Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 921: Chaos (5)

Hundreds of people were on alert, and their sights shuttled back and forth around them, and there was no blind spot. More people pointed their guns at the huge ancient tree not far in front of them. Some team members loaded the artillery launcher with ammunition and aimed at the thick dark green canopy of the ancient tree. For a time or two of breathing, only the blast of gas made a sound in a quiet environment, and there was no even the sound of insects. Before they entered, it became a personal territory.

All were waiting for the arrival of the airship, and the commander used the communicator to send a message to dozens of captains. The order was then conveyed to Cassia: "Waiting for the cooperation of the airship, seeing the young dragon being forced out by the airship's voice, he immediately attacked with all his strength."

Several months of hunting did allow these people to collect some very useful information, and also came up with basic methods of response and cooperation. Cassia looked at the towering old tree again, with doubts in her eyes. He didn't feel any breath from the front, it was more like a trap that Cassiehe had explored by himself.

Glancing around, Cassia shook her throat, and the inaudible voice was divided into several segments and spread out. He could see those ripples rippling around and spreading into places invisible to the eyes. I carefully distinguished the ancient tree patterns intertwined with various sound ripples. The scattered branches and trunks made the ripples interact into extremely complex patterns, and it was impossible to identify whether there were moving objects.

At this time, the other two teams rushed over, presenting a triangle to surround the old tree in the center. The voice of the empty boats immediately became plural, and the empty boats of the three teams were about to meet here.

Just as everyone focused their attention on the canopy of the ancient tree, there was a slight vibration on the ground at this moment. During the perception, Cassia turned his gaze to the direction of the vibration source for a second or two, but several captains from another team roared out at the same time.

"Everyone is scattered, under our feet!"

The warning was indeed timely, but only a few people responded. In the field of vision, the ground immediately raised a huge bag of soil, black mud and sand, and several people were pushed open, while a thick claw covered with black scales protruded out of the ground one step ahead. The sharp claws grasped a sharply worn broken sword and swept forward in an arc, bringing out a shiny circle. The blade may have long since disappeared, and the pure iron-like short sword still shoots a dozen people directly tens of meters away.

The huge wings spread out, and they flapped dozens of times in the blink of an eye. "Boom--" The violent wind dissipated immediately, the dead leaves were flying all over the sky, and the gravel was accelerated to the surroundings, swept away among the ancient trees in an instant.

"Attack!" I don't know who roared out, the gunshots were connected instantly, and the ballistic line was lit up from various places and converged to the same place. The artillery and the high-explosive shells were connected, and they all fired fiercely. The place where the fallen leaves fly. The mask completely blocked the smell of gunpowder smoke from the outside, and completely isolated the effect of the sand and gravel wind. The dead leaves were torn into pieces in mid-air, like gray-black snow, shuttled back and forth between the ballistic lines.

The flames produced by the explosion rolled up into the sky, and there was a "sweet" sound above the head, and clusters of dark red lines fell vertically, and the ancient branches did not completely fall to the ground, and they became exploded sawdust. In the smoke, the ground boiled under the bullets, the gravel splashed out, and the aerial bombs fell down immediately after the "dongdong", which exploded, generating heat and impact, and turning into a translucent wall with gunpowder smoke, as if the waves swept across, layer by layer. Pushing away in the woods. The air also became thinner at this time, and all that breathed into the body was the breath that burned the body.

The three teams discussed and stopped the attack, and immediately turned to retreat relying on the cover of the ancient tree. This is now the battlefield of the airboat. The firepower of hundreds of people is completely incapable of attacking with the 0.50 heavy machine guns blessed with sufficient ammunition, and the large-caliber bullets of several machine guns with 20 mm.

Cassia retreated, and the dense firepower network of the three teams approaching thirty airships and the huge explosive power of the aerial bombs could not last long even in a scaly state. Turning around and running out of no more than ten meters, the surrounding old trees suddenly shook together. Among the evacuated crowd in front of them, a huge bag of soil suddenly bulged out, and a black shadow with a body length of nearly ten meters rushed out from under the ground in an instant. The folded wings suddenly spread out, and the rotten dead leaves were picked up by the wind. Exposed the moldy ground that had been buried for a long time.

Among the flying dead leaves, the light of the explosion illuminates the bright shadow of Broken Sword. Even if it is cut off, it still has a length of four or five meters. Broken Sword changed from cutting to shooting at this time, and fell to the crowd of evacuees. The thick black tail swept against the ground at this time, and the evacuees around the black shadow were cleared in an instant.

The air shook, the leaves shook together, and Cassiehei roared, overwhelming explosions and gunfire. The blood-like cross pupils are beating among the golden pupils. Although the black scales of the whole body have fallen off a small part, revealing the light gray skin with blood scabs underneath, the black scales of the whole body are all opened at an angle in the roar, opening and closing, The spikes on his head also stand upright.

The attack continued. Cassiehei sputtered sparks from the canopy, and the members of the observation base quickly dispersed while shooting. But Cassiehe seemed to know their intentions. With a wide field of vision, it kept following the footsteps of the crowd of evacuees, preventing the airship from having a chance to hit it with firepower. The hand interrupted the sword up and down and then printed on the ground. Tuan Tuan bright red traces.

Several captains had already turned on their gas weapons in a moment and gathered from everywhere. Cassiehei immediately turned around, his wings flapped again, and the broken sword slashed towards the captains who had attacked. However, the trajectory suddenly fell in the middle of the way and sank directly into the ground, setting off a large amount of mud and sand, and then shot it with the broken sword. For two to three months, Cassiehei had understood that these bright red weapons were very dangerous.

No longer using the broken sword to attack, Cassiehe stood upright, smashed a thick branch with one paw, and hit the captains.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In ten seconds, the thick branches quickly shortened under the slash of the pneumatic weapon. The sound of the airship's propeller approached, and Cassiehei immediately arched his torso, which was a great disturbance to it. This kind of sound has been deeply imprinted in his head shortly after he was born, and he still remembers the scene of his kind being completely submerged in the explosion flames under the cover of this sound. Trying to avoid it as hard as possible, under attack, Cassiehe looked up at the sky covered by the tree canopy while searching the surroundings with a wide field of vision. The huge body wanted to move closer to the evacuated observation base members.

Only after being delayed for a while, the captains of the three teams have surrounded them, leaving only a road leading to the buried Regong explosives. As they thought, Cassiehe broke a branch again while attacking the wandering captains, while retreating towards the trap according to their intentions.

The captains were not actively attacking, but passively showed a very difficult appearance, and exchanged rounds of "fighting" with the branch in Cassie Black's hand, continuously cutting it off. The purpose is to push the young dragon to the trap with the sound of the empty boat. The power of a large number of Regon explosives is enough to cause considerable damage to the young They don’t need time, and they can complete the task by repeating it several times. .

"Bang, bang, ,," When the personnel were rotated again, it was under the reverberation of firecrackers. The five captains were unprepared. There would be other enemies around them that they had not considered for three months. Several bundles of bullets hit their heads almost at the same time, and the corpse stiffened for a second or two and then fell abruptly.

The surroundings were quiet a lot, and their eyes glanced around, but the people around them all wore masks, standing and looking at their side, under cover and shooting, they had no extra attention to observe things around them. And being very close, between the young dragon and the captain, the target can be changed by slightly deflecting the muzzle. At this time, Cassia followed and looked around, her eyes full of sheer ignorance.

"Who is it!" The captains stared at the surroundings. Soon they judged the direction of the bullet from the bullet holes in the dead captain's head, glaring at the people in that direction.

"Be careful, it's the dragon knight of the Flame Alliance!" The three commanders reacted instantly, and they reminded them who knew a little bit of information. At the same moment, Cassia opened his cross pupils, pinpointed the next batch of targets, and was ready to raise the gun and shoot again.


At this time, it was Cassiehei who yelled out loudly, as if crying, and the voice dragged on for a long time. Its huge body fell, and its sharp claws landed on the ground. At this time, its wings were also folded, and its body turned a bend on the spot and plunged straight towards Cassia.

The captains turned their eyes around, looking at them all.

Cassia wanted to sigh, but looking at Cassie's dark and scared expression, she was no longer in that mood. He raised his gun and fired at the captain beside him, yelling in dragon-like language: "Cassie Black, follow me!"

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