Strange story player

Chapter 134 The last moment

Mei Sijun never expected that Shen Kui would remember the last sentence of the golden light curse!

In fact, the words of the Golden Light Mantra are not complicated, but to be sung in a specific tone, one word must be changed into several keys. Once it is not in key, it will not be effective.

This is the hardest part.

People whose voices have not gone through long-term practice and systematic training simply cannot do it.

But Shen Ku not only did it, he also chose another version of the golden light spell - golden light appeared quickly to protect the real person.

What Yu Chenglin sang was - golden light appears quickly, covering my body.

The difference between the two is that the former gives golden light to others, while the latter gives golden light to oneself.

Shen Kui is a very mysterious person, a player codenamed Player, a player who suddenly rushed into the Ten Seats because of an ultimate game.

In the eyes of most people, such a person must be an egoist. In this environment, giving oneself a golden light spell is the best hope for survival.

Mei Sijun never expected that Shen Kui would give him the golden light spell... Could it be to save my life?

Shen Kui seemed to have read Mei Sijun's thoughts, and gasped: "Don't get me wrong, you said that the golden light spell can only be used twice, and you did fall into a semi-conscious state after using it twice."

"But Yu Chenglin also used it twice, but his movements were unimpeded and his expression was as normal. The reason was that he gave himself the first golden light spell. In the strengthened state of the golden light spell, using it a second time would cause harm to the body. It will be much smaller, I can even be used a third or fourth time when covered with golden light."

Feeling the physical strength and strength in his body that were far beyond ordinary people, as well as his replenished spirit, Mei Sijun knew that he was right.

Shen Rui continued: "It is the upper limit of my ability to follow your libretto again. Let me repeat it myself. I can't guarantee that I won't make mistakes, so... I will give you the Golden Light Spell, and you will sing it a third time. Four times.”

Mei Sijun felt the surging physical strength in his body, took a deep look at Shen Kui, nodded and said:


He sang the golden light spell again. In the golden light state, Mei Sijun did feel that he was not exerting so much effort.

"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person!"

"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person!"


No...he will die if this continues!

Xinxin, who was lying on top of Yan Xiao's body to protect him from the rain, was extremely anxious. His permanent prop had already been used and the time limit had expired, so he could not use it a second time.

Moreover, she didn’t want the photo to get wet with muddy water.

What can be done now?

Suddenly, she felt a cold feeling in her abdomen. She looked down and saw it was a scalpel!

It’s Yan Xiao’s scalpel!

Yan Xiao had turned into a thin piece of paper at this moment, almost completely soaked.

If his eyes hadn't moved slightly, Xinxin would have thought he was dead.

"Yan Xiao, your scalpel can only be used by people authorized by you, right?"

"Can you still hear it? You are about to die! I can only try it with your scalpel. If you are still conscious, give it to me. You must!" Xinxin shouted loudly in the heavy rain, for fear of Yan Xiao couldn't hear it.

Yan Xiaobang blinked in the muddy water, but Xinxin didn't see it in his eagerness.

She gritted her teeth, picked up Yan Xiao's scalpel, looked at the thin piece of human skin-like paper on the ground, and found the location of Yan Xiao's heart——

"If you die, don't blame me, I did my best!"

Xinxin picked up the scalpel and stabbed Yan Xiaozhiren's heart hard!

"Dong dong——"

"Dong dong——"

A strong heartbeat suddenly appeared, and Yan Xiao's body returned to flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, filling up quickly!

Xinxin looked at him in surprise, and just as she was about to speak, Yan Xiao suddenly stood up, hugged her head and rolled on the spot!

A terrifying thick black limb emerged from the ground, almost skewering a candied haws on a stick where the two of them had just been.


In the heavy rain, Xinxin vaguely heard two slight words. Before she could recover, she saw Yan Xiao getting up and running towards the river.

Xinxin suddenly realized, yes, everyone else too!

Yan Xiao wanted to save everyone and give them...the last thirty minutes of their lives.


"Kerosera is not afraid of water. Once you light it, you just rush up! Mr. Qin and I are following you. This ghost doesn't dare to stop you. As long as we get in front of its head, we have a chance to stuff the jade cicada back into its mouth. !”

Qin Manjiang didn't even have time to stop him, Yu Chenglin poured the kerosene on Yang's body, lit it again, and instantly a tongue of fire spurted upward, and Yang's whole body was quickly covered in fire!

The golden light spell can protect against fire, but it has a limit.

As soon as it was ignited, Yang immediately felt that the golden light spell was reaching its limit and it was about to disappear!

"I'm on it."

Yang's whole body was covered in flames, and Qin Manjiang could no longer see his face clearly, and could only hear such a simple sentence.

He raised his eyes and looked at the ghost dozens of meters away. He remained silent, letting the flames burn on his body, and then kicked off his feet - soaring into the sky!

"If it doesn't work, you will burn it again like this." Qin Manjiang took a deep look at Yu Chenglin, followed Yang, and jumped up.

Yu Chenglin's expression remained unchanged, and he followed closely, jumping onto the body of the giant ghost and starting to climb upwards.

Qin Manjiang originally thought that Yu Chenglin's method was a conspiracy, but what he didn't expect was that when Yang Wan climbed up with a body of flames, Li Gui's limbs really didn't stretch out to stop him!

It actually works!


The five heads suddenly let out a deafening roar. Its fear of fire seemed to be worse than Yu Chenglin said.

Qin Manjiang and Yu Chenglin followed the path opened by Yang, all the way up, and finally... arrived in front of Li Gui's head!

Five house-sized heads circled around the neck, and their eyes glowed with blood. It opened its huge mouth and spit out endless cold air. After hitting the heavy downpour, it immediately condensed into ice and moved towards Qin Manjiang and the others. Shoot away quickly.

Now it seems that this ghost does indeed exist in the story in the play, and its methods are very similar to those in stories about slaying demons. Compared with the abilities of ghosts in real-life ghost stories, it is difficult to distinguish them. High and low because it is not a category at all.

This ghost's methods can be described as extremely powerful and shocking.

The other ghosts in the Kaitan game are mysterious and unpredictable, and curses follow them everywhere.

I should have thought of it a long time ago... It is not a ghost in a ghost story game, it is a ghost in a playbook that became a spirit, and it has such a play-like ability.

Qin Manjiang and Yang stepped on the ghost's body continuously, dodging ice picks constantly, but there were always a few that they couldn't dodge.

Fortunately, Qin Manjiang could still resist the golden light on his body.

But the golden light on Yang's body disappeared after flickering for a few times!

Reached the limit!

Qin Manjiang was always paying attention to Yang. At this moment, when he saw the golden light on Yang's body disappearing and his body falling rapidly, Qin Manjiang immediately rushed towards him, trying to catch Yang.

But at this moment, Qin Manjiang felt that something else seemed to be splashed on him in the heavy rain?

He had no time to be distracted, so he kicked his feet suddenly, and finally caught Yang's arm in a dangerous way.

At this moment, Yang's whole body was covered in flames, and the golden light that protected his body disappeared again. This fierce fire was really burning on his body.

But the moment Qin Manjiang grabbed Yang's arm, the fierce fire on Yang's body suddenly jumped to Qin Manjiang's body!

Qin Manjiang suddenly turned around and saw Yu Chenglin throw away the bottle of kerosene.

It's him!

"It took me a lot of effort." Yu Chenglin looked at Qin Manjiang's hateful eyes and smiled nonchalantly, "Don't look at me like that. The dramatic story of this ghost has been passed down from generation to generation by my Yu family troupe. It... is... It belongs to me."

Suddenly, Qin Manjiang felt a burning pain, which was heartbreaking!

He looked down and saw that the golden light spell on his body had disappeared.

His body went limp, and he could no longer stand firm on the huge ghost's swaying body, and he fell feebly down with Yang.

Upon seeing this, Yu Chenglin kicked his feet, rushed over and pressed Qin Manjiang and Yang on Li Gui, opened their palms, and forcibly snatched away the five jade cicadas!


Yu Chenglin kicked them casually, and the two of them fell down like broken sacks, vomiting blood, and were about to fall to death.

"I... can survive..." He held the five jade cicadas tremblingly, "Illness... life span... have nothing to do with me..."

"I survived..."

"I survived!"


Yu Chenglin laughed loudly in the heavy rain.



"Congratulations then! When will I invite you to dinner?"

In the rainstorm, Xu Yi's teasing voice suddenly appeared beside him.

"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person!"

At the same time, Mei Sijun sang the last golden light spell while covered in golden light!

And the person he pointed at was Yang!

The golden light on Yang's body reappeared. He first tore up all the clothes on his body and washed them all with kerosene. Then he held Qin Manjiang's arm tightly with his backhand, half-supporting him and jumped off the ghost's body, fell to the ground, and immediately set Qin Manjiang on fire. His body was poured with mud and water, and it was finally extinguished.

At this time, Yu Chenglin looked at the three people who appeared next to him with an extremely ugly face, their bodies shrouded in golden light.

Mei Sijun, Xu Yi, Shen Ku.

"This game should be over."

Shen Kui looked at him indifferently, or more precisely, at the five jade cicadas in his hand.

"Leave it to me, and then die."

Thanks to Mirror Pavilion, and see Zhu Bajie again for the reward!

This volume will finish with one more chapter tomorrow. Then update two new chapters, good night everyone!

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