Stormwind God

Vol 2 Chapter 2032: Tomb of Sargeras (for monthly pass)

"I will."

As a boudoir, how could you, as Duke's harem, not know that the next sentence of Duke's goods was "don't go in."?

All of a sudden, all women at Duke laughed.

"I'll just shout, don't go in." This is the biggest ghost talk exclusive to men in the world.

I ca n’t say, but I still do n’t go in the end!

Duke's description was terrible.

Only the hoof was stupid, and couldn't turn around: "Is Kil'jaeden a male? Isn't it ..."

Suddenly Duke was desperate: "A metaphor, this is just a metaphor! I have a normal orientation, okay."

Back to business, everyone understands that Duke is going to fight a non-offensive attack.

For too long, regardless of Sargeras's tomb, Kil'jaeden would jump out and reintegrate the chaotic Burning Legion, putting heavy pressure on the coalition.

It is not appropriate to fight with all your strength now, because the Pillar of Creation cannot be beaten, and the trap of eggs will be hit.

Therefore, Duke will pose a comprehensive offensive situation, suppressing the demon legion of the tomb of Sargeras, but what is really total offensive, it depends on Duke, or the progress of the night fortress.

Once Gul'dan fell down, it was time for the total attack.

Decide the general direction, how to practice, that is the matter of each leader.

As commander in chief, Duke is at the helm. The following details, naturally, there are leaders and staff, plus the marshals and generals to go.

Out of the throne conference hall, Duke suddenly felt a little tired, and that was mental.

It's absolutely false to say that you are not nervous about negotiating with the super power of Oman Sur in one breath.

Just because he couldn't do any better, the fatigue he brought was also the worst.

Duke returned to his official residence in Naxxramas, a little unexpected, Alleria was waiting there a long time ago.


"No, just want to comfort you, don't put too much pressure on yourself." The mature, gentle and infinite female elf showed a very comfortable smile to her lover.

With Duke lying down on the chaise longue in the bedroom, let Duke lie on his plump thigh, and Alleria skillfully dug Duke's ears.

"You still know me best, you can see that I'm tired." Feeling the smoothness and elasticity of the elf's thighs, Duke made a comfortable murmur.

"Don't forget, I'm your first woman!" Aurelia dexterously squeezed Duke's ear hole with a cotton swab: "Is it stressful?"

"Of course it is big. But I have the fate of the entire planet on my shoulders! You know, I can foresee a lot of things. But I am always afraid ... in case I am wrong?"

"Even if you have the strongest vision of Azeroth, you have the strongest combat power. Don't forget that everyone in this world is not alone."


"You always think that the soldiers and people of the Alliance will change their destiny because of your decision, but why not you and the millions of Alliance members have come to this point because of the decisions of their predecessors? Everyone must do it for themselves Responsible for the decision, since everyone recognizes your decision and recommends you to become the commander of the alliance. Whether you succeed or fail, this is a common need for everyone to face. It is not your personal success or your personal failure. "

Aurelia persuaded.

"But I'm still a little scared! The more I have, the more I fear losing. Perhaps this is the mood." Duke smiled wryly.

"I think fear is actually a good thing. That proves that you are not arrogant, that you still have humility, that you still have awe in the world. I think only such a leader is the perfect leader."

Initiating Divine Vision, Duke's vision transcended space. He quietly stared at the sky outside Naxxramas, watching the unpredictable flowing clouds under the sky. At this moment, a string in his heart was touched.

In front of his eyes there seemed to be numerous figures and things. Those were the heroes of Azeroth that should have long passed away in history, and the kingdoms that had long since perished.

Now the powerful alliances, the revival kingdoms, are more like illusions in the long river of history.

Today, Duke seems to see that the two stories have the same foundation, but the results are completely different, and they are overlapping with each other.

The gust of wind blowing somewhere brings the breath of the past, mixed with the debris and lees from the war today, bringing them together wildly, turning into a storm torrent passing through the sky, rushing to the future ...

Duke suddenly understood something.

Do everything, listen to destiny, and be ashamed.

Win the harem and travel all over the world, and lose the wife to run away.

It's that simple!

Duke Shutan.

The Duke was comfortable, and the Duke Excalibur became active. Aurelia Rao was an old wife and wife, and could not help but flushed his face. After thinking about it, he put the Excalibur in his scabbard.

Three days later, the Alliance launched the largest offensive in the area of ​​Tomb of Sargeras.

Focusing on the three flying fortresses of Naxxramas, Dalaran, and the fortress of the sky, more than 10,000 flying ships, 100,000 tanks and armored vehicles, 300,000 Titan creations, and 3 million Alliance soldiers , Qi Qi pressed to the tomb of Sargeras.

Looking at the magnified optical image in the command post display.

Duke was filled with emotion.

The tomb of Sargeras looks like an ancient building standing on a hill covered with seaweed marks.

Beside the huge moss-covered square brick avenue, there are semi-circular arch bridge decorations.

It looks no different from other ancient ruins of Azeroth.

Not many people know, beneath this vast ruin, buried the huge remains of Sargeras.

Long before the first year of the Dark Gate, when Aegwynn was the guardian of Azeroth, Sar always visited Azeroth again.

Sargeras did not show up with his deity, only showing part of his incarnation.

His goal appeared to be Aegwynn, who wanted to destroy her, thereby paving the way for the Burning Legion's aggression.

The result was exactly the opposite, he was defeated by Aegwynn, and today Archimonde on Mount Hyjal died locally.

It's just that unlike Archimonde, whose muscles are mostly in his head, Sargeras swindles for his own plans.

He could destroy the planets directly in the universe, but he couldn't help Azeroth. The active protection magic circle left by the Pantheon weakened him. The greater his own strength, the more difficult it was to enter the world of Azeroth. So he was weak in fighting Aegwynn.

After defeating the incarnation of Sargeras, Aegwynn feared that leaving the huge body unattended might have a more terrifying result, but destroying it might release its nightmare-like evil power.

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