Strange story player

Chapter 148 It’s me and not me

When Qin Manjiang returned to his residence, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

The previous phone call from Xi Wutong made it impossible for him to turn a blind eye to Nie Yunzhen's weirdness.

Standing at the door, Qin Manjiang was stunned for a while.

How should I talk to her?

For a moment, he had no idea.


The slight sound of the door opening broke the silence of the night.

The living room was quiet, and Nie Yunzhen wasn't there?

"Xiaobai" waggled his tail and rushed over, licking Qin Manjiang's ankle.

After Mi Qiao heard the movement in the living room, she walked out of her bedroom with a complex expression, holding a piece of paper and handing it to Qin Manjiang.

"Mr. Qin, this is what Miss Nie left for you."

Nie Yunzhen?

Qin Manjiang looked at the note in Mi Qiao's hand and slowly took it.

There are not many words on it, and the font is also very delicate. It simply says——

[I remembered something, and I am still alive just to accomplish that thing. 】

【You are different from me, Qin Manjiang. 】

【Live well. 】

Mi Qiao glanced at Qin Manjiang's face and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Qin, have you encountered any difficulties?"

"...No." Qin Manjiang shook his head. Mi Qiao must have seen this note left by Nie Yunzhen, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

[Live well] Those words are really disturbing. It’s no wonder that Mi Qiao would ask about Qin Manjiang’s condition.

"Then...I'm going to rest first. Mr. Qin, you should also rest early. Good night!"

Mi Qiao said with a smile.


Qin Manjiang suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Mi Qiao asked doubtfully.

"When did you find the note left by Nie Yunzhen?" Qin Manjiang asked.

Mi Qiao lowered her head, as if thinking about it, and then said: "Two hours ago, right? When I went to take a shower, Miss Nie was still playing with Xiaobai in the living room. Then she vaguely heard the sound of the door closing. When I came out , Miss Nie had disappeared, and then...there was this note on the table. "

Two hours ago?

It coincided with the time when I received the call from Dr. Xi.

In other words, as soon as she learned Nie Yunzhen's true identity, she left a note to say goodbye.

It was almost as if she knew his movements at all times.

"I see."

Qin Manjiang nodded.

"Then I won't disturb you." Mi Qiao knelt down, touched Xiao Bai's head, and returned to the bedroom.

Looking at the closed door, Qin Manjiang's thoughts kept surging.

The timing of Nie Yunzhen's departure was so coincidental that one has to doubt it.

Qin Manjiang glanced at the note in his hand, slowly raised his head, and looked out the window.

Where could she go so late at night?

Nie Yunzhen...a woman with a strange origin and existence.

Her message was also very meaningful.

Forget long as she is still in the ghost story game, there is always a chance to meet her again.

Qin Manjiang gave up thinking and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water.

During this period of time, more and more incredible things happened around me.

Even my entire personality is being affected by the "body" and keeps fluctuating.

Which me is the real me?

Qin Manjiang raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror. The more he looked at it, the less he felt like himself.

The man in the mirror wears silver-rimmed glasses, his fine hair is almost hanging down to his shoulders, his eyes are long and narrow, his pupils are dark and deep, his nose is fairly high, and his facial features are flawless, but when put together, there are some bad guys. a feeling of.

Suddenly, Qin Manjiang caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and smiled!

A chill ran down his back, and he subconsciously tilted his head back, further away from the mirror.

But when he looked carefully, he saw that he looked ordinary in the mirror, without any strange expression.

But...he no longer thinks this is an illusion.

The body's unauthorized actions tonight have made Qin Manjiang prepare for the worst about his situation.

"is it you?"


He stared at the mirror and whispered to himself:

"I won't give myself up to you..."



"But... you are me."

In the mirror, Qin Manjiang's face suddenly became bloodless.

Cold and stiff, with no trace of life in his pupils, he looked like a corpse lying in the freezer, exuding a strong chill!

The bathroom is extremely quiet.

Qin Manjiang looked at himself in the mirror in disbelief. He slowly opened his mouth uncontrollably——

The more you open it, the bigger it gets...the more you open it, the more you open it!

The corners of his mouth were torn to the base of his ears, and the red throat in his mouth was expanding. His whole body trembled unnaturally, and unexplained sounds gradually came out of his open mouth.


Qin Manjiang's whole body was shaking more and more intensely.

Suddenly...a wet, skinny hand stretched out from his throat!

The palm was full of mucus, and it stretched out more and more. Qin Manjiang's forehead was full of veins, his eyes turned white, and his body changed from trembling to convulsions.


As the palm of his hand was completely stretched out from his mouth, Qin Manjiang's neck was swollen bigger and bigger! A head followed the hand and drilled out from the throat!

In the mirror, Qin Manjiang's face was so painful that he almost lost his human shape.

The head was completely drilled out of his throat!

A wrinkled face with all the facial features still growing rapidly. Qin Manjiang regained some consciousness and looked at himself in the mirror in horror——

That person...the person that came out of his mouth.

The longer the wrinkled facial features become, the more familiar they look to Qin Manjiang...

The tall nose bridge, the thin upper lip, the narrow eyes... The "newborn" person suddenly raised his head and looked at him in the mirror...

An identical face covered in mucus!

He showed a creepy smile:

"I am you..."


The intense fear suddenly woke up Qin Manjiang!

He was covered in sweat and his face was ugly, but the surrounding environment made him a little dazed.

Is it... a dream?

Qin Manjiang lowered his head and looked at his body. He was on the bed, and the sun shone through the screen window into the room, leaving mottled light and shadow.

It was really a dream, a dream in which... another person emerged from his mouth.

Qin Manjiang wiped his sweat and subconsciously said to himself: "The ghost is still there..."

But suddenly, he felt a little strange.

In the past, although I would think so, I would never say the words "haunting", or in other words, I couldn't say it at all because of my physical limitations.

Unless it's a situation like in [The Underworld Opera], he can have complete control over his words and actions.

But now...why do I express what I think in my heart without any delay? !

Qin Manjiang was in a daze.

He raised his hand, looked at his palm in the sun, slowly opened it, and then slowly made a fist.

This feeling... is extremely solid.

At this time, Qin Manjiang suddenly noticed the sunshine.

It's almost October, will the sun be so bright at 7:30 in the morning in Fucheng?

His heart moved, and an incredible guess emerged in his heart.

Take out your phone, press to light up the screen, and look at the time——

September 29th.

Morning, 8:54.

Come on spicy!

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