Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 872: Cooperation between gentlemen (1)

"The next location is the same thing." Eric said to the driver. Several new people beside him were watching him. Just now Rosa didn't care who was in the car. They will know these things in the future. thing.

"It's good to get used to it. If you are not used to it, you must force yourself to get used to it. As the special operations agency used to execute orders, we only need to stare at the order. Don't think about other things. It's very dangerous." Eric sincerely hopes that they can understand this, "If you do this, at least you are safe. For work, just follow the orders. If you can’t solve it, your superiors will deal with it. Many times, they are I didn't want us to interfere."

"Do you know the casualty rate of the special operations agency each year? Five percent, this is still in the Manoma range. The salary is very high, and the additional benefits are good, so it is accompanied by great danger. Let me talk more about it. A few words, I hope you remember your responsibilities. On the one hand, the surgeon acts as the protection of the empire. On the other hand, power can best give birth to ambition. But that can’t be called ambition, it’s called expansion. It’s empty on the outside and nothing inside, and it won’t last long. , The collapsed wreck will always cause damage."

The newcomers nodded seriously, and Eric sighed secretly. Judging from the expression, they really didn't understand.

"The words of Captain Rosa just now will rot in your stomach, if you don't want to be thrown into the underground waterway to feed rats one day."

Three hours later, the limousine reached the other end of Manoma. It appears to be quieter, a long distance away from the central area. There was a car accident, the ceremonial car smashed through the road barrier, and the front of the car plunged into the soil softened by rain. The door of the car was open, and only the driver whose head was smashed by a shot was firmly confined to the car seat by the safety belt.

The other two were found more than 100 meters away from the car. One was punctured and half of his body exploded. The other had his neck broken, leaving marks of violent struggle before death on the ground. The murderer had a brief conversation with the dead.

There was also a stab wound on the lower jaw, which was almost the same as the previous one.

"Trained fever is different." Eric looked at the sky and said, in a complicated mood. "The murderer is the same person."

"Captain, are you going back?" A few old team members walked over and asked. The scene had been surveyed. Except for the useless footprints, they didn't even find a shell.

"I can only go back, and it's time to rest." Eric greeted his people to clean up, "give you one day's rest is enough. After that, remember to find out the information from more than half a year ago and start researching from there. Something can be found."


"Three of them were implemented smoothly as planned. The remaining one fled back. It was very different from what was expected. It was with other people and the risk was high. So there was no action from the beginning. We quietly took people away." Atohuan listed the names of the three who died to Ye Jielin, "There were no deaths in personnel, but dozens of people were seriously injured. There were various protectors. If they were not accidentally attacked, I think the casualties would be It is dozens of times more than it is now. By the day tomorrow, all those involved in the operation will leave Manoma for a while, and will come back again when they receive the order."

"That's right, after the break, let them take a look around the new factories. The production machines are being transferred from Manoma one by one, let them explore the distribution of the surrounding forces. Fatty, after I go back to the family, maybe one or two. You won’t be able to leave the family within a week. In terms of information outside, you should focus on the things left behind by the dead three. If possible, find out who received them."

Atohuan agreed: "The knight attendant assessment will be coming soon, Sister Lin, you should put more energy on it. Selmer and I can handle these things. No way, Sotagon and Cassia are in By the way, Cassia recently borrowed Sotagong’s transportation route to develop arms business in some small countries. The benefits are good. Will we follow up? The land price of the frontier generation of the empire is very cheap, and the high cost is for security protection. Go. If Sister Lin has this willingness, I can immediately send someone to start the basic investigation, and Cassia can also provide experience. Finally, if a coalition can be formed, it can continue to provide us with a lot of benefit output."

"Yes. And when Cassia comes back, he must give him a timetable, when he is in school, and when he needs to go out to deal with his personal affairs. The next time he moves is not so easy, he needs his help."

Without asking Atohuan to send herself back, Ye Jielin drove back to the family alone.

Gabriel was already waiting for her in the room, and Ye Jielin was somewhat used to this situation. Just before Gabby was inside, Ye Jielin poured herself a glass of wine and sat across from Gabby.

"What good news has this time brought me? No one is following you?" Gabriel waited here for a long time. She looked at the time first, then looked up at Ye Jielin.

"Sure enough, you didn't listen to what I said. The news was transmitted back to the family almost simultaneously, and the investigation team was set up. There are several brothers and sisters of the deceased, who are not people who will take evidence seriously. Even if you leave no traces, they will pass. Forged traces in various ways. They are such people. After all, during the months when your father was about to retreat, he had drawn a lot of things from the family for you. There were only a dozen military airships in the family. Too many people want it."

"But you are very clever and rushed back to the family. At least they have the courage to make no violation of the rules inside the resident. Didn't encounter anything on the road? If you were late, I think you were put in a corpse bag, and It was brought back to the family with a perfect proof."

"Of course there is. It's just that the Weber Arms Company has always been strict in quality control. My own gift car was originally bought with more than ten times the resources."

"That's good. Apart from bringing you some news, I can't help you much. Also, don't think that your father's former men or your brothers and sisters will help you. These people are older than If you are older, you can see more thoroughly. Once the power is out of your hands, there is really no more power. They can help you solve some small problems, but now..."

Gabriel got up after drinking and said, "They all want to stay in their original positions for a while. The power of the patriarch is only slightly lower than that of the elders. Maybe they are not clean inside. People who really belong to the family must have it, but There are not too many. They can't stand a thorough course, there are also reasons why the external pressure is not so great that they are crushed together."

"As the patriarch of a huge family, you'd better not easily doubt his loyalty to the family. As the chief secretary of your father, I still see this very clearly. Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the interests of some members of the family in exchange for the future of the family. So, if possible, small problems are okay. In big incidents, consider your father to be considerate, and don’t make things too big."

"Thank you for the wine. I will come here again next time. If there is a better wine, I think I will be very happy. Maybe I will say something when I get drunk."

Ye Jielin looked at the empty cabinet, and a few wine bottles still had a strong fragrance on the tabletop. After waiting for half an hour, the door rang. She knew that the investigative team had arrived.


Cassia returned to Manoma five days later, went to the factory and discussed some things with Delya, then came to the rented house.

The indicator light on the advanced communication machine is on, with a phonograph module, which can save the calls that have not been answered within a period of time. I only got in touch with the time one day ago.

Press the button, and the electronic sound reproduces Ni Liya's voice as a bartender very well. It is gentle and magnetic, as if the mother is reading a fairy tale while a child is sleeping: "Mr. Tussos, I don’t know how long you can hear it. , But within a week from the beginning of the contact, this task is effective. In the third golden bank branch in the west of Manoma, I have stored a data with detailed information on it, which can be retrieved with only the account and password ,,,,,,"

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