What exactly is his plan?

He knew that he was going to seize the power of the construction company, but he let himself go like this.

It gave people the illusion that he was his illegitimate son who was stranded outside.

It was outrageous!

After smoking a cigarette, Qin Mo couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't bother to think about it.

He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out with his foot.

"" Let's go home!" Qin Mo opened the car door and sat on the back seat.

Chen Shuting also got in.

Sitting next to Qin Mo, Qi Aiguo sat in the driver's seat.

Qin Mo was a little confused:"Where is Li Ba?"

"Here they come!" Li Ba immediately got into the car and shouted to Qi Aiguo,"Hurry up, or you'll be stuck."

Upon hearing that, Qi Ba stepped on the accelerator as his leg broke, and the car quickly rushed out and drove out of the manor.

"What did you do?"Qin Mo, who was sitting in the back seat, raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Ba in front of him with a slightly strange expression.

Li Ba looked at the manor gate that was far away behind him.

He immediately opened his clothes and quickly took out a lot of jewelry and a wallet from his pocket.

"It's been a long time since I felt so good! Hehehe~" Li Ba laughed a very vulgar laugh that didn't match his image.

Looking at the things in Li Ba's hand, Qin Mo's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand to take a big piece of Lao.

After taking a closer look, he said,"I want this one"

"I want this one!" Qi Aiguo, who was driving, did not hesitate at all and immediately picked one and put it in his pocket.

Looking at Qin Mo and Qi Aiguo, they did not hesitate at all. They did not even say a word.

Chen Shuting was a little confused.

Damn it, didn't you stop them?

And you took it so naturally?

This thing was stolen, not bought!

And you took so many, did you go in to buy goods?

""What are you standing there for? Take it!" Qin Mo, who was sitting in the back seat and playing with his watch, glanced at Chen Shuting, who was still sitting in the chair without moving, and shouted angrily,

"Me? Take it?"Chen Shuting pointed at herself, shook her head immediately and chose to refuse.

Hearing this, Qin Mo smiled and teased,"I didn't expect Miss Chen to be so dignified!"

"No, I'm just a little puzzled!" Chen Shuting looked at the three smiling people and said,"You steal things so openly, aren't you afraid that those people will cause trouble for you?"

"Let's find it!" Qin Mo played with his watch and said disapprovingly:"Anyway, the old man is on the case. Those people went to the old man to complain about me! It's a complaint anyway. It doesn't make any difference whether they curse me more or less."

Chen Shuting:...

Damn it, Uncle Tai has become a grudge again?

You don't do anything that has anything to do with others.

After Li Ba took out the money from the wallet in his hand, he threw the wallet out of the window.

One empty wallet after another was thrown out of the window and fell to the ground and rolled.

A thick stack of banknotes was put in his pocket.

The vehicle returned to Jiuchang Street.

The next day!

Early in the morning!

In Chen Tai's office.

Qin Mo signed his name and looked at the 2% of the shares in the transfer contract.

He raised his eyes and looked at Chen Tai in front of him.

Chen Tai's dim and turbid eyes were still so calm that people couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"If the water is too clear, there will be no fish." Chen Tai took a sip of tea from the teacup, looked at Qin Mo in a hoarse voice, and said meaningfully:"Sometimes, only when the water is not clean can fish be raised!"

""Hmm!" Qin Mo, who was sitting on the chair, nodded slightly to show his agreement. Qin Mo, leaning on the chair, looked up at the ceiling, and that unique magnetic voice sounded in Chen Tai's ears:"Uncle Tai, I can't wait any longer!"

"I still have a lot of things to do. What do you think I should do?"

"Young people should have some drive, right?"Chen Tai looked at Qin Mo in front of him and said,"I heard that you are very good at gambling! Why not give it a try this time and see if you can win!""

""Okay!" Qin Mo heard this, raised his head, slowly lowered it, looked directly at Chen Tai in front of him, and raised the corners of his mouth.

It was like looking at prey!

"Then Uncle Tai, see you in two days!" Qin Mo stood up from the chair, holding the contract and waving his hand behind his back. He walked outside.

When he opened the door, he saw Cheng Cheng standing at the door.

His face was extremely ugly.

Looking at Cheng Cheng in front of him, Qin Mo glanced at her calmly, and walked away.

The sound of his heels hitting the ground seemed to be hitting Cheng Cheng's heart.

It kept echoing in her mind.

Cheng Cheng clenched her fists and looked at Qin Mo's departing back with gritted teeth.

It was as if he was showing off to her.

After so many years, she only had a little more than Qin Mo. Why did Qin Mo get what she had paid for several years after coming here for such a short time!

Cheng Cheng didn't understand. The imbalance in her heart almost made her lose her mind.

Resisting the grievance in her heart, she knocked on the door of the office and smiled a little bit again.

"Uncle Tai, a few families just called me and asked why their people were fired!"Cheng Cheng looked at the old Chen Tai in front of him and couldn't help but said sarcastically,"I think Mr. Qin was a bit reckless this time."

"Such behavior will only bring more enemies to the company! It is also very detrimental to the development of the business. Some people do not plan to continue to cooperate with us."

"Young people are energetic and have ideas, just support them! Once they suffer a loss, they will know they are wrong!" Chen Tai, who was sitting on a chair, took a sip of tea.

He looked at Cheng Cheng in front of him with a smile and said,"Keep busy, the new project will still require your continued supervision."

"" Okay!" The smile on his face froze when he heard that.

He turned and walked outside.

Looking at Cheng Cheng leaving, Chen Tai shook his head, stood up and walked to the window, with his hands behind his back.

He murmured:"Don't let me down!"

Qin Mo walked out of Chen Tai's office and went straight downstairs.

He lit a cigarette, looked up at the sky, and took a deep breath.

After making a few phone calls, Qin Mo waited for the night to fall.

Night fell!

Darkness enveloped the entire Jinghai.

The lights in the city flickered.

The magnificent lights of Baijinhan made the entire European-style appearance look even more noble.

In the largest private room in Baijinhan.

Qin Mo sat in the main seat and looked at the people who had already arrived around him.

Gao Qiqiang and Gao Qisheng were among them.

Qin Mo, sitting on a chair, leaned on the sofa, holding a wine glass.

Everyone was sitting nearby, wondering why Qin Mo called everyone over this time.

After a while, Qin Mo finally spoke, as if he had made a decision.

He took the briefcase that had been prepared on the side, raised his hand and threw the briefcase in his hand on the table.

With a crisp sound, Qi Aiguo immediately got up, walked to the side and turned on the light.

Turn off the music.

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