Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 918: Chaos (2)

When the sky shone slightly, Cassia opened his eyes, got out of the car and checked the state of the car before starting on the road.

The distance is not far, the reason for choosing daytime is more that he needs to find a hidden place to camouflage the truck. It is impossible to drive in the forest, especially trucks full of goods.

Hidden among a few big trees, Cassia picked up a forged steel sword to go around several times, chopped many branches to cover the entire truck. After doing this, he dragged a box out of the truck's cargo box, took the basic weapon, and hurried toward the area where Cassiehei was staying based on the forged steel sword on his back.

"I don't know if I will wait in that area." Cassia thought. After a few months, even from the most basic predation, the second-class creatures in the southern forests, after a period of time, It should also be felt that the area where Cassie is located is very dangerous.

After advancing for a few hours or so, near noon, the sound of the propeller spinning at high speed was heard from the distance of the sky covered by green-yellow leaves. It flies very low, and the ripples formed by the sound show that these things are not far from their position.

Cassia was wary of her surroundings, and a bad feeling arose in her heart. He found a sturdy old tree and climbed halfway to the center. In a slightly more cheerful sight, five gentle empty boats were connected in a straight line, and the huge propellers erected at the tail stirred up the diffuse mist, carrying the huge The body flew diagonally forward.

Under the huge floating bladder filled with hydrogen, additional compartments have been added. Behind the shadowed glass, Cassia vaguely saw a group of armed soldiers sitting neatly.

"The nearest empire observes the people in the base." Cassia hurryed to hurry, thinking about the purpose of these people. It is not a problem to load two to three hundred people and supporting weapons on the five empty boats. It is obvious that they are going to perform a mission somewhere in the forest. "It is dangerous to see the direction."

If the direction of the airship does not change, the route will pass straight through the active area he originally delineated for Casey Black from the middle. But it is only considering this possibility. If dragons are found at the edge of the forest, according to the established process, the Empire Observation Base should report this situation immediately.

Without much thought, Cassia speeded up and hurried. Soon after, more and more traces appeared on the surrounding ground and ancient trees. Pieces of bullet marks were exploded on the trunk. After a while, new shoots had begun to sprout around the bullet marks. According to the influence of the climate, Cassia, these traces were caused at least one or two months ago.

As the footsteps deepened, more and more battle traces began to appear. A large crater bombarded by heavy artillery has appeared in the front. The shrapnel embedded in the trees has rusted in the humid environment. The red and yellow rust water has attracted many molds. The old trees were blown up in pieces, and Cassia took care to avoid these areas and always allowed himself to move forward under the cover of the trees. But on the other side, I also carefully observed the traces of destruction formed by the battle that can be seen along the way.

Two or three hours later, Cassia stopped running at a constant speed and stood in front of a big pit. A large amount of platinum gunpowder was detonated together to open the effect, and the rock was also turned up. A large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters was piled up with a layer of warped wreckage of various weapons and airships, as well as some things that Cassia cared very much.

It was polished stone fragments, and the undamaged parts were still delicate and smooth. Not far from the big pit, Cassia saw several cut-off ancient trees. Although the section is full of vigorous young shoots, it can still be seen that the fracture is cut from the middle by a sharp weapon.

Whether it was from the fracture, the location where the tree was cut, or the weapon needed to cause such a trace, Cassia could only think of Cassie Black. The immense power and the rough giant sword that he had made for him with the wreckage of the airship armor plate when he was walking, all restored the scene at that time through the traces.

And in this wide forest, or alone in this area, those who are interested in collecting stones for polishing, it seems that only Cassie is black.

Cassia climbed up the tree to determine the direction of the airboat that had become smaller, and drove up.

"At least there is good news now. The airship is still transporting armed men, which means that Kassihei has not been captured by them." I know it is to comfort myself, but Kassia is worried about whether dragons will be found at the Imperial Observation Base. The news report goes up. If not, Cassiehe's situation is much better than he expected, and the person facing him is at least not a professional team designed to deal with this kind of thing.

The more you rush toward the direction of the airship, the more traces around you become. After a while, the dim light became bright ahead. After seven or eight empty boats burned, the scorched pontoon frames were stacked. The ground was full of large and small explosion craters, and the soil was mixed with a variety of gold bullets and blue silver bullets were all available .

The trees fell in pieces, leaving only the scorched main branches in the spreading fire. More than ten meters away, you can clearly see the traces of the unburnt of a group of vines. There is a shallow concave pit, like a well-built rest nest, like a bird. The sides of the pit were piled with various broken stones. The preservation was fairly good, and Cassia walked over, and even saw a few complete models of tactical knives under the fragments.

They are all polished layer by layer of hard ore. They are very delicate, just as good human craftsmen sculpt them with knives. Further away, following the traces of the spread of the battle, Cassia saw the huge footprints deeply imprinted on the ground, and the tip of the sword full of bullets and white marks. It was photographed by a pneumatic weapon, and the incision was accompanied by a molten mark that had cooled down.

In the afternoon, Cassia had been following the trail of landing for several hours. The battle traces are getting closer to the depths of the forest, but there is a turning point in the middle, which can be seen by connecting the traces, and the route begins to take an arc-shaped trajectory here. Only then did Cassia understand that during this period of time, it was not that Cassiehe was stuck by the people at the observation base, but that he followed the irregular rules set for him when he left. the rule of.

Without leaving the designated area, they have been in circles with people from the observation base. The team that observed the base seemed to have discovered this too, because judging from the traces of the battle in the future, their preparations have become more adequate, and they have often found Cassiehei's position well.

For a moment, feeling a lot of unspeakable feelings in his heart, Cassia opened the cross pupils and rushed towards the direction of the empty boat at full speed.

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