Strange story player

Chapter 177 Hide

In the violent storm, under the eaves of the third floor, there was a ghost hanging upside down...

Yu Ruoli's body was stiff and his mind went blank.


But...I can't move my feet.

The intense fear made her body seem to have been pressed on the pause button, making it extremely difficult to breathe, let alone move.


The huge thunder shook people's hearts, and Yu Ruoli shuddered suddenly.

Despair grew in her heart, but at this moment, she saw a figure glowing red appearing by the window on the third floor!

Who is that?

The third floor was dark, no one turned on the lights, and the man's body was emitting red light. Under the increasingly dense rain, Yu Ruoli couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

She focused more of her attention on the evil ghost under the eaves of the third floor. She saw the evil ghost's head turning strangely like a fly, and when it was about to pounce down, suddenly!

The window on the third floor was suddenly smashed!


The sound of the window breaking just below it made Li Gui's movements pause. Its hands and feet quickly crawled under the eaves and looked towards the window.

However... it saw nothing.

When it turned back again and was about to climb out and pounce on Yu Ruoli, under the heavy rain, the vestibule was already empty...


The third floor of the villa.

Most of the space on this floor is open, and there are many fitness equipment inside, which has obvious functions.

Beside the window, the strong wind and heavy rain came crackling through the broken window, and a good part of it fell on Qin Manjiang.

There was a faint red light emitting from his body. He was the one who smashed the window just now.

In fact, he didn't see the ghost, but he saw Yu Ruoli.

Yu Ruoli's piercing eyes clearly indicated that he had seen a ghost, so when he thought of Shen Sui's action of pulling the curtains, he chose to smash the glass.

Sure enough, no matter whether it opened the curtains or smashed the glass, it could attract the attention of the evil spirit, but it could not see the people who had already eaten the candy.

The ghost just stuck its head over, and it was only a few centimeters away from him. Qin Manjiang could even clearly feel the cold and pure malice on its body.

Fortunately, Yu Ruoli was quite smart and ran away while Li Gui was checking the broken glass.

The spider-like ghost crawling high up also left.

"Mr.'s gone."

Behind Qin Manjiang, Xu Youqing whispered.

"I know."

"Shall we leave too? Follow it, and when everyone is discovered by it, make noise and attract its attention, just like helping Miss Yu." Xu Youqing was full of motivation at this moment.

"Okay." Qin Manjiang also replied.

"Yeah!" Xu Youqing turned around and was about to go to the second floor. The evil ghost should have climbed to the second floor, but after taking two steps, he found that Qin Manjiang hadn't moved yet.

"Mr. Qin?" He turned around and looked.

"Can we... leave here?" Xu Youqing asked again uncertainly.

"Yeah." Qin Manjiang's answer this time was a little embarrassing.

"Then...why are you still...standing by the window?" Xu Youqing was particularly confused. Did Mr. Qin find any important clues by the window?

"Do me a me." Qin Manjiang remained motionless.

"What's wrong?" Xu Youqing hurriedly walked towards Qin Manjiang.

"After I met it face to face, it seemed that its legs couldn't control it."



living room.

Yu Ruoli, covered with rainwater, stumbled in and put a small red flower in his hand into the only two trays.

Just when she put it in, a panicked figure rushed down from the second floor.

Yu Ruoli was startled by the movement and turned to look, it turned out to be willow leaves!

She ran down with a red dress in her hand, sweating profusely.

Yu Ruoli didn't have time to speak. In the white tray, the small red flower melted quickly and turned into a bright red candy.

Yu Ruoli immediately picked it up and swallowed it into his stomach.

Soon, her body also emitted a red shimmer.

Yang Liuye looked horrified. Behind her, on the sky guard at the connection of the stairs on the second floor, a twisted figure was crawling quickly.

That ghost is chasing her!

Yang Liuye clutched the red dress tightly, which she found in the closet on the second floor. It was also the only red item she found so far.

I don't want to die...

Faster, faster...

She watched helplessly as Yu Ruoli used a tray in front of her and ate the candy, her body glowing red.

Under the chandelier, there was only one red tray left.

Yu Ruoli looked at the ceiling of the stairs tremblingly. Although she was safe now, it still took a lot of courage to watch such a non-human horror thing crawling towards her in a completely incomprehensible manner. .

No... If this continues, Yang Liuye won't even have time to wait for the tray to melt the red dress into candy. She will definitely be caught by the ghost!

Need to help her...

Yu Ruoli himself got out of trouble with the help of a person who couldn't see his face clearly, which shows that other players are abiding by the agreement made before the game started - to eliminate the ghost story together.

Time gave her no chance to think too much, so she could only pick up the only usable thing around her, which was also her most cherished treasure - the picture book, and threw it towards the fierce ghost.



The drawing book hit Li Gui accurately, then fell down and landed on the stairs.

From Li Gui's perspective, this was a drawing book that came from the void and hit it for no reason, making it seem stunned for a moment.

Then he looked in the direction where Yu Ruoli was standing.

Of course it sees nothing.

Yang Liuye glanced gratefully at Yu Ruoli next to the sofa. It was the little time Yu Ruoli bought that allowed her to find the opportunity to put the red dress on the tray!

Finally... I can survive.

Yang Liuye took a deep breath.

At this time, Li Gui, who was stunned by the painting book, resumed his action again and crawled towards the chandelier.

Yang Liuye's heart suddenly tightened as he relaxed a little.


There was lightning and thunder outside the window.

The heavy rain is even more terrifying, and the pale lightning makes Willow Leaf's face even more helpless.

Why hasn't it changed?

Why didn't the red dress melt into candy?


At this moment, the red dress inside the white tray burst into flames!

The flames shot up more than one meter high, causing Yang Liuye to despair instantly.

Because this red dress...had been burned to ashes in an instant.

At this time, she finally understood why the red dress did not turn into candy.

Someone...has already brought something of the same type over.

Yu Ruoli watched in horror as the terrifying ghost on the ceiling stretched out its twisted pale arms and quickly reached towards Yang Liuye's head.

Yang Liuye's face turned pale, and she felt an extremely cold breath coming towards her, but... she was completely unable to move.

Five cold fingers fell on the top of her head, grabbing her head tightly.

The ghost is coming!

Yang Liuye only had time to think like this. The next moment, she suddenly saw... a terrifying face with completely reversed facial features, stuck in front of her eyes.

Then, she completely lost consciousness...

Yu Ruoli covered his mouth tightly and trembled all over. Although he knew that the ghost couldn't see him, he still didn't dare to make any more noise!

She watched helplessly as the ghost stretched out its pale arms, grabbed Yang Liuye's head, and twisted it gently——

Yang Liuye's head was twisted behind her, and the muscles on her neck were completely twisted...

This scene was also seen by Qin Manjiang and Xu Youqing, who were chasing the ghost down from the third floor and were at the stairs of the second floor.


Yang Liuye stood stiffly for a while. After Li Gui released his grip on her head, she slowly fell backwards and hit the floor.

Li Gui's twisted long arms quickly retracted, and then... quickly crawled towards the backyard.

Willow leaves, dead.

Qin Manjiang and Xu Youqing came down from the second floor. On the stairs, Qin Manjiang and Xu Youqing saw Yu Ruoli's painting book.

There was a red light on her body, so she would not be attacked by the evil ghost. She would not be so frightened that she would drop her drawing book. She should have used the drawing book to attract the attention of the evil ghost.

But... the willow leaf is still dead.

Her eyes were wide open, and the last emotion in her eyes was more confusion than fear and pain.

Yu Ruoli slowly knelt down and sat on the ground, his whole body trembling.

Xu Youqing sighed softly, walked towards Yu Ruoli, and comforted: "Life and death have their own destiny, Miss Yu."

Qin Manjiang handed the painting book he picked up to Yu Ruoli: "Throw this out, you have done your best."

Yu Ruoli slowly raised his head, the confusion, confusion, fear and despair in his eyes made people dare not look further.

Her emotions at the moment were very complicated, including sadness, sorrow, and fear, but the most overwhelming one was despair.

One day in the future, every player in this game will experience the same thing as Yang Liuye. It is impossible for everyone to escape from this game... It is absolutely impossible...

At this moment, a person walked out from the direction of the kitchen on the first floor.

The three of them followed the sound and saw that it was Sandalwood Rong.

She was holding something like a red pen cap in her hand. If she looked carefully, she saw that it was the safety valve of the pressure cooker.

Tan Murong looked down and his eyes darkened when he saw the body of Yang Liuye lying on the ground.

Someone...has been poisoned by a vicious ghost.

"Come here quickly, Miss Tan, and end this round of games..." Xu Youqing said.

Sandalwood nodded.

At this moment, she no longer felt the joy of getting candy, but instead felt an emotion similar to the sadness of a rabbit dying and a fox.

In front of evil spirits, humans are always so fragile.

She didn't feel sorry for Yang Liuye, because she knew very well that as long as she was still in the "Ghost Story Game", as long as she hadn't escaped from this life-and-death game, she might be the next one.

After placing the safety valve of the pressure cooker in the tray, the last candy... appeared.

Sandalwood Rong picked up the scarlet candy and put it in his mouth. The surface of his body slowly glowed.

At this moment, the chandelier flashed suddenly - and the light disappeared instantly.

Shen Su, who was hiding in the backyard, just heard Li Gui's movement and held his breath when his eyes suddenly blurred and he instantly moved back under the chandelier in the living room.

Qin Manjiang, Shen Kui, Xu Youqing, Yu Ruoli, and Tan Murong, all five people fell into darkness.

Just like at the beginning of the game, a strong sticky feeling trapped them, making it extremely difficult to even move their heads.


"First round, over!"

"Second round, four candies!"

"Become something in the villa!"

"Hide quickly, don't be found!"

"Preparation time, one minute."



The scary girl's voice appeared on the ceiling again.

However, before everyone even fully understood the rules, they saw a huge scary word in blood appearing under the chandelier in the living room - sixty!

The next second, the number sixty jumped to fifty-nine!

The countdown has begun.

The five people ran away in the dark.

What exactly does that mean?

How to become something in the villa?


How to hide?

How to do it?

I'm in a bad mood today. I was caught in the rain yesterday when I went out. I have a slight cold. My right ear has been red and hot, and my face is also hot. I can only code a chapter of more than 3,000 words. I'll give you three updates tomorrow. I'll take it. I'll take some cold medicine and hope to feel better tomorrow.

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