Strange story player

Chapter 151 Night falls

5:55 p.m.

It's not dark yet, and even the sunset on the horizon is dim at this moment when it's almost dark.

Qiao Ziru's heart was beating fast. Qin Manjiang glanced at the time:

"You can go in."

The closing time of Baihong Building is 5:30, and there are still people coming and going at the door, and some people still need to work overtime at night. It doesn't seem to be difficult now.

However, Qiao Ziru's game time limit is one night.

This night does not mean that she has passed the level if she survives it. What she needs to do is to make the entire ghost story disappear completely.

Therefore, she not only has to avoid the evil ghosts that may appear at any time, but also needs to find clues to eliminate the evil ghosts within a limited time.

Fortunately, the hints it gives are obvious enough. The ghost is looking for something. If you find what it is looking for, you will most likely be able to pass the level.

Qiao Ziru took a deep breath. Until now, she still felt a little like she was in a dream. But as the start time of the game approached, the throbbing in her heart became more and more obvious. She knew that all this was not a scary joke.

"Thank you, classmate Qin..." Qiao Ziru stood at the door of the building and looked at him seriously, "No matter what happens to me tonight, thank you for helping me so much."

Qin Manjiang looked at her silently, unable to respond at all.

He tilted his head guiltily. Although it was not his intention to create this ghost story game, it did have an extremely close relationship with him.

"No need to thank me, I'm also gaining experience for myself." He made an excuse that even Qiao Ziru could tell.

Who would take the initiative to enter into a weird story that could cost them their lives at any time to gain experience for themselves?

The time was almost up, and Qiao Ziru stopped talking.

The two of them entered Baihong Building one after another.

However... the moment Qiao Ziru stepped in! A bright red light suddenly appeared and surrounded the entire Baihong Building. Qin Manjiang was instantly ejected!

This surprise stunned both of them.

I can not get in?


There are obviously other people coming in and out at the gate, why am I the only one who can't get in? Qin Manjiang's plan was almost completely disrupted.

And looking at the strangely appearing scarlet light, Qiao Ziru finally believed it completely.

This is not a prank...

At this time, Qin Manjiang made a phone call gesture to her outside the building.

Qiao Ziru held the phone tightly with both hands, glanced at Qin Manjiang with a pale face, and nodded.

This is what the two of them agreed upon in the afternoon, and they can contact each other by phone at any time.

Qin Manjiang stood outside the building, looking up at the huge thirty-three-story building——

The game has begun.


The sky seemed to get a lot darker instantly.

After Qiao Ziru entered the lobby on the first floor, she did not enter the elevator immediately, but stood at the elevator entrance and waited.

In the afternoon, Qin Manjiang said that he should be especially careful about the elevator.

Although she didn't know what happened in the elevator, she took these words to heart.

If he could come in, he might be much safer...

As soon as she thought this, she shook her head vigorously. can't rely on others subconsciously.

Qiao Ziru quickly reminded himself.

Over the years, she has become accustomed to facing everything in her own way. She is a very independent person.

It's just that this game beyond imagination came too suddenly, and Qin Manjiang appeared too timely. He told her so many things to pay attention to that Qiao Ziru couldn't help but want to rely on him.

However, she has not forgotten why Qin Manjiang knew that she was selected in this game...

According to what he said in the afternoon, there were many people selected by the Monster Game. Why didn't others know that they were selected, but he did? And he called himself immediately?

Qin Manjiang didn't say anything, and Qiao Ziru didn't take the initiative to ask.

It was already very dark outside. Qin Manjiang said... It is necessary to take a look at the 27th floor and the 9th floor, especially the 9th floor.

Has no one come yet?

Qiao Ziru had been waiting in the elevator for a long time, but no one came to take the elevator upstairs.

Outside the building, the moon has come out, and the moonlight covers the ground like frost. The whole building is extremely quiet. Except for the fact that the moon can be seen, it seems to have been isolated to another space.

Finally, someone came.

"Miss, do you want to go upstairs?"

The man in a security uniform looked at Qiao Ziru with confusion. He had been paying attention to Qiao Ziru for a while. He had been standing in front of the elevator, not moving or pressing the button.

Qiao Ziru was startled by him and said quickly: "Yes...I...I want to go to the twenty-seventh floor."

She still planned to go to the twenty-seventh floor first, because according to Qin Manjiang, the ninth floor might be more dangerous.

"Then why don't you go in?" The security guard looked even weirder, "Do you need help?"

Qiao Ziru paused for a second: "If I need...can you take me to the twenty-seventh floor? I have...claustrophobia."

The security guard then showed a look of surprise, no wonder.

He knew about the disease, saying that when people with claustrophobia are alone in elevators, cars, airplanes, or in narrow enclosed spaces, they will feel close to death, and may even faint directly.

"No problem! Please come up."

The security guard pressed the elevator button.

Just listen to a [ding——] sound.

The door opened.

For some reason, the moment he heard the door open, Qiao Ziru immediately got goosebumps all over his body!

The elevator car was clean, and the security guard also entered. He pressed the elevator door button: "Miss?"

Seeing that Qiao Ziru still didn't come in, the security guard shouted in confusion.

"Okay... here we go..."

Qiao entered the elevator freely.


The security guard pressed the button for the twenty-seventh floor, and Qiao Ziru took a look. Then this glance made her mind go blank for a moment, and she could only feel the elevator moving upwards.

Because she saw... there was an obvious blood-red fingerprint on the button on the ninth floor!

"Excuse me...what company is on the ninth floor?" she asked, suppressing her fear.

The security guard did not doubt that he was there. Seeing that Qiao Ziru had been staring at the button on the ninth floor, he thought she was really interested, so he said: "Ninth floor, the ninth floor has not been rented out yet. The Bai family has rented it to someone else, and that person is I put it up for sublease, but the offer was too high, and no one is interested at the moment.”

"That's it...thank you."

Qiao Ziru nodded and took a deep breath, feeling increasingly uneasy.

However, just as she was talking to the security guard, the indicator light in the elevator happened to be on the ninth floor!

A slight feeling of dizziness came over me, this was... the elevator had stopped!

Qiao Ziru suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and the security guard muttered strangely: "Who pressed the elevator button on the ninth floor? Didn't they rent it out?"

He stared at the elevator door curiously, ready to open the door to see who it was, but Qiao Ziru, who knew it was a ghost, was almost suffocating at this moment!

She couldn't imagine what she would see when she opened the door. She was originally afraid of stories about gods and ghosts, but now that she was personally involved in it, she was even more frightened and couldn't calm down.


The elevator's smooth arrival prompt sounded.

Qiao Ziru shivered in fear and huddled in the corner of the elevator.


The door opened.

However, what appeared in front of the security guard and Qiao Zi was no one, no darkness and an empty floor.


a wall.

Walls made of red and white bricks!

Thanks to Xiaosan sepwei and Book Friends 2022 for the reward! Good night~

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