Story of Longevity

Chapter 16: Often show by the river...

Star carving has no intellectual bonus. He is more intelligent than the average person only because he is old, the typical person is old and fine.

So so far, he is only learning the spells left by his predecessors. When it comes to improving experience, he is just finding the different uses of the forgotten chicken rib spells based on some experience.

Therefore, even if Xingqi wants to improve the [Space Exile] spell, it will reach the level of plane exile, or even the extent of world exile. The span of this time is unknown. Maybe tomorrow will be a flash of inspiration. It will be done, but it may take millions of failed experiments. Just like if Edison used that humble tungsten wire in his first experiment, wouldn't the result be a different ending?

The most indispensable thing about Star Carving is time.

Asked Mrs. Pince, who is a librarian, if the author of the "Advanced Spells Against Aura and Its Related" had any other works. Xingqi thought that this might be able to investigate the original author of the spell [Space Exile] Who is it? What the star carving needs now is the initial draft and principle analysis of this spell, and these are generally only available to the original author of the spell.

"If it's other spells, I might not know, but I happen to know the author of [Space Exile], Mr. Cavendish Jr.."

After proposing the original author of the book to Mrs. Pins without any hope, Xing Ke asked about the spell of [Space Exile]. After all, Mrs. Pins had been a librarian for many years, and she even liked this. book.

I did not expect to receive unexpected good news.

Stepping out of the back of the counter, Mrs. Pins walked to the bookshelf on the left, as if to find something deep in the library.

Xingke hurriedly followed Mrs. Pince's pace.

"Speaking of which, I don't remember much of the contents of the books I have read, even more so when I am old."

"The reason why I remembered the author of this spell was because a friend happened to watch the book together. She mentioned to me that the author of this spell was her great ancestor."

Star carvings are pleading, and honestly follow Mrs. Pins, quietly listening to the old people's nagging.

Mrs. Pince, when you were young, were you also Ravenclaw?

"They are always like this, working on advanced spells that have little practical value. But I have to say that although their research is different in different types, their talents are so outstanding... Ah, here we are."

Upon hearing the key words of arrival, Xingke immediately regained consciousness.

I saw Mrs. Pins remove a thick book from the third floor of the shelf and handed it to Star Carving.

Xingke turned out to be a very old book that seemed to be a manuscript. The name of this book made Xingke instantly understand who the friend mentioned in Mrs. Pins’s words was.

The name of this book is "Minerva's Study of Different Spaces"


Minerva McGonagall, a serious female teacher of the people, has always been serious and meticulous in her work and style. He is always revealing the position of this kind of strong woman.

I heard that McGonagall is her father, the last name of a cross priest. She herself was married, but she has kept this old surname. Feminism is evident.

Treating students is a bit like a great country on the other side of the world, doing their best, caring but never overly expressing, and assigning a lot of homework.

Rumor has it that Minerva's name is the same name as her dead grandmother after her mother eloped with a cross priest, in memory of her past wizard family. There must be millions of words in the love story as the basis. Perhaps their daughter Professor McGonagall has an epic love history.

But these have nothing to do with star carving. The person Xing Ke was looking for was not the parents of the two professors McGonagall who were born in a feud organization and who were brave enough to love each other. But the grandmother who appeared as the background board.

Because this "Minerva's Study of Different Spaces" is the masterpiece of Professor McGonagall's grandmother of the same name.

This is really fate, and it's incredible.

Think about it all hundreds of years ago, and found a clue so easily.

After reading the "Minerva's Research in Different Spaces", Xingqin hurriedly left the library after thanking Mrs. Pins and requesting to borrow it for a few days.

He wants to go to Professor McGonagall and borrow from her the collection of books handed down by their family before, because according to the previous reading of Star Engraving, the "Minerva's Research in Different Spaces" mainly focuses on research materials such as the situation in different spaces. . The focus is not on the magic of [Space Exile], this magic is just a derivative product of studying different dimensions. Want to find specific information, but Ms. Pins said that Hohenheim's library does not have these.

But it doesn’t matter, the clues are already there, and the specific people are there. As long as you get the help of Professor McGonagall, in the current era of the doomsday where ancient materials have little value, it is not too difficult to borrow magic materials that have no real interest , That's right...


Wrong! Should have thought of it long ago.

"Mr. Cavendish, do you want to borrow the relics of previous generations?"

Professor McGonagall slowly flipped through the "Minerva's Research in Different Spaces" he got from Xingqian with some nostalgia, and he didn't know why there was a hint of joy on his face.

"Yes, I wonder if it can be convenient. Professor McGonagall."

"Well, no."

"Thanks...hey? No? Why?"

"There is no why, it is just my personal judgment. As the sole heir to the obligation, I have the right to decide who can borrow it."

"...But I really need it..."

"As a professor in Hohenheim, I think a self-reliant talent, ignoring the existence of the professor, UU reading never attends classes, has been self-taught students, do not need the help of my transformation class professor."

The joy on Professor McGonagall's face gradually expanded. It was an expression of "I finally got hold of it? Little devil?"

"Unless the student knows his mistake and corrects it and accepts the course well, maybe I can entertain my family’s old house during his vacation before he enters the second grade, don’t you think? Cavendish Mr?"

At this moment, Professor McGonagall, who is usually a serious face, seemed to have a slight smile on his face for some reason.

What a terrible woman.

Star Carving has been very beautiful in the six months since the beginning of school, and elegantly avoided all the troubles. Without letting anyone grasp the handle, it has always been a lonely person to accomplish everything.

You see, isn't it retribution?

What can Xingke say?

There are ten thousand words in Xing Ke's heart that mmp and the grass mud horse are galloping together, not to mention the excitement.

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