Strange story player

Chapter 161 The storm is coming

What color is the sky?

What color are the clouds?

A word that often comes to mind is blue sky and white clouds.

But today, the first moment Zhong Xueran opened his eyes, the sky he saw was red, and the clouds floating in the red sky were black.

Zhong Xueran rubbed his eyes vigorously, but found that the color of his hands was also very strange, with a faint white tint.

what happened?

Is there something wrong with your eyes?

She rubbed her eyes again, but there was still no change.

Still haven't woken up yet?

Zhong Xueran opened the bedroom door and went to the bathroom.

She lives alone and is the only one in her home.

Zhong Xueran turned on the faucet and was about to take a handful of water to wash his face and wake up, but he found that the water flowing out of the faucet was also black!

She finally panicked.

Taking out the phone, the black screen turned white and the frame turned dazzling silver.

She quickly dialed a number: "Hello? Yang, there's something wrong with my eyes!"

"What's wrong?" Yang's voice was calm and calm, and could always make people calm down quickly.

"Colors...the colors of the whole world have become messy. The sky is red, the clouds are black, and the water is black, just like...the negatives of photos, but there are many more colors than black and white negatives...very ...Strange." Zhong Xueran herself couldn't explain why. Apart from the strange change in the color of her eyes, she didn't find anything strange.

At this time, Yang seemed to understand something and asked: "Xueran, plus the spiritual pupil reward from [Huangquan Opera], you should have one hundred and fifty, right?"

"Yeah! It's exactly one hundred and fifty. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just come to me and I'll send you the address." Yang said after a moment of silence.

Of course Zhong Xueran was willing to go to Yang. After hanging up the phone, she immediately received Yang's message. After a brief wash, Zhong Xueran frowned and went out.

It's so strange... The sky is like a fine ruby, and even the light has a faint red color.

But why didn’t the other people on the street feel strange? Am I the only one who felt strange?


Zhong Xueran suddenly realized a question, why... the moment I opened my eyes, I saw that the colors of the whole world had become messy, but I didn't think that the world had changed. Instead, I directly thought that there was something wrong with my eyes?

Zhong Xueran suddenly froze on the spot.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that everyone on the street had stopped. Although everyone looked different, they all had the same expression on their slightly white faces.


Zhong Xueran felt a chill in his heart. He turned around and looked around. At some point, everyone on the street stopped and stopped moving.

Just when she realized the problem in her mind, everyone's faces turned toward her, and their facial features stretched strangely, forming a strange expression... It seemed like they were smiling, but full of malice...


With a scream, Zhong Xueran suddenly opened his eyes!

Only then did she realize that she was sitting on the bed.


A warning sign suddenly occurred in Zhong Xueran's heart.

After being involved in the Kaitan game for so long, she still knew the difference between the feeling of a real dream and the "dream" just now.

The "dream" just now was so detailed that she could even recall the cold feeling of pouring water from the faucet onto her face.

After waking up from a dream, all memories about the dream will slowly disappear, and you may even never remember it at all. However, the strange "dream" just now becomes more and more profound as you think about it, as if it is deeply engraved in your mind. It hasn’t faded away!

Zhong Xueran patted his face and looked out the window... The sunlight filtered through the morning mist, pouring down streaks of pale golden light.

The colors of the world have not become messy. Is it really just a dream?

She got out of bed with bare feet, went to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and the cold and translucent water passed through her fingers. Her head suddenly became clearer under the coolness.

She raised her head and stared at the mirror in front of the sink. The woman in the mirror had no expression on her slightly pale face, except for a little uncertainty in her pupils.

Forget it, stop thinking about it.

It should indeed be just an overly lucid dream.

She took off the towel and dried her face, finally getting some color on her face.

Back in the bedroom, Zhong Xueran picked up his phone and looked at the time. It was 7:45 in the morning...

By some strange coincidence, she suddenly pressed the call log interface.

However, the number that appeared at the top of the call record made Zhong Xueran's pupils shrink!


Call time: 7:56.

Call duration: one minute and fifteen seconds.

How can it be? !

It's only 7:45 now, why are there call records from ten minutes later? !

No... is that dream real?

Did I really call Yang?

At this moment...the phone screen dimmed, and a face that was familiar yet extremely unfamiliar to her was instantly reflected.

The familiarity lies in...this face is hers, Zhong Xueran.

The strange thing is that the left half of this face is completely rotten, and the flesh and blood are falling off piece by piece...

Zhong Xueran trembled and reached out to touch his face.


With a scream, she instantly sat up from the bed again.

Zhong Xueran immediately touched his face like crazy and looked at the sky outside the window. usual.

She swallowed and took out her phone tremblingly.

Time... seven forty-five.

call records……

After clicking on that page, she was a little afraid to look at it.

After mustering up the courage to take a closer look, Zhong Xueran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No call history...

A dream within a is two dreams within a dream.

Wait, am I still dreaming now?

Zhong Xueran felt deep uneasiness in her heart. She thought about it for a long time, and when she was about to call Yang, she chose to give up and dial another person's number.

"Hello? So early? Are you having a nightmare? Tsk...I heard that wild animals don't dream."

Xu Yi's voice appeared as expected.

That "tsk" sound instantly made Zhong Xueran wake up.

Finally... it's not a dream anymore.

She held back her temper that was about to explode and asked, "Do you feel that what you see with your eyes has changed?"

Xu Yi was silent for a moment, and soon, the voice that made Zhong Xueran angry appeared again:

"Then why don't you just close your eyes?"

"If you are really scared, bring a quilt to my house and sleep on the floor. I will reluctantly accept you."

"Just think of it as a good deed."



Zhong Xueran hung up the phone.

On the other side, Xu Yi glanced at the phone that Zhong Xueran had hung up on, with a smile on his face, but soon, the smile disappeared:

"Are you starting to see it too..."


Last night, Qin Manjiang was lying on the bed after taking a bath and accidentally fell asleep.

But the time he woke up was six o'clock in the morning, not half past seven.

Then... he took out [Pupillary World], turned on the screen, and looked at the interface inside.

【Do you want to exchange for permanent props? 】

He finally accumulated one hundred spiritual pupils.

I glanced out the window. It was just dawn. Under the fish-belly white sky, there was a mist. Clouds gathered on the horizon like a market. Outside the light red clouds, there was a layer of azure, which seemed to be pressing on Fucheng's head. of mountains.

In the living room, the squad leader was still sleeping, Mi Qiao seemed to have gotten up, and Qin Manjiang heard the sound of the door opening.

He suddenly realized that he had never woken up before Mi Qiao woke up.

As long as he is awake, Mi Qiao must also be awake.

What a coincidence...

Qin Manjiang stared at the screen, tailor-made for each person...a unique permanent prop...

He also has some expectations about what the permanent prop that suits him will be.

Qin Manjiang no longer hesitated and pressed his index finger on the [Yes] button.

Thanks to the helmsman who tipped spadeaa! Thanks to Winter is Just a Fairy Tale, purej999, and mistress sepwei for the reward, thank you all!

Good night~

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