Stormwind God

Chapter 1704: Spiritual Invasion (Monthly Ticket)

"Woo ..." Rao was already reminded by Duke to prepare for this protection, and Jaina and Kael'thas still felt overwhelmed.

They knew that this was under the premise that the Sun King did not take them as the main target.

Thorim was the most painful over there. He knelt down on both knees with his huge body, covering his temples with both hands, and there was a murmur in his mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhh, although most of the guards have been secretly called away near the fortress's transfer hall, some Paladins are still here in order to avoid possible enemies from finding out. At this moment, all sub-heroes are crying in pain.

Jaina's forehead was full of cold sweat, and she had to admit that she had miscalculated.

The biggest miscalculation was that Alexstrasza was trapped by a miss. It is equal to the strongest combat power on the coalition side being directly sealed off, even if it is likely to be temporary.

"Kadgar! Did Khadgar hear it? Can you do something?" Jaina called the helper urgently through the magic net.

"I can't help it. Maybe no one in the league is good at fighting mental attacks. But I know there is one ..."

"Come on!" Jaina yelled in the spirit sea.

"Wow, ah!" In Naxxramas, a hundred times stronger mental shock wave than the raging waves of the angry sea, repeatedly washing the nerves of every soul in the entire fortress.

The mentally weak generals have begun to bleed bleeding beads from the eye sockets and pierced ears. Seeing that it will continue, a large number of people will be killed here.

Kael'thas was pale and shouted miscalculation.

Duke calculated that the Scourge may have borrowed this former Scourge fortress to do things, and even estimated that it might be Anastrian himself. Unfortunately, Duke miscalculated the strength of the Sun King. Nor did anyone think that Arthas actually gave the Ice King the ice skulls used by Ner'zhul to the Sun King, making his strength horrible.

In this tens of seconds, the tens of thousands of soldiers in the fortress were completely paralyzed. Everyone almost suspected that it was not Anastrian, but the authentic Lich King Arthas.

Just then, a female voice suddenly came from the void.


Obviously the sound is extremely crisp and cold, but it gives people a sense of confusion, as if the sound is not the sound, but the hallucination generated in the mind.

It was this voice that suddenly made Anastrian's spirit of endless expansion suddenly draw a rest.

That's the day mist.

It was an emerald dream.

Jaina suddenly realized who she was.

An illusive and beautiful green faucet appeared in the midair of the teleport hall. Even if the faucet was reduced a lot, everyone could easily recognize her coming to Ysera.

"Cut! Isn't it that simple !?" The Sun King just took a sip, and didn't even want to retreat.

Ysera, who is in charge of the Emerald Dream, may not be able to walk away due to the changes in the dream world. It's okay to do a little favor.

After all, here are not the undead who have been forced to step into the field of the dead and have no ability to control the mind, but thousands of living people with living bodies and surging vitality.

Also a master of mind control, the Thousand-Maw Demon Yugsalon dare not pack a ticket to control a guardian in an instant. Even for the remaining guardians betrayed to Loken, Yugsalon spent a long time, peeping at the hearts of the targets, cracking their atrium from their inner weakness, and truly achieved perfect control.

"You have no chance! What is waiting for you will only be eternal annihilation!" Ysera yelled, a green dragon mouth, a group of dragon breaths changing colors like a rainbow, crossing the void, spray To Anastrian.

"Destroy? No! It will only be you who resist to the end who are destroyed." The voice dropped, and his ice skull continued to open and close strangely with his jaw, it should be ... laughing!

A huge ice coffin appeared.

The other two Sunburst divisions at the scene wanted to use it as the [Ice Barrier].


Although they are all magical things, the essence of this huge ice cube is not that kind of thing.

The Sun King's deity is like a salted fish sealed with ice, and the entire skeleton is completely locked by ice blocks wherever it can move.

Jaina, Kael'thas, and Khadgar were all shocked at the same time.

Forming an ice coffin with ultra-high purity frost elements, sealing yourself tightly is probably the best protection. A normal mage opens a [Ice Barrier] for up to 10 seconds. Demigod Lich is obviously not subject to this restriction. As long as the outside world can't break through the purity and hardness of the ice coffin, he can stay in it for as long as he wants.

But everyone on the scene can feel that the Sun King protected his body in this way, but with the mental power that radiated to everywhere, he began to invade the magic net system of the fortress.

"Stop him!" Kael'thas exclaimed.

As one of the league's many masters, the former elven prince also used the magic net. After all, the magic net is too convenient and the efficiency is too high. However, he is very clear about his identity, so he has a high level of right to use, but not control.

The highest level of magic net control is naturally in the hands of Duke, and the next gear is in the hands of Khadgar and Jaina.

Now they suddenly found out that Anastrian had the idea to hit Naxxramas's magic net node. They were really furious.

Although the core of the magic net is in Karazhan, the nodes of the second gear are Naxxramas and Dalaran. The main cities of the major leagues are the nodes of the third gear.

If Naxxramas is taken, then in the eyes of Duke's failure to stay in town, Anastrian will not be allowed to develop a bigger idea to invade the magic net with spiritual control, and even control the entire network of the magic net and Karazhan can be used as an interstellar passage.

Without Kael'thas reminder, Jaina is already doing it.

But she exited lightningly from the teleport hall and retreated to a medium-sized magic control node at least one kilometer away from the central area. As soon as she entered the magic net, she found that she couldn't stop it.

A human can coordinate and control his own hands and feet, but how many more hands and feet?

This is no longer a situation that can be described by ‘busy hands’.

Spiritually immersed in the magic net, despite her high authority, Jaina can only command several spiritual energy groups at the same time to attack, suppress and counteract the spiritual invasion of several sun kings.

Now it is rarely said that there are thousands of spirits attacking the magic net at the same time. Although this is the controlling node on the periphery of the magic net, Jaina already has a territorial fall, but she has no illusion of being helpless.

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