Following Qin Mo's order, several people jumped out of the car and walked to the side.

The rest of the people got in the car and drove straight to the warehouse not far away.

When the car approached, the person standing at the door also looked over.

The car was covered with a black anti-peep film, so the other party couldn't see the situation inside the car.

He immediately walked forward and knocked on the car window.

He shouted:"You can't park here, let's go!"……"

Before he finished speaking, the car door was suddenly opened.

Qin Mo immediately reached out and grabbed the other person's collar and pulled him into the car.

As the car shook, there was no sound in the car.

The car drove and slowly reversed to the door of the warehouse.

Everyone got out of the car and tied the door handle with a rope.

One end was connected to the back of the car.

Qin Mo, who was standing by the wall, immediately raised a thumb.

The driver saw Qin Mo's gesture and immediately stepped on the accelerator.

The accelerator of the vehicle roared.

The rope immediately stretched straight, and with a piercing roar, the door of the warehouse was instantly pulled down.

Qin Mo and others also took advantage of the situation and rushed in immediately.

Everyone in the casino was at a loss, and their terrified eyes looked at the dozen people wearing bandit hoods who rushed in from the door, and they were stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, the casino's thugs immediately rushed towards Qin Mo with a machete beside them.

Qin Mo raised his hand holding the steel pipe, dodged the opponent sideways, and hit the opponent's back of the head with a backhand stick.

With a muffled groan, the thug fell to the ground instantly and fell into a coma.

Seeing this, the others began to rush into the casino.

Fighting with the others, several people took sacks and quickly filled them with money.

Qin Mo glanced around.

Qin Mo stood at the door, and the gamblers in the casino did not dare to move. They squatted in the corner with their heads in their hands.

Secretly looking at the situation in the casino.

There are not many thugs in the casino, only four or five people.

Usually they just look after the place and lend money.

Seeing that everyone was almost done, Qin Mo raised his hand and waved.

A group of people immediately ran outside and rushed into the car.

Then the car started and sped away into the distance, coming and going like the wind.

It took no more than fifteen minutes.

Qin Mo, sitting in the car, looked at the big bag in front of him, turned his head and asked:"How much is it approximately?"

"Thirty to forty." The younger brother sitting next to him breathed a little faster, his face flushed as he looked at the money in the bag in front of him and estimated it.

"Well, let's go to the next place quickly! Damn, a bunch of poor bastards, only a few hundred thousand to open a fucking casino!"

Qin Mo felt that he had overestimated the benefits of this casino.

Is it because of the Chinese New Year? So there is less money?

Qin Mo flipped through his phone and sighed for a few seconds:"Let's go to Hudong and make a big deal! What do you think? Do you dare?"

"Listen to Brother Mo!!"The younger brother sitting next to Qin Mo shouted and looked at Qin Mo with admiration.

After being out there for so long, this was the first time he had done something so cool and awesome. He could brag about it for a year.

Because Qin Mo's extremely fast and professional techniques convinced everyone.

The younger brother sitting next to Qin Mo suddenly thought of something, and then asked Qin Mo:"Brother Mo, we robbed Xu Jiang's place. I guess he will strengthen his defense after receiving the news, right? Let's go over now.……"

The others nodded as well.

Qin Mo chuckled,"We are more than ten kilometers away from Hudong. Xu Jiangfang's defense is only around here. He certainly didn't expect us to go to Hudong. How dare we go to Hudong!"

"I guess he thought we were just here to get something for free, so it's not a big deal."

Listening to Qin Mo's analysis, the people on the side nodded thoughtfully.

It seems to be true.

When Qin Mo was rushing to Hudong, Zeng Qiang had already robbed a place. He sat in the car with rapid breathing, looking at the hundreds of thousands in the bag.

He suddenly remembered what Qin Mo said, that he had to rob a million for his younger brother.

He also thought of his promise to buy a car and a house for Qin Mo.

It's just such a small amount of money, and if everyone divides it, it will be gone. If not, we have to go for another one! Grab more to find him a wife, so that he doesn't have to worry about his sister-in-law every day.

"What the hell? Who is so bold as to mess with my place?"At this moment, Xu Jiang was at home, cursing:"Fuck you, gather some people! The damned extortion has come to me?"

"Can't you tell the difference between the big and small Wang? Check it out for me!!! And send more people to the places around these two places! And send people to the other larger places!"

Xu Jiang scratched his beard.

Wearing a hood, very fast, well-trained!

Damn, he doesn't look like an ordinary person!

Xu Jiang sat on a chair, frowning, thinking about his enemy.

This person doesn't seem to be sent by his enemy. Instead, he has a feeling that he is professional.

Could it be that they are from other places, and they came to inquire? And then chose their own place to start?

It is not impossible. There are also dragons crossing the river these days.

Xu Jiang narrowed his eyes, and a fascinating light flashed in his eyes. Who cares who he is, he came to his territory and really let them go. Will he still be out there like this in the future?

When Qin Mo was working hard to make money.

In a coffee shop.

Chen Shuting sat on a chair, crossed her legs, high heels dangling, looking out the window and slowly shaking her head.

A man in a suit walked quickly to Chen Shuting's side, bent down and whispered:"They started, in batches!"

"They robbed two places! They all wore hoods!"

"Two?" Chen Shuting frowned when she heard this:"Where did Zeng Qiang get such courage?"

"The brother who was following them said that they suddenly stopped on the road, and Zeng Qiang and Qin Mo talked on the roadside for more than ten minutes. I don't know what they were talking about, and I couldn't get too close."

Chen Shuting picked up the coffee cup, took a sip of coffee, and suddenly Qin Mo's appearance flashed in her mind.

Could it be him?

It seems that he is Zeng Qiang's confidant, so Zeng Qiang probably listened to him and dared to rob two places directly.

Interesting, but it also caused a big trouble for herself.

Chen Shuting wiped her red lips gently with a tissue.

You smashed my sand field, and I robbed your casino. Back and forth, it's just a competition between the two sides.

Now robbing two directly is simply shitting on Xu Jiang's head, no, it's directly shitting dysentery.

This thing is also contagious.

If other people knew about it, they probably couldn't help wanting to stroke Xu Jiang's beard.

This time it's really messed up!

"Where are they now? Have they returned?"

"No…no…" The man glanced at Chen Shuting and said cautiously:"One car went to the east of the lake, and the other went to the north of the city."

"Hudong?" Chen Shuting frowned:"What is Hudong?""

"Where is the largest casino under Xu Jiang!"

"What??? Chen Shuting stood up from her chair:"Is he crazy???"

"This is courting death! Let them come back quickly!"

"It's probably too late." The man said quickly:"When the news came just now, they were almost there."

"Crazy, crazy, all crazy!!!" The unexpected situation made Chen Shuting look at the scenery outside the window a little irritated.

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