But it did bother him. He had to think of such a way after all the effort.

With his brain capacity, it was very powerful to be able to think of such a route.

However, Qin Mo had a small problem.

Green Vine City?

Passing by Green Vine?

Good guy, when a Leng Feng holding a national flag suddenly ran out and ran past his door one day, Qin Mo felt that he would not be surprised. After chatting with Zeng Qiang for a while ,

Qin Mo walked into the Internet cafe.

Wandering inside.

Watching the younger brothers turning on the machines and playing in front of the computers.

Some people sat casually in various places, chatting and bragging.

The Internet cafe was very lively.

Looking at the noisy crowd, Qin Mo did not feel the slightest disgust, and it didn't matter if it was lively. He looked around the first floor casually, went to the bar to get a bottle of happy water, and just turned around.

He saw a pair of resentful gazes.

She looked at Qin Mo in front of her breathlessly, and suddenly remembered what Qin Mo said last time.

What about chasing your dreams, and what about not being limited to this.

As she listened, she was sent to the train in a daze.

It was a hard seat.

After everyone had left for a long time, she finally reacted.

She had been sitting on the train for several days and was doubting her life.

After getting off the train, she went to the hospital for a check-up. Oh my god, she got hemorrhoids because of sitting for too long!

She didn't dare to tell her family and friends, so she could only lie on the hospital bed alone.

Tears in her eyes!

It felt like her breasts were a cup size smaller.

Looking at Meng Yu who suddenly appeared in front of him, Qin Mo saw shame, resentment, and anger in her expression in an instant.

Various complex expressions appeared in her eyes.

To put it simply, Qin Mo has never seen a person's expression change so much in an instant.

It's a bit awesome!

The two looked at each other.

Meng Yu looked at Qin Mo with gritted teeth and asked faintly:"Don't you want to say something?"

"What did you say?"Qin Mo opened the happy water in his hand, looked at Meng Yu calmly and smiled:"Say sorry?"

"Or am I wrong?"

"Actually, I just want to tell you, don’t forget the scenery along the way because of one thing or one person!"

"But from the look on your face, you don't seem to understand my good intentions."Qin Mo sighed and pretended to be disappointed.

Listening to Qin Mo's words, Meng Yu frowned slightly.

She seemed a little confused. What was he talking about?

What about not forgetting the scenery along the way because of one person or one thing?

"What do you mean?" she asked, frowning.

"What I mean is that it takes two or three days to travel from Jinghai to Kyoto, passing through the sea, mountains, lakes, and wheat fields, thousands of kilometers along the way."

"But you kept scolding me and getting angry at me all the way! You didn't care about the scenery outside the window."

Qin Mo said, putting one hand on Meng Yu's shoulder, pulling her out of the door, and said earnestly:"Although we have known each other for a short time, I can see the confusion and entanglement in your eyes."

"I know you have your own secrets, and I don't want to ask! Just like you won't ask me!"

"So I chose to use another way to let you see this world!" Qin Mo raised his hand and pointed to the front, and asked Meng Yu:"What do you see?"

"Uh…" Meng Yu was a little confused by Qin Mo’s series of questions, but she was indeed a little conflicted. Should she stay in Jinghai to develop or return to Kyoto?

This is a question!

She was also a little confused.

She didn’t expect Qin Mo to see it, and replied in a daze:"People?"

"No! This is the common people!"Qin Mo raised his hand and pointed at a child not far away, and said to Meng Yu:"Did you see it? That is the starting point of life."

"Curious about everything in the world, they explore and understand the world!"

"Look, that old man is the end. They are used to seeing people and things. They will only stop and watch but not stay!"Qin Mo's tone is like the devil's muttering.

It sounded in Meng Yu's head.

"So, although the scenery is beautiful and you can stop, you can't stay there forever."

"Jinghai is just a small place. You can stop here, but you can't stay here forever. You are still young, so you can go out and see more."

"Don't you want to be a journalist? You can go out more often, see the world and the people around you!"

"Go! The unknown world is waiting for you! The Changjiang Taofen Prize is waving at you, and the Pulitzer Prize is calling your name."

"Sooner or later you will stand on the world stage, and we will applaud you from below!"

"Go chase your dreams girl……"

""Master! South City Railway Station!" Qin Mo stopped a car casually, said something to the master, and slammed the door shut.

Looking at the taxi leaving, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He raised his hand and waved.

Goodbye girl!

Meng Yu is here! Meng Yu was PUA! Meng Yu is gone!

Meng Yu's head was buzzing in front of the train station.

Her mind was full of herself standing on the podium, and people she was familiar with were standing below.

Suddenly, she seemed to see Qin Mo's face in a glimpse.

An inexplicable anger rose! She woke up suddenly and looked at the big words in front of her.

South City Railway Station.

Looking at the words in front of her, her head was buzzing.

Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?

Oh~ By the way, I'm going to get the Pulitzer... Bullshit!!!

Meng Yu woke up suddenly, herself I've been fooled again.

She clenched her fists, grinning as she looked in the direction not far away. This man was too scary.

He seemed to know everything!

He even knew why she was confused. It was because of Qin Mo's words that her mind accidentally followed Qin Mo's words.

Then she was a little confused.

Qin Mo's words were like the devil's muttering, with the effect of bewitching people.

Meng Yu, standing in place, thought about Qin Mo's words carefully, although she felt a little fooled.

But it is undeniable that he was right.

All living beings in this world are passers-by! I can stop, but I can't stay forever.

She stomped her feet fiercely, looked at the grinning man not far away, and shouted with gritted teeth:"Dog Qin Mo, stinky Qin Mo!!"

Qin Mo, who was in the Internet cafe, was sitting by the window drinking happy water, looking out the window with a slight smile on his face.

So happy, so happy!

Simple, naive and innocent things are the best... Hmm?

Suddenly Qin Mo was stunned, looking at the figure getting off the car in a daze.

Looking at the figure and appearance that seemed familiar.

A slightly fat man wearing an orange suit and a floral shirt.

He gave people a feeling of a smiling tiger. He was smiling, but it made people feel a little scared.

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