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Chapter 100 Large Dungeon Opens (seventh update)

The Dragon God... to put it more appropriately, it should be a polluted creature with a dragon body. Its body is covered with blood-colored eyeballs. Except for the front end of the ink-colored head and the slightly protruding horns, it is difficult to see that it is half "dragon". The shadow is more terrifying than the devil

At this moment, the strange dragon body covered with blood-colored eyeballs washed away the embankment, jumped up, and danced wildly in the ink-colored thunder light, full of an evil feeling.

The children of Poseidon on the field stared blankly at the "Dragon God" in the sky, unable to believe that all of this was true.

However, the densely packed giant strange eyes downstream continued to pour into the upstream through the gap in the dike that collapsed into ruins.

The tide is rising on the river, and the waterline is rising visibly to the naked eye. But after a while, the flood will spread to the shore!

By then...

All nearby beings will be contaminated!

"Oh my God, who can tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Is this the fucking Dragon God that those 'seaweed heads' are talking about?"

"The dam was actually broken open, and the pollution spread to the upper reaches. The Xijiang River will not be completely destroyed, right?"

"Then what should we do with our food and water sources..."

The players witnessed this scene, the expressions on their faces were no better than those of the children of Poseidon present, and they all fell into a daze.

Those members of the riverside party wanted to make some mocking remarks. If they could still maintain their leisurely mood, they would certainly not be able to help but comment sarcastically:

"Is this the dragon god who protects you? Satan's dragon god? Do you want to ask your majesty why he rebelled?"

But they are not interested in talking now either.

At this time, the upstream has been severely polluted and completely finished!

It can be seen that densely packed fish carcasses are floating on the water. Not long ago, they caught these fish, put them on the grill, and enjoyed a delicious meal.

What's even weirder is...

In the next second, these bloody eyeballs gradually attached to the surface of the dead fish.

The dead fish's pale pupils were suddenly filled with a layer of blood, as if some kind of active feature had been injected into it. Its belly suddenly jumped, turned over, and unexpectedly came to life again, swimming strangely on the bloody river surface.

But even a fool, seeing the scene in front of him, would understand that these fish did not suddenly come to life, but were contaminated by some weird power, and were still active in this world in another twisted way.

The upper reaches of the Xijiang River are the source of drinking water for most players, and they can also obtain a batch of healthy and edible ingredients by catching fish.

Now, this area is completely polluted, and the culprit is actually the "Dragon God" mentioned by these descendants of Poseidon?

They looked at the destroyed embankment and were still in incredible shock. They did not expect that the change would happen so quickly!

For a moment, the players really hoped that there was a dragon god who could protect the upper reaches.

Xijiang Park can be said to be one of the few safe areas.

In this absurd and weird world, it is very rare to find a place where you can survive.

However, this area will disappear today and even become an even more terrifying restricted area!

So what should they do with their future food sources and drinking water resources?

"Damn it!"

"This is not a dragon god at all, just a higher-level monster."

"It may have reached a fifth-level or sixth-level occupation, but it is fundamentally different from a real god."

"The power of this pollution is not as simple as imagined. It can change the life structure of living things and then become parasitic. Almost every characteristic can firmly defeat the [monster]."

"Allowing the pollution to continue to expand, and even allowing the Dragon God to come into contact with this power, is simply asking for death!"

Chen Ye stared at the figure in the sky, looking at the gradually declining upper reaches of the Xijiang River, with a gloomy face, and finally understood what he saw in the underground undercurrent of the old city.

It is the contaminated "Dragon God"!

It is true that the "Dragon God", as a high-level creature in the [Monster] sequence, is worthy of recognition for its strength.

After all, it is the totem of faith of the descendants of Poseidon.

But they blindly believed in the power of the "Dragon God", ignored the restraint relationship in this world, and weakened the danger of pollution...

Originally, with the help of magnificent levees, the spread of pollution could be limited and stabilized for a while.

However, after the "Dragon God" was contaminated and controlled, it relied on the huge power of high-sequence [monsters] to destroy the dike. The defense line broke a key gap and completely fell, thus worsening the problem to the point where it is difficult to solve!

The protection of the "Dragon God" is regarded as a curse. For today's descendants of the Poseidon, it is undoubtedly the day when their faith collapses.


In the sky, thunder suddenly broke the silence, accompanied by heavy rain.

The heavy rain immediately washed away the entire world, and even the field of vision was covered by gray rain, like a hazy veil.

The rainwater fell on Chen Ye's palace robe, but it didn't soak the inside at all and slid down to the side without any resistance.

Chen Ye put on his hood and stood in the violent storm, but he was not affected at all. He observed with the Eye of Luck and found that there was nothing wrong with the rainwater itself, and it was also a source of drinkable water.


The ring of disaster shrouded in boundless blood suddenly emerged from the heavy rain and merged with the vast ink-colored river surface. It seemed to turn into a tsunami, a devouring abyss, and the mouthparts of a demon... towards the shore. The edge surged up! At a glance, everyone had the same halo of disaster that appeared on the dam that day, which was the same as the one above the head of the son of Poseidon!

"not good!"

The moment Chen Ye saw the halo of luck, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

There is really no problem with this rainwater...

But if it falls on the river, trouble will come!

When the gap in the dike is opened, the water downstream continues to squeeze the upstream, causing the entire river surface upstream to rise at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The tide will soon reach the shore, causing floods!

In addition, these rivers are already polluted...

Players standing by the river would probably be in misery if they were involved!

Even though Chen Ye's palace black robe is immune to flowing liquids, it is not a 360-degree cover. If the whole person is submerged, the consequences will be disastrous!


Chen Ye ran away without hesitation, without stopping at all.

Compared with that time on the pedestrian street, this time, it seemed that we were actually facing a death crisis!

Therefore, even if he is running wildly, the number of steps on the pedometer is constantly rising.

It hasn’t been long yet…

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A wailing scream came from the bank of the Xijiang River.

The first to suffer were the party members on the riverside. They were too close to the shore, and before they could run too far, the blood-red river flow that hit them like a flood turned into a tsunami and swept over them, immediately destroying the guardrails on the riverside. covering their bodies.

Looking from a distance, one can see pale hands stretching out from the blood-colored river, grabbing randomly upwards, as if trying to grab some hope and pull themselves out of the quagmire of despair.

But soon, strange lines appeared on these hands, crawling in the blood vessels, as if some long worms had entered them...

Fortunately, Chen Ye had the speed blessed by [Wanderer's Boots] and ran extremely fast. He ran all the way and crossed the pedestrian street in just a few minutes, leaving the flood behind him far behind.

Unknowingly, the number of steps reached 300,000!


At this moment, he heard a warning message coming from the bloody mobile phone:

[Dear players in Linjiang City, I believe you already have some understanding of this game in the week before you passed the novice stage. 】

[It’s time for some advanced testing! 】

[At this moment, Destiny City opens a large-scale public copy - Pollution Paradise. 】

[Description: A strange and unknown pollution has eroded the Xijiang River and is about to spread to surrounding areas. It has become a paradise for polluters, full of endless excitement and adventure, as well as unimaginable gains! 】

[Task: Players rely on their characteristics and wisdom to relieve or limit the continuously polluted river water. Governance value is obtained based on actual contribution achievements. 】

[The governance value will be converted into a strange value at a one-to-one ratio. 】

[Before the "Pollution Paradise" is completely ended, the treatment value list will be opened. 】

[The player with the first place in the governance value list will receive a feature of ‘divine authority’! 】

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