But he never expected that Qin Mo would be so perceptive.

He had already spotted him before he even approached him.

Looking at the man in front of him, Qin Mo nodded slightly:"Open the door!""

""Okay!" The man walked to the door of the unit and looked at the electronic security door in front of him.

Usually, you enter by swiping a card, or you enter with a key.

He took a look and took out a wallet from his pocket.

He put it in front of the electronic door. With a crisp sound, the security door of the community unit door opened immediately.

He smiled and shook the card in his hand, and said proudly:"Master Card"

"In this area of Jinghai, most of the high-end residential areas use the electronic doors of this factory! I used my connections to get a universal card!"

Qin Mo nodded slowly after listening to his explanation.

If the chicken doesn't pee, then everyone goes their own way.

This move also convinced Qin Mo a little.

If you know how to study, then it means you have good skills.

Low-level thieves have tricks for picking locks, while high-level thieves open people's hearts!

Interpersonal relationships are the greatest convenience.

The two of them walked in the stairwell, and the thief king on the side looked at Qin Mo curiously and asked,"Brother Mo, when I came here, I heard that Xu Jiang took action on you?"

""Hmm." Qin Mo nodded slightly and glanced at the thief king beside him:"You talk too much! Knowing too much is not good for you!"

"Yes, yes, yes."The thief king nodded immediately and pushed his gold-rimmed glasses.

He was obviously a thief, but he looked decent and decent.

If Qin Mo hadn't known, he would have thought he was an executive of a company.

This extremely deceptive face really suited him.

Soon the two of them walked to the third floor.

Qin Mo took out a chewing gum from his pocket and nodded.

The thief king nodded when he saw this.

He looked at the door in front of him with a serious expression.

"This lock is not cheap! It’s made in China!" The thief licked his lips and took a breath:"It will take about 5 minutes!"

"OK"Qin Mo nodded, walked silently to the opposite door, took out the chewing gum in his mouth.

Sticked it on the other side's peephole.

Leaning casually against the wall, he silently looked at the thief king.

The thief king looked at Qin Mo's action and raised his eyebrows. Good guy, more cautious than me?

This trick can be learned.

Stick the chewing gum on the peephole of the opposite door. Even if the opposite door hears any sound, it can't see anything through the peephole.

The thief king's movements were gentle and there was no sound.

The slight sound, in the silent night, could not disturb anyone at all.

The thief king skillfully pressed the door lock.

Various small things performed their duties in his flexible hands.

Not long after, Qin Mo heard a crisp click.

The thief king turned his head, nodded to Qin Mo, and put the hood on his head. He silently opened the door and looked at the darkness inside.

He was a little nervous. Qin Mo asked him not to ask more questions just now, so he didn't dare to ask whether there was anyone inside.

But now it seems that there is no one inside.

But what happened next had nothing to do with him.

The thief king, wearing a bandit mask, whispered to Qin Mo:"Brother Mo, we haven't seen each other today!"

"I haven't been here!"

Qin Mo listened to the thief king's words and looked at him deeply.

He was a smart man.

He unzipped his clothes, took out a stack of money from his pocket, and handed it to the thief king.

"Go out and play for a while"

""Thank you, Brother Mo!" Looking at the stack of money in his hand, the thief king's pupils shrank. He swallowed hard.

As everyone knows, the more money you give, the bigger the matter.

Looking at the money in his hand, the thief king's heart skipped a beat.

Ten thousand yuan, ten thousand yuan.

Are you going to kill me?

The thief king's expression was a little ugly. He lifted his hood, took out five thousand from it and handed it to Qin Mo, with a hint of pleading in his voice:"Brother, this job is only worth five thousand."

"I really don't know anything and have never been here, so you'll just let me go?"

The thief king felt very upset. If he had known, he would not have taken this business.

Good fellow, he just raised his hand and gave me 10,000?

Has the thief king in the whole Jinghai received such a large reward?

Not to mention Jinghai, there are only a few people in the whole country.

After the job was done, they were either silenced or their tongues were cut out.

Although there are rumors in the underworld, Qin Mo is very generous to his men.

He gave one of his men more than 100,000 or 200,000.

But this is just a rumor, just listen to the rumors in the underworld.

But now seeing the money Qin Mo gave, it is indeed generous, but the thief king dare not take it.

He is afraid that the matter involved this time is too big.

"Just take it if I give it to you!" Qin Mo raised his hand and patted the thief king's shoulder, pinching his shoulder:"I don't even know your name! What are you afraid of?"

"I know you, but you don’t know me!"Hearing this, the thief king was stunned. Yes, you don't know me!

I'm not afraid of anything!

He immediately pulled off his hood and disappeared into the stairwell.

Qin Mo looked at the thief king who was leaving, glanced at the five thousand in his hand, and clicked his tongue.

Are people so simple these days?

Do they get refunds for the money they give out?

Qin Mo walked into the house and took out a black glove from his pocket.

He slowly put it on his hand.

He took out the flashlight that had been prepared long ago from his pocket.

After turning it on, he looked around the house.

The decoration around was very simple and ordinary. If someone came in, they would not be able to tell that Bai Jiangbo's money was hidden here.

Qin Mo closed the door.

Humming a song, he strolled slowly in the house.

Although the decoration in the house was very ordinary and simple.

But there was no dust on the table.

It meant that someone came to clean it regularly.

It was no problem for him to choose to come in the early morning.

With Bai Jiangbo's cautious nature, he would definitely not let anyone live in the house where he hid his money.

So there was basically no trace of life here.

Clean regularly.

Qin Mo couldn't help but feel relieved. He felt relieved.

He walked around the house and came to the bedroom.

After opening the closet, he looked at the board under the closet.

He reached out and lifted the board.

In an instant, Qin Mo felt that his eyes were covered by a golden light.

Pieces of gold bricks were neatly arranged inside.

In the center was the combination wheel and handle of a safe.

Looking at the gold bricks outside and the safe in front of him.

Qin Mo swallowed hard.

Judging from the grams on the gold bricks.

One piece weighs two kilograms.

According to the current gold price, one piece is worth 78,000 ?

Only 78 yuan per gram.

That's right, 78.

Who would have thought that in another 20 years, one gram of gold would be worth more than 400 yuan. In the era before Qin Mo traveled through time, one gram of gold cost more than 400 yuan.

Qin Mo counted the gold bricks like a mercenary, throwing them into his space one by one.

He laughed so hard that his back teeth showed.

One hundred and three pieces, a full one hundred and three pieces.

The current price of gold is 78 per gram, 78,000 per piece, one hundred and three pieces, eight million yuan.


It's really a gold belt for murder and arson!

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