Strange story player

Chapter 142 Escape from the Building

Qin Manjiang's expression also changed a little. This pressure was not quite right.

Tang Lily didn't know what happened, but she always felt that the atmosphere was a little strange. The temperature in the air seemed to have suddenly dropped a lot after the sound of the elevator door opening just now.

But in Qin Manjiang's eyes at this moment, the situation was even worse.

He saw streams of blood flowing from the floor in the far corner. The source was invisible, and it was twisting and turning, but it was most likely in the direction of the elevator.

Something has gotten out of the elevator and is coming...

"Go in."

Qin Manjiang pulled Tang Lily, and the two of them got into the advertising department, closed the glass door, and turned off the lights.

After groping their way under the desk, the two of them immediately hid.

The sudden darkness after turning off the lights made Tang Lily's heart beat fast. She didn't dare to say anything at all. Before today, she would have thought that Qin Manjiang had ulterior motives, but after the weird thing happened this morning , Tang Lily already had some incredible guesses in her heart.

The main lights in the advertising department have been completely extinguished, leaving only the dim yellow outline lights on the ceiling, staring at her in the darkness like tiny orange eyes.

The Peugeot emergency exit beside the office wall was also on. Although the green light was not strong, in such darkness, the hazy green light always made her have some random thoughts.

Tang Lily unconsciously hugged Qin Manjiang's arm tightly with both hands. She felt a little regretful in her heart. Why did she have to work overtime in an unfamiliar place?

Moreover, such a strange situation had obviously occurred in the morning, but he didn't even take it to heart.

No matter what she thought, Qin Manjiang was feeling a little nervous at the moment.

Is this what Yang was talking about, a supernatural incident that hasn’t completely become a ghost story?

This strong sense of chill and panic is no worse than the ghosts in the Kaitan game...

Moreover, the evil ghost in the Kaitan game at least has a hint in the opening. Where does the hint come from when encountering such a ghost in the real world?

Qin Manjiang took a deep breath, it was hard to make money...

The two of them hid under the desk and did not dare to act rashly. Tang Lily just held him tightly. For a normal human being who had never seen ghosts, her performance was already very good, at least she did not cause trouble.

The question now is, how to get out?

Just then, footsteps... appeared.







Two distinct voices appeared in the corridor outside.

Qin Manjiang frowned, there are two?

Is this the sound of dragging on the ground, one person dragging another person forward?

And the sound is very thick and liquid!

Is it blood?

Similar images appeared in the minds of Qin Manjiang and Tang Lily. A terrifying murderer had murdered someone and was dragging the other person's body in the corridor.

However, it would be better if the other party is a murderer...

Qin Manjiang thought so.

Tang Lily closed her eyes tightly. She tried hard to control herself not to make any sound, but her body still couldn't stop shaking.

This is not okay... If you bump into the desk and make a sound that attracts the attention of the "person" outside the corridor, you will be in big trouble.

Qin Manjiang also discovered Tang Baihe's fear, but he had no solution. He couldn't possibly go forward and have a one-on-one confrontation with Li Gui, right?

The voice was getting closer and closer, Qin Manjiang listened carefully.

All that can be done now is to find the flaw of the ghost. Even without the opening remarks, ghosts should have their own limitations, otherwise this thing would have become rampant in the real world.

Just like that, after the two of them listened in fear for a while, the voice outside the corridor walked away!

It passed by the door without coming in, and it seemed that it didn't notice Qin Manjiang and Tang Lily hiding under the desk.


Counting the time it took to move, Qin Manjiang estimated that the ghost had almost reached the corner, and he didn't want to wait for it to come back again.

Tang Lily's bangs were already wet with sweat. In the past twenty years, she had never been so nervous.

Now when she suddenly heard Qin Manjiang's voice, she trembled in fright, then nodded.

She also thought that hiding here all the time was not an option, and she should leave as soon as the unknown thing, whether it was a human or a ghost, was out of sight.

Both of them were very quick with their hands and feet, and they were extremely careful. After all, the twenty-seventh floor was now dark and silent. The sound of dragging and walking was getting farther and farther in the echo of the corridor. Now they made a little noise, which made the thing come back. But the gain outweighs the loss.

Qin Manjiang opened the glass door lightly. It was the one that made the most noise. Fortunately, there was no awkward "squeaking" sound.

"Go quickly."

Qin Manjiang pushed Tang Lily's back and hurriedly left the advertising department. He didn't even touch the glass door again and walked quietly.

The two of them had their hearts in their throats. Tang Lily was okay, but Qin Manjiang's scalp was numb.

Under the light emitted by the green safe passage sign, he saw that the ground was covered with blood stains after being dragged, a long strip... extending far away.

Although all he saw under this lighting environment were black traces, Qin Manjiang was sure that it was blood, because there was a strong smell of blood and the stench was astounding to his nostrils.

He glanced at Tang Lily. Although Tang Lily's face was still nervous and frightened, her eyes did not fall on the dragged blood at all. She indeed did not see it.

Is this the function of "spiritual pupils"?

Qin Manjiang suddenly thought of the unclear words Yang had said——

[In the Kaitan game, the only function of the spiritual pupil is to redeem items. But in the real world, the more spiritual pupils a person has, the more things they can see. 】

Could this spiritual pupil really be able to see "abnormal" eyes?

Qin Manjiang was thoughtful.

The two of them had arrived at the elevator, and the door of the elevator was still open. Tang Lily was in a hurry to leave this terrifying place, and seemed to be a little careless. As she was about to go in, she was pulled back by Qin Manjiang again.

"Don't go in, take the stairs."

He had to hold her back because from his perspective, the elevator now looked like a slaughterhouse! There was blood splattered everywhere!

What on earth did that ghost experience in the elevator?

Qin Manjiang didn't think much about it. He pulled Tang Lily into the fire escape and went down the stairs.

It wasn't until they reached the twenty-fifth floor that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The cold air seemed to condense on the twenty-seventh floor.

Without stopping, they ran all the way down to the first floor, and then left the Baihong Building.

Standing by the road outside the building, the two of them were panting.

Tang Lily's face turned pale, she held onto the railing and said subconsciously: "That is...what...what is it looking for..."

Qin Manjiang was struck by her words about what it was looking for, and a picture quickly flashed through his mind.

Ninth floor!

In the abnormal phenomenon that occurred this morning, he saw bloody fingerprints on the elevator button on the ninth floor, but tonight the ghost came up to the twenty-seventh floor.


Qin Manjiang turned to look at Baihong Building. The entire building was thirty-three stories high. Except for Tang Baihe who was working overtime on the 27th floor, there were also many lights on other floors that were not turned off at all.

In other words, it was not attracted by the light.

It should have been on the ninth floor, but it went to the twenty-seventh floor to find something!

Thanks to the three helmsmen of Sweet Sweets for the reward! More updates for you tomorrow! Good night everyone~ I have a very important recommendation for the National Day. It is a recommendation on the homepage of the APP. I have to save some manuscripts quickly and rush!

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