Strange story player

Chapter 119 Two Jade Cicadas

Putting aside the surprise and doubt in Mei Sijun's heart, Qin Manjiang and Xu Yi took a look at the current situation and figured out what was going on.

However, the same faceless ghost in red clothes, why did the one Mei Sijun encountered turn into his appearance?

Now is not the time to delve into this issue. Qin Manjiang shouted:

"Throw Yu Chan over here! These red-clothed ghosts are all protecting Yu Chan!"

Mei Sijun did not hesitate and immediately threw the jade cicada in his hand to Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang said quickly: "You have no problem throwing and catching two at the same time, right?"

"You should ask this kind of question in advance." Xu Yi replied.

"A person can throw three acrobatic balls. I believe you. There are two of us taking turns throwing and catching."

Qin Manjiang caught Yu Chan while talking.

The faceless ghost in red who turned into the face of "Lin Yanqing" immediately looked at him and Xu Yi.

The sudden addition of a jade cicada had a slight impact, but soon the two of them returned to normal frequency again.

"Mr. Mei! There is another one backstage! Find time to get it, and then find a way to gather on the stage!"

Qin Manjiang shouted.

Mei Sijun watched the two people throw away the two jade cicadas and run away again, as if they were just passing by.

But there is another ghost behind them.

Two ferocious red-clothed ghosts were right behind them, but whenever they wanted to attack one of them, that person would become transparent and untouchable. When they attacked the other, the other would become untouchable. Damn, under this weird frequency, the two ghosts were helpless against them!

But everyone knows that continuing like this is not an option. There will always be times when manpower will be exhausted. How long their physical strength can last, and how long they can maintain such concentration, is unknown.

But no matter what, it was these two people who saved him. Mei Sijun got up from the ground and immediately ran towards the backstage. Is this jade cicada the key to clearing the level?


"I can see you." Xu Yi said.

"Me too." Qin Manjiang returned.

"Is it because there are two jade cicadas?"

"This thing can fuse time and space? The more you collect, the higher the degree of fusion?"


The two of them were still talking, and the ghost behind them was still chasing them.

"We have to find a way." Qin Manjiang said while running.

"Yes," Xu Yi said again, "How long can you run?"

"It won't be long. This body's physical strength is not good enough." Qin Manjiang replied. In fact, his own physical strength was average.

"That's it...then you can only follow me to find Xinxin."

"Xinxin?" Qin Manjiang asked unexpectedly, "What are you looking for her for?"

"Apart from Zhong Xueran, only her permanent props can help us get out of the current predicament."

"What is it?"

"You'll know once you go there."

Qin Manjiang didn't know why: "Are you so sure that you can find her?"

This time Xu Yi did not answer immediately, but asked instead: "Do you think, we keep throwing Yu Chan around, why don't we fail?"

What kind of problem is this?

Qin Manjiang didn't understand even more.

At this time, Xu Yi suddenly said without thinking: "Because this time, I threw six points."



While the two of them were talking, the two ghosts kept hanging behind them, trying to attack.

But the opportunity always misses it, as if there is some arrangement somewhere.

"Do you feel that the surroundings have changed? The environment seems to be brighter?" Qin Manjiang said.

"It's daytime here. It's already bright, but... there are more things around me." Xu Yiye said.

The effect of one jade cicada was not obvious yet, but after two jade cicadas were in their hands, the ancient and modern time and space seemed to really begin to merge.

At this time, Xu Yi suddenly said: "Found it."

Qin Manjiang looked along his voice, but couldn't see anything.

But Xu Yi seemed to see it and shouted: "Xinxin! Use your permanent props and prepare to clear the level!"

He took Qin Manjiang and rushed into a room. The room was filled with costumes of various styles and colors. Xinxin was looking at Xu Yi who rushed in with a surprised look on his face, and seemed to be wondering why this person could find him. , you can even see yourself.

However, when she saw the two jade cicadas in Xu Yi's hand, she immediately understood what was going on and said, "Come here!"

In the blink of an eye, Qin Manjiang and Xu Yi were immediately caught by Xinxin, and the three people's bodies quickly and strangely twisted!

[Permanent prop: her photo. 】

The figures of the three people disappeared into the prop room in an instant. At the same time, an old photo floated down and slowly fell to the ground.

From Qin Manjiang's perspective, the figures of Xu Yi and Xinxin suddenly appeared next to him, and he actually moved to a strange space instantly!

Before he could look around, Xu Yi covered his mouth and signaled not to speak.

Qin Manjiang decisively closed his mouth, and like Xu Yi and Xinxin, raised his head and looked upward.

Two blood-red ghosts were above them!

The two ghosts slowly turned their heads and looked around, not missing every prop or costume...

However, the person is really missing.

Seeing that the two ghosts were about to turn around, they seemed to be leaving.

Suddenly... the ghost whose face had completely transformed into "Lin Yanqing" suddenly turned his head and looked at the ground!

To be precise, it’s the photo looking at the ground!

The three of them were shocked.

No way?

At this moment, the three of them are hiding in Xinxin's [photo].

It's coming!

That fierce ghost!

The raging terrifying aura seemed to have penetrated the barrier of space and penetrated into the bodies of the three people. At this moment, Xinxin's face had completely lost the liveliness and cuteness before. On the contrary, the resentment and hatred on her face were even worse than those of Li Gui. Of!

But the hatred was not directed at Qin Manjiang and Xu Yi, but at the ghost who stepped on the photo!

After all, it didn't find anything. After stepping on the photo, it disappeared with the other ghost.

The three of them still didn't speak. It wasn't until three minutes passed that Xinxin said, "It's time to go. Xu Yi, do you want to explain?"

Xu Yi nodded and said to Qin Manjiang: "This is Xinxin's permanent prop [her photo]. Once used, up to three people can be absorbed into the photo space at the same time. Do you know the disposable prop Ningbi Hu? He Ningbi The effect of the gourd is similar, but it is not as safe as the Ningbi gourd, but... the photos are more flexible because you can observe the outside world from the photos."

Qin Manjiang nodded sincerely: "Awesome."

Xinxin crossed his arms and snorted: "Who asked you to explain my permanent props! I'm asking you, how did you bring the ghost here! Also, what did you mean when you said you were ready to clear the level?"

"Okay, let's go out first, don't waste my time this time!" With a thought, Qin Manjiang and Xu Yi felt dizzy and the world was spinning.

When leaving the photo, Qin Manjiang vaguely saw... the space in Xinxin's photo seemed to be the living room of a family.

There seemed to be two corpses hanging on the side wall of the living room, a man and a woman... They both looked like they had been hanged and had even started to rot.

What kind of photo is this...the content in the photo is actually like this.

Speaking of which, Zhong Xueran mentioned that each person's exclusive permanent props are unique, that is to say, they are "custom-made" according to personal characteristics.

Are Xinxin's photos related to her experiences in real life?

While he was thinking about it, Qin Manjiang had returned to the prop room.

The second update will be coming soon~

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