Strange story player

Chapter 123 Crypt Tomb

The sound of water is very strange. If you listen carefully, it seems to be getting closer and closer.

Yan Xiao shined a flashlight and walked slowly towards the place where there was the sound of water.

Shen Su, who was in severe pain from his wound, followed him without saying a word.

There are no paper figures here anymore, but similarly, the cave that originally had no artificial traces now looks... like a cave tunnel.

Under the light of Yan Xiao's flashlight, the walls above his head and on both sides became extremely flat and much lower.

At the same time... there are obvious patterns carved on it.

" seems to be an ancient tomb." Shen Zu said with difficulty, covering his waist.

There was no blood in his face and lips, and he looked as if he might faint at any moment.

"Ancient tomb?" Yan Xiao knew nothing about tombs. If Shen Zu hadn't mentioned it, Yan Xiao would never have thought in this direction.

Hearing what Shen Kui said now, he looked at the corridor under his feet, and the cold and mysterious feeling of the tomb suddenly emerged.

"Whose tomb?"

Yan Xiao asked.

"I'm not an archaeologist." Shen Ku frowned subconsciously because of the pain. "Even if an archaeologist comes here, he can't draw a conclusion at a glance."

Having said that, Shen Kui did know much more about tombs than Yan Xiao. Although his eyesight was a little blurry at the moment, but after holding on to the wall of the corridor and carefully looking at the detailed patterns carved on the corridor, Shen Kui still understood Rough conclusion.

"I see... this is not a tomb built for people..."

Yan Xiao was puzzled. He was also looking at the patterns on the corridor, but he couldn't figure out why.

Shen Su held on to the wall and said, "Sweep from left to right with your flashlight. These patterns are a story. Do you see it?"

Yan Xiao still did as he was told. However, the patterns carved on the corridor were too old. Some lines could be seen. Where could you tell the story?

Shen Su's brain completed the missing part of the pattern, but Yan Xiao is a doctor. He doesn't like to make guesses out of thin air, so he frowns and tells the truth: "I didn't see it."

This sentence seemed to make Shen Ku's pain less. He snorted coldly and said: "To put it simply, there was a man-eating monster. Later, a Taoist priest used the magic of paper-cutting to lure it over and set an ambush to kill it. , but it could not be killed. The monster had five heads, so the Taoist cast five soul-suppressing jade cicadas, stuffed them into the mouths of its five heads, and used the largest water vein in the area to suppress it. "

"Listen to the sound of water," Shen Kui's eyes flashed, "When we come to [Nanzhifang], we have to cross a river. That river is the water vein that suppresses the multi-headed monster. At the same time, every well is connected to the water vein. Connected, in other words, if the monster has escaped, it can climb out through any well opening."

Yan Xiao listened carefully and said, "Don't move around. I'll go up and have a look."

Without waiting for Shen Zu's answer, Yan Xiao immediately rushed forward. Sure enough, after passing through the corridor, there was a huge tomb. There was a sarcophagus in the tomb. The lid of the sarcophagus was carved with intricate runes, like chains.

The sarcophagus opened a slight gap, and the contents inside seemed to have escaped.

Shining the flashlight over it, Yan Xiao took a closer look and then raised his head to shine on the top of the tomb. The sound of water flow was very obvious here.

It seems that the top of the head is really the river.

"You still don't believe it?" Shen Zu's voice sounded again.

Yan Xiao frowned and turned around to look. As a doctor, the thing he dislikes the most is undoubtedly the patient's disobedience.

When it comes to being disobedient, Shen Kui is undoubtedly the best among them.

"If you watch this alone, it will be in vain."

As Chen Zu said this, he walked forward and looked at the sarcophagus.

"The talismans engraved on it are Taoist talismans. Logically speaking, these things should be ineffective against the evil ghost in Kaitan Game, but they actually suppressed it for a long time."

As he spoke, Shen Zu subconsciously reached out and touched the lid of the sarcophagus.

But the next moment, his hands suddenly felt cold. He looked down and saw a dry, black and thin hand stretched out from the coffin and grabbed Shen Zu's wrist!

Chen Shi's scalp suddenly became numb, and he subconsciously wanted to pull his hand back.

But the withered hand sticking out of the coffin is extremely powerful! Not only was Shen Ku unable to break free, he was almost pulled in!

Things happened too fast and suddenly. Just as Shen Su was about to be dragged into the coffin, he saw Yan Xiao wave his left hand, a sharp sword flashed by, and a withered corpse hand was instantly cut off by him at the wrist. Shen Su also took the opportunity. Break free from the entanglement.

He pulled away some distance, his chest heaved up and down, he was breathing heavily, and more blood oozed from the wound on his abdomen.


After Yan Xiao cut off the withered hand with a knife, he moved a little away from the sarcophagus. The two of them looked at the strange coffin warily.

Just now they saw the sarcophagus opened a crack and thought that the contents inside had slipped away, but they didn't expect that they were still inside!

Is it the "man-eating monster" carved in the corridor and sealed by the Taoist priest?

Yan Xiao stepped on the withered hand that he had cut off, and instantly, with a "squeak" sound, it was crushed like a dead branch by him.

Just as the two of them were preparing for the battle, they suddenly heard...a subtle and strange whisper coming from the coffin:





Those voices were weak, as if they were extremely weak!

The two looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know what was in the coffin.

The ultimate game [Yangquan Opera], why did it develop like this?

Time passed little by little, and the situation of the wreckage was not optimistic. Except for the two of them and the huge sarcophagus in front of them, there was no one else in the tomb.

The long confrontation also allowed Yan Xiao and Shen Kui to confirm one thing——

The things in the coffin don't seem to have the ability to harm them?

Yan Xiao glanced at Shen Zhen, holding a flashlight in his right hand to shine on the sarcophagus, holding a scalpel tightly on his right wrist in his left hand, and slowly approached.

"Don't open the lid!" Shen Su's heart suddenly beat a few minutes faster. Yan Xiao was doing something very dangerous, but he had to do it.

Yan Xiao nodded slightly and said nothing. He had no intention of opening the lid of the coffin. He just wanted to use the light of a flashlight to shine into the open gap to see what the hell was inside.

Moaning, wailing, endless resentment and low hoarse roars, as Yan Xiao got closer and closer, his ears became clearer and clearer.

These sounds were extremely weak and tiny, almost being obscured by the sound of the flowing water above the ground.

Yan Xiao stared at the direction of the flashlight. Little by little, the light beam... got closer to the seam of the sarcophagus.

Finally, after a slight downward movement of the wrist, the flashlight light seemed to flow into the gap, instantly illuminating the contents of the coffin!

When Yan Xiao saw what was in the coffin, his pupils suddenly shrank. He had seen many horror stories, and for the first time, his face showed an expression of disbelief and a bit of horror.

What on earth is going on with this [Underworld Drama]?

The sarcophagus was actually full of people!

A person who is alive and yet full of death, like a mummy!

Everyone's skin is like an old tree that is about to die, shriveled and thin. The skinny bodies overlap each other, and the densely packed hands stretch out in the direction where Yan Xiao's flashlight shines...

Yan Xiao is a doctor. He can tell at a glance that these people's physical condition is already dead, but they are still alive?

"kill me……"

"kill me……"

"kill me!"

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