Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 927: The vast land (3)

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The entire forest was wrapped in by a sudden hurricane. Fortunately, the huge canopy of ancient trees protected the forest. The impact inside the forest was not as serious as imagined. On the contrary, the dull and decadent atmosphere accumulated throughout the year dissipated completely.

Bringing Cassie Hei forward among the ancient trees, about an hour later, Cassia finally found a temporary shelter. It was an ancient tree struck by lightning. It was disconnected from the middle, and the surrounding ancient trees quickly expanded its branches and leaves in the following time, and it eventually became dead.

The remaining huge stump was dug out by creatures into a huge hollow, which just happened to be a resting place for the next. Because Cassia felt that there would be heavy rain soon, this kind of weather had cut off his idea of ​​going on the road again.

After dragging the iron box into the hollow, Cassia asked Cassiehe to find food by himself, and then stepped up time to collect a sufficient amount of dry wood around and pile it up. This time he did not carry high-energy fuel on his body.

A clean place was swept up at the entrance of the tree hole, and Cassia quickly raised a fire, backed by the wind, and the flames did not dance violently, which added a little light to the interior of the forest that was always in the evening. Finding a strong dry tree trunk, Cassia sat on the edge of the fire, and his heart became comfortable and warm under the influence of the fire.

The hurricane in the sky has no tendency to abate at all, and the fact is the same. It has not yet reached its peak and is still in a period of gathering power.

"It should barely be regarded as a kind of extreme weather, but it is not appropriate to say that it is extreme weather." Cassia took out the small notebook and pen on her body, while writing something and talking to herself. He was recording the scene he had just seen and heard. The firelight projected the shadow of the pen on the small notebook. The handwriting was not beautiful, it could only be said to be neat. But when looking at these imperial characters arranged and combined in one, Cassia then raised his head and placed his gaze on the fire in front of him, only feeling that the sound of the surrounding wind and the friction of leaves suddenly became smaller.

Even if it was only a moment, Cassia seemed to understand the mood of Perkins a thousand years ago. Exhaling a sigh, Cassia stepped up time to record the scene when he heard the sound in the air.

"There may be things in the sky covered by clouds and mist that cannot be touched by human eyes. From history to the present, the mist that has existed all the year round has covered very important things. That will be the source of sound." A recorder and adventurer, even if he guessed in his heart, the ultimate cause of this phenomenon has long been investigated, and is lying in the archives of the major forces.

What would it be? After reading what she had written, Cassia finally tore it off and threw it into the fire. At that time, Pekins did not give a specific answer in the book. Perhaps he knew the true appearance of all the notes in the book, but as a publication, it seemed to be more attractive with a sense of mystery.

I don't know if this is considered a bad taste, at least Cassia thinks it is. Exuberant curiosity can often torture herself from all aspects. During the period, I looked at the mechanical watch every ten minutes, and Cassie Hei was almost an hour away from going out. Affected by the hurricane, daily fast hunting has also been delayed.

Cassia stood up and walked to the edge of the tree hole, and the cold whirling wind rolled the dead leaves in the air and carried them far away. The air becomes damp at a visible speed, and the interval is less than one minute, and there is a "crack" sound between the leaves rubbing.

The torrential rain had already arrived, and soon large ice-cold water drops gathered from the tree canopy, and the damp environment suddenly added an uncomfortable feeling that the body was soaked white. The southern forest is originally an ancient forest. The ancient trees and plants here can all be called living fossils. It is not too much to regard as dead bodies.

The exhaled breath can be seen white, and Cassia looked at the forest covered by tree trunks, thinking that Cassiehe should come back soon, but her body suddenly tightened. At this time, his gaze also naturally looked diagonally forward with the deflection of his head. There was a faint sound, as if something was moving forward in this stormy weather.

Standing still, waiting for more than half a minute, a beast with its whole body hair becoming smoother and brighter in the gathering rain came into his vision. It looks like a green wolf commonly found in the southern forests, but its coat color has a rare dark red color, sticking to the skin one by one, like long needle-like scales, rain falling on it will fall naturally.

His two eyes were dark green and his body was close to two meters in height. Cassia judged that it was not a juvenile giant wolf, but an adult, but the type limited his size. It was a little later to find that Cassia was looking at him. The wolf immediately stopped and stared at Cassia. At the same time, the heat spewed forward for a meter or two before gradually dissipating, and two rows of sharp and sharp teeth were also exposed. come out.

"Na Rota!" A human voice came from further away, as if it was the name of this wolf. Then a group of four people walked out from behind the old tree, two men, one in middle age and the other very young. The remaining two are women, one is about the same age as a young man, and the other is a girl, about twelve or three years old. The dress is very different from the empire, at least the pattern decoration of the clothes has not been seen by Cassia. Only then did Cassia react. The voice just now was the language of the Flame Alliance, but his brain switched too fast so that he didn't notice the difference in time. The four of them stood beside the red wolf, bringing the tiredness after the long journey, and they all cast their eyes on Cassia for a while.

"Human!" With doubts, none of the four of them moved. Only one of them reached out and patted the red wolf's body, but the red wolf still showed his sharp teeth. At this moment, Cassia looked away and looked at the ancient tree beside the four of where there were undisguised footsteps.

The red wolf gave a sharp roar almost at the same time, and immediately turned and looked in the same direction. The needle-like hair on his back also stood upside down, making an attacking posture. Li Ro didn't play a deterrent effect, and the footsteps became louder from far to near. The four people acted immediately and all left the red wolf, without the slightest suspicion, and quickly came to a location not far from Cassia to guard.

"Discatli!" The middle-aged man yelled at this time, and the young woman replied, turning around and pulling the girl to stand behind the two men. With the sound of dead branches breaking, both men drew out their weapons. The design of pistols was quite different from that of the Empire, but they were very close to the revolver Cassia was used to.

Cassia looked at the four and the red wolf, not knowing what to do. , They should be reminded. Cassia felt that he should be happy to meet humans in the forest, although it did not help or affect his journey.

"Hey, young man!" The middle-aged man turned his head a little and called Cassia.

Cassia turned her head and was about to respond, but Cassiehey had already walked out of the trunk with a dead horned sheep in one hand and the favorite giant sword in the other.

"Dragon!" The middle-aged man said with anger in his words, and stepped back a bit, and another young man completely blocked Discatli and the little girl behind him.

Seeing the scene in front of the dead tree stump, Cassiehey also stopped. In the time I left, there seemed to be something more here. It looked at the red wolf who was ready to attack at any time, its body immediately moved aside, and the giant sword in its hand was placed in a position that it could swing out at any time, then it looked at Cassia.

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