Looking at Zeng Qiang's weird appearance, Qin Mo suppressed his smile, lit a cigarette for himself, put it in his mouth and took a sip.

A smoke ring came out of his mouth.

Looking at this scene, Bai Jiangbo still looked as if nothing had happened, and his expression did not change at all.

He wanted to give Zeng Qiang a warning, but he did not expect that it would be resolved so easily by Qin Mo.

At this time, Zeng Qiang, who took a few big sips, felt a little dizzy.

It was like drinking fake wine.

Qin Mo, who was sitting next to him, leaned close to Zeng Qiang's ear and whispered,"Don't smoke."

Zeng Qiang coughed dryly when he heard this, turned his head and glared at Qin Mo.

It seemed to ask, why didn't you say it earlier?

Just say this feeling, just like the first time smoking, makes people feel a little dizzy

"Lao Zeng, you have been with me for some time, right?"

"It's been about eight or nine years."Zeng Qiang answered honestly when he heard Bai Jiangbo's question.

After listening to Zeng Qiang's reply, Qin Mo turned around and looked at Chen Shuting who was holding a cup of coffee.

Chen Shuting put the coffee in front of Qin Mo and handed the tea to Zeng Qiang.

Then she sat aside.

She crossed her legs elegantly and drank the coffee.

"Yes~" Bai Jiangbo sighed:"It's been eight or nine years, and you have been in charge of the battlefield for three or four years! You have worked diligently and made great contributions over the years, while other battlefields have problems every few days."

"You, Zeng Qiang, are the one who gives me the least worry!"

"Fortunately, fortunately." Zeng Qiang chuckled and scratched his head:"After all, it is the boss's business. As a younger brother, I have to take good care of it, right?"

Qin Mo and Bai Jiangbo raised their eyebrows at the same time.

They looked at Zeng Qiang in surprise.

How could such sarcastic words come out of your mouth?

Zeng Qiang's words seemed to be saying that I have followed you for eight or nine years, and other bosses have everything, but I have nothing.

Even the management of the battlefield is yours!

Tsk tsk tsk ~ Boss, you have matured!

Qin Mo looked at Zeng Qiang with a sense of déjà vu that my son has grown up.

Bai Jiangbo took a sip of tea, glanced at Chen Shuting beside him, and chose to pass the buck:"Didn't you hand over the battlefield business to Shuting? It was my negligence, I don't know much about it."

"It just so happens that I want to tell you too!" Chen Shuting smiled and glanced at Bai Jiangbo:"I had planned to give some of the shares of the battlefield to Lao Zeng before."

"What do you think?"

Instantly, Bai Jiangbo showed a stiff smile on his face.

He glanced at Qin Mo, who was sitting next to him drinking coffee. He was reluctant to let his child go without a wolf.

"Then give it to me!" Bai Jiangbo said with a hint of heartache, and patted Zeng Qiang on the shoulder:"It's because I'm not competent enough as the boss! I neglected my brothers!"

"These are my compensation to you!"

Listening to Bai Jiangbo's words, Qin Mo was amazed. Sure enough, the responsibility was all on the younger brother, and the favors were all on himself.

These bosses are thick-skinned and black-hearted.

Chen Shuting, who was standing aside, looked at the two and said,"By the way, you have a lot of brothers! It just so happens that we have some casinos under our command and are short of people to look after the place."

"It can be regarded as finding something for the brothers to do, otherwise it is easy to get into trouble if they are idle every day. Let them go and take care of the place. Boss Zeng, what do you think?"

Zeng Qiang heard this and his eyes drifted gently towards Qin Mo.

Seeing Qin Mo nodded, he smiled and said,"Thank you, Boss and sister-in-law! It just so happens that I am worried about what to do with these monkeys under my command. They are idle every day and just fight outside."

""Okay, then it's settled." Bai Jiangbo's eyes lit up, and he immediately said,"In that case, I'll make the decision. From now on, the treatment of your brothers will be improved!" He divided Zeng Qiang's men and sent them out one by one.

Then he would slowly win them over.

In the future, he could gradually sideline Zeng Qiang, let him sit on the battlefield honestly, and share some money to become a rich man.

"Come on, let’s eat first!" Bai Jiangbo stood up from the sofa and walked towards the restaurant with a few people.

Walking behind, Zeng Qiang was a little anxious and whispered to Qin Mo:"What should I do? What if my younger brother goes there and can’t come back?"

"Afraid of nothing!" Qin Mo rolled his eyes:"Someone will support you, just be happy! Have some confidence in the people below." Zeng Qiang was a little distressed when he heard Qin Mo's words.

But Bai Jiangbo seemed very happy.

Walking in front, a chrysanthemum-like smile bloomed on his face.

He was also greedy for Zeng Qiang's subordinates.

Last time, they robbed Xu Jiang Casino. Later, I heard that a group of people acted quickly and neatly, and robbed a casino in just over ten minutes.

Aren't these talents?

Such talents are about to be recruited by himself, how can he not be happy? With more such subordinates, he would feel at ease.

Everyone sat down at the dining table.

Qin Mo sat next to Zeng Qiang, and Bai Jiangbo was on the other side.

Chen Shuting sat opposite Qin Mo.

Looking at the food on the table, Qin Mo clicked his tongue.

Luxurious! It's too damn luxurious!

Please have more food like this.

"This is the seafood that was just caught today, you guys try it." Bai Jiangbo picked up the chopsticks.

Seeing Bai Jiangbo start to eat, the others also started to eat.

Qin Mo ate the food, took a sip of the wine from the wine glass, and curled his lips.

It would be better to drink boiled water. Qin Mo didn't like drinking too much, but when entertaining, he still had to drink a little.

"By the way, Xiao Qin! I heard that you are planning to do business recently?" When saying this, Bai Jiangbo felt a little sad. Damn, he lost millions.

He cleaned up this grandson's ass and now he has to please him:"If you need any help, just tell me."

"I am the boss of your boss, so you are also my brother! Don't be too polite when you are family."

"You're welcome!" Qin Mo ate his meal leisurely, his expression didn't change at all. Such simple techniques to build relationships were completely useless to him.

Just be direct, throw ten million in front of me, don't even mention calling me brother, I'll kowtow to you.

Seeing Qin Mo's indifferent response, Bai Jiangbo narrowed his eyes, suppressed his anger, smiled at Zeng Qiang and said,"Xiao Qin has a bit of temper, just like you when you were young."

"Yes, this kid has been with me since he was ten years old! It's normal for him to look a bit like me." Zeng Qiang also smiled, and when he saw Bai Jiangbo being humiliated, he almost laughed out loud.

"By the way." Chen Shuting looked at Qin Mo and asked curiously:"You are also in your twenties, right? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Bai Jiangbo immediately agreed:"Last time I saw you shopping with a little girl, if there is a chance, ask her to come over and meet them?"

After saying that, the two of them looked at him hurriedly, waiting for his reply.

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