all.

It stands to reason that there must be a limited time for peek-a-boo, right? Do you want the ghost to keep looking for you?

After thinking about this problem, Xu Youqing suddenly realized something...

its not right……

It doesn't give a limited time for being found. Does that mean that in [the girl's] perception, all of them will definitely be found?

In other words... Li Gui actually knows where they are hiding? !

Xu Youqing was frightened by his own idea.

But when I think about it carefully, I think it makes sense, otherwise it would be impossible not to set an end time for this game.

Because everyone knows their location and what they have become, it is only a matter of time before they are found...

But in this case, who is found first and who is found last, doesn’t it become a game of luck?

At this moment, Xu Youqing suddenly heard a voice——



There was a slight sound of water stains in the footsteps...

It's coming!

Xu Youqing was very nervous.

Even though he was not in human form now, he still felt extremely dry.

It knows what I have become...and where I am hiding...

It came to me!

But why...

Why is this happening?

What's the point of hiding?


Finding the meaning of this arrangement is the way to clear this round of the game... It must be...


But why? !

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Xu Youqing was in the closet. Although there was no "heart" at the moment, he could feel his heart pounding.

His brain was running very fast, and his rationality told him that his idea was correct. The hide-and-seek game did not set an end time because Li Gui was sure that all players would be found within a short time.

But in this case, hiding loses its meaning.



Xu Youqing forced himself to calm down, but he couldn't calm down at all amid the approaching footsteps.

He is not a quick-witted person. Given time to think slowly, he can think more thoughtfully than most people.

But it was too difficult for Xu Youqing to find a reasonable solution in a short period of time.

at this time……


The footsteps stopped in front of the closet.

Xu Youqing was so nervous that his mind went blank.


He "looked" at the door of the closet in fear.

A red tongue full of holes stuck out from the crack of the closet door, and then... opened the closet door.

Under the dim bedroom light, a tall and thin "woman" appeared!

Xu Youqing's "scalp" felt numb, but at this time, he couldn't move at all!

During the game, players can only move their eyes and cannot move their bodies at all.

Don't come here...just take one look and leave...please...

Xu Youqing felt like he was about to suffocate. [Sister] was wearing a scarlet dress, which was soaked by the rain. It clung to her prominent bones, and her body was too thin and twisted, which gave people an indescribable feeling of terror.

Time passed little by little, and Xu Youqing mustered up the courage to "look" at her sister's face.

"Her" face was pale and twisted, as if she was suffering from great pain! The eyeballs are also pitch black, with no white part at all...

"She" kept looking at the pile of clothes in the closet.

Did you spot me?

No...if they found me, they would have taken action against me long ago, right? It's impossible to just look at it like this.

A trace of luck came to his mind.

But...the next moment...

That long, scarlet tongue, full of holes, stuck out from [Sister]'s mouth again, and slowly stretched it towards him!

The feeling of suffocation quickly flooded into his brain, followed by thoughts that were completely stagnant due to fear.

Sure enough, it found me.

That terrifying red tongue, long and disgusting...

Like a red snake, it slowly rolled up "Xu Youqing"——

A pair of red underwear.

Xu Youqing didn't find it funny. The smell of death had almost made him lose his mind.

what to do……


How to do?

But at this time, Xu Youqing, who was touched by the ghost, suddenly realized... that he could move!

This is a very strange feeling. If his mind hadn't gone blank, he might have ignored this feeling.

Fortunately, he had no idea at the moment and instead noticed this strange feeling.

Why? Why can I move after being touched by it?

Then...should I move?

As soon as I knows that I am a player!

At the same moment, the filter at the kitchen drain was opened.

"Willow Leaf"'s strength was astonishing. "She" reached into the drain, completely destroying the cement-filled floor, and then... grabbed a red safety valve.

was found.

Sandalwood Rong also fell into despair.


Why can "she" find me?

But soon, she also felt the same feeling as Xu Youqing.

I seem to be... able to move?

But... why?

Why can I move after being found by a ghost?

Should I... move?

Thanks to Pi Qiu who loves listening to music, hugs and hugs, Huaqingli, Tiantian Sweets, and purej999 for the tip, thank you all!

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